Look For Your Victory

 My Child, I want you to look for Your victory. Because I’ve already created victory for you.

. . Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

Child, I always finish what I start. No matter how many times you turn away, I’ll draw you back — for I always get the glory. Defeat never brings glory; therefore, I’ve planned for you victory. So your victory is on its way.

Look for your victory
Look For Your Victory (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

It took the Israelites 40 years to reach their Promise land. But the original group didn’t make it, although I did get the glory and the victory. And I’ll get the victory and the glory in your life too.

So which group do you want in; the group that missed their victory or the group that received their victory? 

Go back and read Joshua. See how I brought their victory. But first read, in Numbers 13, how the Israelites responded to what they saw as they spied out the land. Did they expect victory?

You, My child, are responding to what you see. And you are seeing the giants of worry, fear, and defeat. just as they did. How many times have I told you, “Don’t look at what you see, instead look at Me?”

My child, you aren’t looking at your source. I am your source. Your eyes are only looking at the difficulties and the problems. That’s the same mistake of the first group of Israelites and they didn’t get to their Promise land.

This is also why you experienced defeat, because you weren’t looking for the victory. Instead you were perceiving defeat everywhere you looked. Look for your victory.

My child, know ye not yet I AM THE VICTORY? If you keep your eyes on Me, then you’ll see the victory. YOU WILL SEE THE VICTORY.

Look for your victory
Look for Your victory. (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

Now My child . .. come here to Me, rest yourself in My hands, and surrender all of yourself and your desires to Me. For I have plans for you, plans for a hope and a future, plans to prosper and not to harm you. (see Jeremiah 29:11)

Come to Me, “call on Me and I will listen to you” (Jeremiah 29:12). Then you’ll find peace in the midst of all these difficulties. I’ll give you the strength required for each task. I will give you serenity and a calm spirit, instead of the worrying and anxiety you now have. And I will encourage you with hope, instead of depression.

If you only look at what you see, then you will conclude all is lost. But I tell you, My child, all is not lost. Nothing is over, until I decide it is finished.

My child, the “good work” I start, I always finish. So trust Me, My child. And yes, I do keep ALL My promises. You can count on it.

. . .God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? Numbers 23:19

Yes, My child, I keep My word. I keep all My promises. Look at My Word, My promises, and keep them in your heart and your mind. Focus on My words for they are truth to your body and your soul. So I say unto you, “Look for your victory.”

Surrender is the key. (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

Halfway to Victory – 40 Days of Victory

Lord, I praise You for bringing me halfway to victory. Your Word has blessed me so. Because You’ve promised me all the strength I needed to resist temptation, I am stronger. You even helped me resist temptation when my favorite ice cream came to this house.

I can save it to enjoy in celebration after this 40 days of victory.

Thank you for my victory, the victory You had planned for me all along. Thank you for the victory You brought forth because of Your cross. In fact, it was Your victory over the cross that brought victory over death for all.

You are the True God of victory.

Halfway to Victory
Halfway to Victory (Photo by C.W.Coleman)

40 Days of Victory- 9 through 20

Day 9: Thank you Lord for helping me eat according to You plan for me. We are having a family Christmas celebration and You helped me make good choices.

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Day 10: Thank you Lord for helping me desire what is good for me. You are renewing my mind so I no longer desire the junk food.

Ephesians 4:22-23 That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.

Day 11: Thank you Lord for helping me eat what is sufficient for me and no more.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Day 12: Thank you Lord for helping me have self control. You are helping me reach my goal.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Day 13: Thank you Lord that I can eat traditional celebration foods for New Years Day, on The God Plan.

Philippians 1:20 According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.

Day 14: Thank you Lord for helping me choose healthy foods

Romans 8:5 For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

Day 15: Thank you Lord for these wonderful sweet satsumas, but especially the sweetness of Your Presence.

(Photo by AI)

Philippians 1:11 Being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.

Day 16: Lord, I did overeat that big satsuma. Help me to only eat what is sufficient, for instance, half of that big satsuma.

Romans 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

Day 17: Thank you Lord for me being able to order healthy take out food, no mess, no fuss.

Philippians 2: 13 For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Day 18: Thank you Lord for friends who bring supper while I am recuperating from surgery.

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly. But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Day 19: Thank you Lord for leftovers.

Matthew 14:20 so they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained.

Day 20: Thank you Lord for the freedom I have and helping me succeed halfway to victory- 40 days to victory.

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Never Give Up! (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

40 Days of Victory- Starting Over

40 Days of Victory, (a semi-fast) was the plan God and I talked about. Due to foot surgery, I’m confined to my chair for the most part. So due to inactivity, I didn’t want to gain any more weight, especially now.

In fact, I want to lose weight and focus on getting closer to God.

After the wonderful victory God gave me several years ago of losing 90 pounds, I’m ashamed to say for the past several years I have gained some back. So now it’s back to the beginning again.

Because I know God is my source for victory, I went back to Him again for weight loss counseling. After all, He is the best counselor ever. 

His Instructions:

Go back to the way I instructed you to eat in the beginning. Eat only three meals a day with half portions and no snacks at all.

There was a time when you wouldn’t have overate even one bite beyond My instructions. Get back to that. Eat how you know I told you to. Make the wise choices you know.

At your favorite places to eat out, choose vegetables and broiled meats instead of all that fried stuff. At supper cut down your serving size and lay off your sweets for a while.

This is a fasting time for you. 40 days of victory with no sweets.

Lord, I can’t do this.

Yes Child, you can do this. With My help you can defeat this enemy of yours, compulsive overeating. You can defeat this enemy that robs you of your joy, your strength, and your victory.

Child, do you want My power or your sweets? If you follow, then I will lead. But you must be willing to submit, obey, and follow. Do you accept this challenge?

Yes Sir. But Lord, I need Your help. I can’t do this on my own.

But Child, know I am here with you. I will help you.

Now for your homework assignment- Find, search out 40 scriptures, affirmations to feed your spirit, your mind, and your soul, one for each day.

Photo by Rachel Strong on Unsplash

So I began with Day 1, two days before my birthday. No problem. At least that’s what I thought. Made it two days, then my sweet husband came in with a small birthday cake and ice cream. Sigh. 

For future reference, any time you decide to go on a fast or sem-fast, be sure to inform your family. He was so proud to give me that cake. He was smiling as he handed it to me.

I thought, “Oh Lord. what do I do now? He bought me that cake. Do I eat it or just tell him I started a semi fast of only 3 meals, no snacks, or desserts for 40 days? Do I hurt his feelings? He’s so happy to give me that cake and ice cream. What do I do?

Hubby was smiling so big about it. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. So I ate it. Yep, I ate it. but I only ate one ice cream. What would you do?

40 days of victory

Later I’m lying awake in the middle of the night talking to God about it. I felt so guilty. But I just couldn’t hurt Hubby’s feelings.

Here’s how this conversation went:

So Lord, it’s me and You. The house is all quiet. What do You say?

Child, I love you.

Lord, You knew all about this cake before I wrote about “40 Days of Victory”. Hubby was smiling so big at his surprise gift.

(Check out this link to previous 40 Days of Victory-https://talkingtomyweightlosscounselor.com/40-days-of-victory-2/)

Child, he loves you.

Yes Lord, I praise You for this man you gave me. When Hubby gave me that cake, he was expressing his love for me.

Child, it was not just a dessert. Instead, it was a gift of love. Rejoice in his love.

So do I start over again? What about the upcoming Christmas family gathering? Should I just wait until after Christmas to begin?

Lord, I decided I will start over because I do want total victory. And I want a closer relationship with You too. As a matter of fact, I know the sweets I could have now are nothing compared to the sweetness I have in Your Presence. So I will start over.

My deepest desire is to have more of Your Presence in my life. Also, I want all my children and grandchildren to have a real relationship with You. That’s the most important thing I’m praying for now.

In fact, that’s the most important decision one can make in life- to choose a relationship with You, Lord Jesus, Almighty God, and Holy Spirit.

Child, I’m going to work this all out for your good. Then, you will emerge from this journey victorious over food addiction, and overflowing with My Holy Spirit.

In fact, the fragrance of My Holy Spirit over you will be so sweet it’ll attract others to you. Then you will be able to share My love with them. See how that works.

I bless you so you can bless others. It’s all part of My plan.

Feed On This – 40 Days of Victory

Day 1: Thank you Lord for telling me, “It is a gift, not dessert, accept it in love”.

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Matthew 6:10

Day 2: Thank you Lord for removing the guilt from me. Instead, You granted me peace.

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1

40 Days Of Victory

40 Days of Victory

Lord, is it possible? During this season of holidays, is it possible that I could have 40 days of victory?

Today, I’m giving you the gift of “Victory” over food addiction.

And yes you can, with My help, you can do all things. But you must submit and obey Me in all things. Starting over again today, begin to obey all you know to be true.

But Lord, I’m not sure I can now. I’ve messed up so much.

Yes Child, you can. But you must be willing to fight. Fight to eat correctly and fight to achieve your dreams and goals. You must fight to pray and to redeem your time.

And if you submit to Me in all things and obey as I lead you, then success and victory will follow. For I AM success and victory.

But Lord, what do I do?

40 Days of Victory
God will help you success in Victory.

His Instructions:

Go back to the way I instructed you to eat. Eat only three meals a day with half portions and no snacks at all.

There was a time when you wouldn’t have overate even one bite beyond My instructions. Get back to that. Eat how you know I told you to. Make the wise choices you know.

At your favorite places to eat out, choose vegetables and broiled meats instead of all that fried stuff. At supper cut down your serving size and lay off your sweets for a while.

This will be a fasting time for you. 40 days of victory with no sweets.

Lord, I can’t do this.

Yes Child, you can do this. With My help you can defeat this enemy of yours, compulsive overeating. Because of My Presence on your side, you can defeat this enemy that robs you of your joy, your strength, and your victory.

Child, do you want My power or your sweets?

Oh Lord, I want Your power. But what about Christmas?

Child, Christmas is to celebrate My birth. Today, you can have a new birth yourself. Do you want a new birth?

Yes Sir.

Then be willing to do as I say.

Yes Sir.

If you follow, then I will lead. But you must be willing to submit, obey, and follow. Do you accept this challenge?

Yes Sir. But Lord, I need Your help. Because I can’t do this on my own.

But Child, know I am here with you. In fact, I will always help you.

To begin with, for your homework assignment- Find, search out 40 scriptures, affirmations to feed your spirit, your mind, and your soul, one for each day.

Yes Sir.

Victory Affirmation for Today- Day 1

Now you have every grace and blessing. Every spiritual gift and POWER for doing His will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:7 TLB

You can do this, My child, for I AM with you. After all, I have already given you all the “POWER” you need for your victory and your success.

Victory Affirmation for Day 2

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Remember, My Child, I have already provided for you all the strength you need. In fact, have already created your victory.

Temptation, Lord Help Me

TemptationsTemptation, everywhere I look. Lord help me. Forgive my stupid sins. Help me to please You in all I do, don’t do, say, don’t say, eat, don’t eat, and even what I think, or don’t think. Fill me with a greater desire for You versus anything else, even my food. Let me feed on You Presence. Thanks for loving me even though I don’t deserve it.

Uh Lord, . . . were You ever tempted by food? Continue reading Temptation, Lord Help Me

New Day of Victory

Today’s a new day of victory for you, My child. In fact, you’re going to have both new victory and new strength through My power.

After all, it’s the power of My shed blood that gives My children victory. Self is your greatest enemy and it’s My blood that defeats your enemy. 

Now come to Me. Allow Me to control your “self”. Give yourself to Me. Then I can set you free with more freedom and more victory than you ever thought possible. 

Here I am, Lord. I give my “self” to You. Do with me as you please. Only help me tonight when the gluttony monster shows up.

Child, watch and see what I do. Today is a new day of victory for you.  This victory is guaranteed through total surrender. Now surrender your “self” and it’s fleshly desires for gratification to Me. As you surrender, I will increase your strength with My strength. Thereby increasing your victory. See, your victory is guaranteed through the power of My victory. 


But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.            1 Corinthians 15:57 NKJV 

Before you do anything, put yourself totally in God and not in yourself. Then every plan you make will succeed. Proverbs 16: 3 TPT

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”  Mark 9:23 NKJV 


Thank you Lord. So far, it’s been seven (7/40) days of victory both in my eating and the routine of life. Everyday has been a new day of victory throughout this week. Now I’ve lost three pounds while eating in submission to Your will instead of mine. In addition to weight loss, I’ve experienced other blessings as well. Too many to list here. Thank you Lord for granting me your love and mercy, a second chance with a victory life.


Victorious – All Mine Are Victorious, Including You.

“Victorious, all of Mine are victorious, including you.”

Lord, I overate last night. Why? Why am I doing this? I don’t want this behavior, I want to walk in total victory to show others how You give victory. Today I feel like a hypocrite. I’m so embarrassed before You.

Child, not only can you not control others, but you can’t control yourself either. So why do you keep trying? Just let go and trust Me. When was the last time you waited before eating to seek My will?

Uh. . . .

If you wait, listen for My voice to guide  you, and walk in My directions for your day, then you will have victory. Quit holding on to what is not good for you, whether it’s unnecessary food, worry, doubt, or fear.  Let go of all that is in your hand. Allow Me to take this weight of burdens heavy on your back.  Give it all to Me. Do you remember your goals for this year, trust, listen, wait, let go, and pray?

Child, it seems you have wandered off the path and gotten distracted by many things. Fix your eyes and your heart on Me for I am your King and your Source of all you need, whether it’s finances, strength, wisdom, peace, or even faith. I can provide all you need.

For now, just focus on the joy of My Presence and allow Me to take care of all the rest of your concerns. If you focus on My Presence, you will be filled with My joy and that can enable you to survive the struggles of life. Being filled with My joy guarantees joy victory no matter the circumstances for I am victory. I delight in bringing victory to what looks like defeat. To the world My cross looked like defeat, but to Me, My cross brought victory, for I am victory.  I love you, child, and I give to you the gift of victory, victory over your sins, victory over defeat, victory over worry, and victory over fear. I am victorious, therefore all of Mine are victorious, including you. 10-14-16 072

 Don’t look at what you see, instead look at Me.  How many times have I spoke to  you about this? 

Uh. . . .

When your eyes are on the circumstances, you see overwhelming mountains of possible defeats everywhere you look. But when your eyes are on Me, you see My victory and therefore your victory as well. For I freely give to those I love, who are Mine, a life of victory no matter the circumstances.

Yes, there is victory even in death. The world sees death as the end of life, but through Me, death is the beginning of life.

Yes, there is even victory in suffering.

Lord, that’s one I question You about. How can there be victory in suffering?

Child, I am there with them, right by their side. I am closer to those suffering than those who are not. For I suffered the greatest suffering on My cross and I know their pain. Therefore I am closer to those suffering and I hold them in  My arms until I take them home to be with Me in Paradise. They are the victorious.

Lord, I’m ashamed because I  struggle with cake, ice cream, and cookies. Oh, and credit cards too. Please forgive my silly , whiney, stupid ways. Help me to follow You completely in all I say and do. Renew my mind so it seeks Your will above all else, for nothing else matters. Only You matter. Lord, I want more of You.

Child, the way to get more of Me is to give yourself to Me completely. Allow Me to have control of all of you. Give up your dreams, your wishes, and your desires. Desire Me above all else, and I will take care of all else.

Here I am Lord. I give myself to You. Do with me as You wish. Fill my heart  and my mind with Yourself. I want to be Yours.


But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.     
1 Corinthians 15:57
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all.
1 Chronicles 29:11
So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?”  1 Corinthians 15:54-55

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:4
