Tag Archives: God’s amazing love.

I Am Afraid

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What are yhou afraid of?

What are you afraid of?

Child, what are you afraid of?

Lord I am afraid the world is going crazy. Our leaders are crooked and I’m not sure I trust the ones that are supposed to be helping our USA. We are in trouble.

Our land is being invaded. Twenty-five of our states are taking a stand to protect themselves because they know they can’t depend on the leaders we have now to protect them. We have so many corrupt leaders now.There’s a war in the Middle East, I saw pictures/videos of what those Hamas did. It’s beyond my comprehension how one group of humans could be so evil to another group. And it seems as though a lot of people have now turned against the victim country that was attacked and supporting the evil attackers. Lord that is crazy. Has the world gone crazy? Is the world now overran by evil everywhere?

And all over the world, your people, the Christians are being put in prison, rejected by their families, beaten or even slaughtered because they love you. It seems the world is full of hate and evil.  Is there any good out there?

Child, I am good. Because I am love, I will win over evil, all evil. And yes, that is why I told you to withdraw from all media, both social and your news sources too. For I knew it would be overwhelming to you. Now I tell you again, “Don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me. Don’t be afraid.” For I am the answer to all your questions.

Lord, why don’t you just evaporate all those evil ones who kill, steal, and destroy  as Satan wants them to? It wouldn’t take me long, especially to those who harm innocent children, and babies.

Child that’s why you’re not God and I AM The time for judgement will come soon enough. But I love those evil ones too, just as I love you.  

But lord, why? They deserve death, a death just as horrible as they committed.

My child, all deserve death, even you. No one can be good enough to escape death, just as no one can deserve forgiveness.  Remember how I was on that cross, how I ask my Father to forgive them for they know not what they do. It’s the same today, Evil people believe the lies of Satan who tells them to kill, steal, and destroy. Because those actions give him pleasure and delight when he beholds my children committing such atrocities.

Victory Over Fear

I am a God of love and forgiveness, not killing or destruction. I do not wipe out the evil ones because I’m giving them time to repent and turn from evil. Even so, they will suffer the consequences of their choices and actions. Because for every action there is an equal reaction. (look up)

Indeed I came to offer all of mankind, including the evil ones, hope for a new life, eternal life. It’s up to each one to choose whom they will serve.

But Lord, what about the suffering and killing of the innocents?

Child there has always been suffering and killing of the innocents ever since sin entered into the world I created. For instance, Able was the first innocent to be murdered. And it has continued on since. Evil has sought to rule the world.

But what evil does not realize is that I will win. I always win. That was the whole purpose of the cross, to bring victory over evil and death. Yes, the innocents have been suffering from the evil ones since the beginning of time. But rest assured, I have each innocent one with me to suffer no more.

Those evil ones, unless they turn from their evil and repent, will suffer all throughout eternity. Remember, I provided for them a choice for forgiveness. But they chose to turn away from my offer of love and forgiveness. So they made their choice for eternal damnation. They made their choice.Now Child, rest your mind in peace. Do not be afraid. Don’t you know that I hold you and all yours in my hand. I will work out all things in your life for your good. As long as you seek my guidance, I will personally lead you to the victory I’ve already planned for you. Now quit worrying and go to sleep, let your body and mind rest in my peace.

I love you, my child.

I love you too, my Lord. Help me to please you in all I do, say, eat, drink, and even my thoughts too.Thank you Lord for loving me. I don’t deserve it.


Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you. Deuternomy 31:8

In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.      Psalms 94:19

For God Has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but  of power, love, and self discipline. 2 Timothy 1:8 


I Am Your Deliverer

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I am your Deliverer

I am your Deliverer.

My Child, look to Me. For I am your Deliverer

Lord, I was stupid. Yes, I was stupid. Yesterday I ate it all and more, I remember a time when I could just eat small amounts and be satisfied.

But now Lord, I don’t know what to do anymore.

My Child, focus on Me. Seek My Presence and I will lead you to your victory. 

So Lord, how do I get this extra weight off? Continue reading

So Expect Victory

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 You said, “Expect victory.” So thank you Lord, for the peace and relief I feel today.

Child, I am peace. Therefore My Presence brings peace. Knowing I work out all things for My glory and your good brings peace. Overall trusting Me with your worries, your problems, and letting go takes the load off you. This brings you relief.  Continue reading

Wake Us Up: A Prayer for USA

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Wake Us Up: A Prayer for USA 

Continue reading

I Want Your Heart

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I want your heart, Child

But Lord, what do You mean? I gave You my heart long ago.

Furthermore, I want your love, your heart, your soul, and your mind. 

Lord, I know You love me just as I am. So help me love You as You desire. I’m here ready to listen. I don’t have to follow my usual morning routine. As a matter of fact, I have time to listen right now. So what would You like to talk about? Is it that person? How about that event on the news? So what do You want to talk about?

Child, I want to talk about you.

Lord, what? What about me?

I want your heart. 

Lord, You know, within myself I’m not capable of loving You like You want me to. But would You help me? I am willing. Help me love You as You deserve. I give myself to thee. Do with me as You wish.

Child, don’t be afraid for it is I. And I don’t wish you harm for I have a hope and a future for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you. 

Okay Lord, just help me please You in all I do and say. Help me to love You as You wish.

Child, I am here. 

Lord, what do You want from me?

I want to be your closest friend, your best friend, the one you confide in, the one you consult, the one you ask opinions of, the one you share your joys with, and the one you share your secrets with. I want more than just your prayer list. I’m not Santa Claus. I’m the One who loves you more than any other. And I desire to be your everything. 

Okay Lord, I want You as my best and closest friend too. Forgive me for only going to You with my prayer list, my “to do” list for You. Help me to make You my everything, my all, my closest ally. Let me find more pleasure in Your Presence versus my food pleasures, entertainment pleasures,  more than all my stuff, and even more than my family and friends.  Lord, You be my greatest pleasure and my everything. Help me to love You as You desire. You be the “head” of all my life. Help me to make You first in all and everything in my life.

Child, I want to be more than a way to reach your goals and your dreams. I want your heart and all your love. 

Of course Lord, I love You. Help me to love You as You long for me to. Overall. I want to please You with all that I am or will ever be. Thank you for loving me.



And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5 NLT 

I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God! For He has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me with in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom dressed for his wedding or a bride with her jewels. Isaiah 61:10!NLT 

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19NKJV

“My own sheep will hear my voice and I know each one, and they will follow me. I give to them the gift of eternal life and they will never be lost and no one has the power to snatch them out of my hands.” John‬ ‭10:27-28‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬



If you would like to donate to a worthy cause, please consider unborn.org. This organization provides ultrasounds to women considering an abortion. Then they can see their unborn child in the womb and hopefully choose ‘life’.  Please consider making a  donation for the unborn.

Furthermore, please know that I will NOT receive any compensation or commission for advertising this organization. However this is a cause I believe in. Click on this link for more information or to make a donation https://preborn.org


Forgiveness or Eat Your Anger

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Forgiveness or eat your anger, which will it be? Since you get to choose, which will it be?

Last week, I found this “Tips on Forgiving”  stuck in my notebooks. Don’t know where it came from, but it’s wonderful advice. Since a lot of us, me included eat our anger, I thought this paper on forgiving would be good for us to chew on.

In order to make it easier for you to read, I retyped it. After you read each each line, stop and think, “How does this apply to me?” Then ask God to show you. After all, getting free from unforgiveness also can free us from compulsive overeating, especially due to unresolved anger.


  1. Know that forgiveness is not forgetting.
  2. Know that forgiveness is a choice.
  3. Know that you have to acknowledge the pain.
  4. Know that forgiveness is incomplete unless you feel it; you must forgive them from your heart.
  5. Know that you cannot wait until you “feel like it”; you never will.
  6. Know that it is not about feelings; it is about freedom.
  7. Know that God will bring out what needs to be forgiven- if we let Him.
  8. Know that sometimes we are not MAD; we are sad and we need to process that.
  9. Know that it is natural to seek revenge; yet as believers, forgiveness is required.
  10. Know that He has already helped you to forgive- you do not need to ask again.
  11. Know that it is a hard choice to forgive- a choice of the will.
  12. Know that once you forgive- you can never again use it against them.
  13. Know that no one forgives without bearing the burden of the sin of the offender.
  14. Know that forgiveness is not for their sake; it is for your sake.
  15. Know that their response to your forgiveness is not the issue.
  16. Know that sometimes it is better to keep this forgiveness to yourself- they might not understand it.
  17. Know that you can forgive, because you have been forgiven.
  18. Know how to forgive much and ask forgiveness more.
  19. Know that to forgive yourself is to final realize that He really does love you.

           This little card with the butterfly and angel pinned to it was a gift form two of my grandaughters. I love it. Enjoy the message.

          Also below is a picture of a cross stitch piece of 1st Corinthians 13 bought from an estate sale.

The overwhelming message of I Corinthians 13 is all about love. After all, couldn’t we all use more love? Couldn’t we all give more love? In fact, it states that the greatest gift of all is love. Once you forgive others you are free to love, including to love yourself.

Isn’t it wonderful how God loves us? Certainly He never gives up on us , either. He forgives us, even though we don’t deserve it. I know I don’t. How about you? Have you ever asked for His forgiveness?  If not, why not now?

Just talk to Him for yourself, “Lord, I’ve messed up. I know You died for my sins, and I believe You rose from the dead, so I could live too. Would You forgive me and help me clean up all the mess-ups of my life? Come live in my heart. Help me to live for You.”

His forgiveness will lift the weight off your shoulders. Your body size may stay the same, but your heart will be fuller and your step will be lighter. Let me know how it went.

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 NKJV 

Amazing Love, How Can It Be?

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Amazing love, how can it be? Why do You love me Lord? I certainly don’t deserve Your love. After all, we both know how I am.

I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently will find Me.       Proverbs 8:17

Lord, above all else I need You in My life. Without You I’m nothing, but a mess. Would You guide me, lead me, and help me follow Your will for today? How about being in control of my whole life, all of me? I’ve been trying to handle these struggles of life on my own and I’m so tired.

Create in me a clean heart and a steadfast spirit. Psalm 51:10

Would You grant me a testimony of Your delivering power so others will know You can deliver them too. I want them all to know of Your amazing love. Then let each one of them also have their own testimony of Your delivering power, so we can help each other. Also I want my size 10 pants back.

Child, you will have those size 10 pants back. And you are a testimony of My love. I love you just as you are. After all you can’t earn My love for I freely give it to those who desire My love. 

Thank you Lord for loving me. I know I don’t deserve it.


Child, I hear your prayers and your heart cries. I see. I know. All is well between us for My forgiveness is freely given , not earned. Don’t worry about trying to deserve or achieve My love for I freely give it without strings attached and without demanding repayment, or recompense. I repeat, there is nothing you can do to earn My love. It’s a free gift and I give it to those who seek it. Now I give it to you. 

Thank you Lord.

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

Child of Mine, I always finish what I start no matter how many steps you take backwards. I still finish what I start, always, even My work in you.