Tag Archives: losing weight

Trust Me Child

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Trust Me Child.

Trust Me Child in blind faith. As you yield yourself to me, I’ll set you free from all your bondages, overeating, scales, and especially the bondage of performance based self-approval. 


Yes, you only approve of yourself when you perceive yourself doing all things right. Therefore you only approve of yourself on those days you succeed at following all your self-created rules of performance.

Then on other days when you don’t succeed at following your own rules, you perceive yourself a failure. But none of My children are failures. Of course they are all strugglers and learners, but never failures.

It’s because I’m holding on to and teaching each one just as I am teaching you now. And each one will gain their victory just as you will gain your victory too.

Cease striving and know that I am God . . . Psalms 46:10 NASB

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, “Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13

When you depend on yourself-inflicted rules, you fail. Because you’ll never achieve perfection in life, in obedience, or even in your food choices. But when you depend on My guidance, then I can lead you to inner peace and victory.

As a matter of fact, I can take your so-called failures and turn them around for your good and My glory. Now to begin this victory journey, read My Word for encouragement and instructions. Then you can see what I speak to you Myself through My words.

God, the Master, the Holy One of Israel, has this solemn counsel: “Your salvation requires you to turn back to Me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on Me- the very thing you’ve been willing to do. . . . Isaiah 30:15 Message

In great trouble I cried to the Lord and He answered me; from the depths of death, I called, and Lord, You heard me! Jonah 2:2 TLB

Lord, Jonah was trapped in that fish. Now I’m trapped in this food addiction and I’m crying out to You. Help me! Would you deliver me from Myself?

Yes Child, I’m here for you. And I’ll help you. In fact, I’m helping you now. And you’re going to break free from this, for I have ordained it. I’m here to set you free. 

“Victory is Mine,” saith the Lord. And I intend for you to have victory as well. In fact, I intend for all of Mine to walk in victory, for I am victory. Therefore victory is yours too. So you will never be a failure to Me. 

Now go forth and walk in your victory today.A new day of victory

Yes Sir. Thank you Lord. Help me to follow and obey Your will in all things, in all ways, my actions, words, and thoughts, even to what I eat.

Renew my mind. Make it Yours. Create in me a clean heart and a steadfast spirit. I want to be steadfast to follow Your will in all things

        Then the Lord ordered the fish to spit Jonah out onto the beach.                    Jonah 2:2

Without a doubt Child, you’re going to be free from your trap of self-inflicted bondage too, for I have ordered it to release you as well. Now watch and see how I work out all things for your good and My glory. So trust Me Child.

Thank you Lord, Praise you Jesus.

Trust Me Child, Because today is a day of victory for you.


Eating With God

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Eating with God, why did I stop eating as God instructed me? Back then I lost over 90 pounds (2014) as I ate in submission to how God led. At the beginning of that weight loss I ate only 3 meals a day for 40 days. Then the Lord led me to cut my food portions in half. It seemed so easy back then. At that time I was 62 years old.

Then . . . Don’t we always have a ‘then’.  So. . .  after three years of maintaining weight loss, I went back to my old habits and old ways. . . Then. . . This resulted in significant weight gain.

Romans 8:28 and trust

So I started talking to my weight loss counselor, God, again. And my goal is to eat in submission to His instructions, only three meals a day with half portions and nothing else.

During my previous experience of losing 90 pounds I had felt God’s Presence so strong. But now eating only three meals a day seems like a major struggle.

I do want God’s Presence with me all the time. The problem is I find so much pleasure and comfort in food.  I’m guilty of turning to food versus God just to deal with stresses of life.

So much bad news on television, riots, protests, CV-19, politicians arguing, and my church closed twice due to a CV-19 breakout. (Although now its’ open.) In addition to all this mess, I’m staying home most of the time with minimal social life,  except for my part time job.

Instead of seeking God’s Presence through all of this, I’m guilty of eating treats and zoning out on social media. So in addition to my initial weight gain, I’m now dealing with another 10 pounds gained during the shut-down.

Eating with god

Lord, I need Your help. Could I start over again with a new commitment to eat before You in obedience? Could I have another chance?

Child, I cautioned, rather impressed upon you not to eat that extra serving of no-carb pizza. But you got it anyway. 

Yes Sir. (Hanging my head down.)

It’s the surrender of your heart I desire. You want to lose weight, but I’m more interested in your heart. Now are you willing to start over again if that is what I lead you to do?

Yes Sir.

Then do so, for I intend to do a work in your heart that you’re unable to comprehend for now. 

Yes Sir. Thank you Lord for Your mercy.


May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation- the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ. Philippians 1: 11 NLT

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV 

Eating with God at work

At work, just before lunchbreak. Still eating with God.

Never thought I’d look like this at Christmas, wearing a mask in public. But praise God, He’s helped me lose 14 pounds so far. More to go. And it feels like freedom, eating with God, in submission to His will. Also my clothes are getting loose too. Praise God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit.

Merry Christmas! God’s Presence brings us peace, freedom, and goodwill to all men!

Romans 8:28 and Trust

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I’m learning about Romans 8:28 and trust. Here’s how the conversation went:

Lord, the scales went up even though I only ate broiled seafood (notice- broiled, not fried like I love it) , 2 cups of gumbo with no rice (notice- no rice), 2 rice cakes (notice- with nothing spread on them), one small satsuma, and one small apple. That’s all I ate all day long and yet the scales went up.

Now Lord, I ask You, how can that cause a one pound weight gain?Romans 8:28 and trust

Child, yesterday you drank no water and had very little activity. I’m teaching you.

Well Lord, . . . what am I learning?

Child, you’re learning about Romans 8:28 and trust. Both yesterday and today you ate past full. You chose to eat past full. When you don’t follow instructions, you get what you get.

Consequences always come from all decisions. Whether they are good consequences or bad, there are always consequences to every decision. Weigh your thoughts and consider your consequences.

Today focus on following the eating plan I gave you: 1) Wait until hunger before eating. 2) Seek My guidance concerning your food choices. 3) Trust and obey My instructions. 4) Stop eating before you reach full. 

Your desire is to lose weight, but My desire is to teach you about Roman 8:28 and trust. Trust and obey. Throughout this process I am teaching you how to trust and look to Me. 

Learn this now and when a crisis comes you will know how to come through victorious. Now today focus on the words and instructions I have already given to you. You will have victory today for I have already ordained it. 

Yes Sir. Thank you Sir. Forgive me for my complaining and choosing to go against Your instructions. Help me to focus on Your will, to trust and obey You in all things even with the food I eat and how much I eat.Trust

Romans 8:28 and Trust

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMP

What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 AMP

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us]. Romans 8:37 AMP




Scales Went Down. Wow!

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Last Friday, the scales went down. Wow! It’s a miracle! During two days I ate three meals with chicken & dumplings, green bean casserole, and squash casserole. And I actually lost weight. Wow! That’s not what I expected! But if I can, then you can too.

On Wednesday and Thursday of last week, I had two different groups of ladies to come eat a meal with me. Yes, that’s what I served them. So much for low-calorie food. I was going for large volume with lower cost to serve 16 ladies. Even though I ate small portions, I never expected to lose weight. Wow!

Scales went down

This looks gross. I know. That way you won’t be tempted to want some. Good.

Child, I told you that if you seek My will and follow My advice, then you’d lose weight.

Wow! Lord, it’s amazing! Last week after having chicken and dumplings for three different meals, I actually lost weight. I can’t believe it.

Child, you sought My advice. Then you listened to My instructions for your portion size. Child, why do you doubt Me? For I know exactly what I’m doing. After all, I’m The Creator.

I created food, although you enjoy mixing up my natural ingredients with other stuff. I also created you body and I know not only what you should eat and not eat, but I also know how much you should eat.

So even if it’s not considered a “diet” food, (chicken & dumplings) if you follow My advice concerning portions size, you will still benefit with weight loss. The key to your success is to seek My will first, then listen to My guidance, trust Me to know what is best and then follow how I lead you. 

Remember that fruit and vegetable diet you tried a few years ago. You ate natural foods, but still gained weight. You gained 5 lbs. in a week. Volume eating of oranges was not good for your body even though it is a natural fruit. 

At that time, you weren’t seeking My advice. Instead you were trying every man-created diet of the month. 

Child, it’s better that  you seek My advice and follow My instructions for I know what is best for your body.

Okay Lord, but now I have two pots of chicken and dumplings left. What do I do with them?

Note: I gave them away. But I’m still amazed that the scales went down 2lbs. Wow!







     Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He wil lead you in every decison you make. Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore Him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong. Proverbs 3:5-7 TPT

The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11 NKJV



Break This Cycle

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So Lord, what can I do to break this cycle of losing weight, binge eat, gaining weight, experience sorrow, repent, lose weight, binge, and repeat again?

Child, I’ll break this cycle for you.

But Lord, how? What can I do? Continue reading

Semi-Fasting – Help Me Understand.

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Semi-fasting – Lord, help me understand. For one thing, why am I not losing weight? Given that I’ve only been eating one main meal a day for several days now, I should be losing weight. But I’m at a standstill. In fact I haven’t lost any weight? Why? I did drink milk for breakfast and have soup for the remaining meal. Those scales are staying the same.  Lord, I do want to lose weight and it’s just not happening. Help me understand what is going on with my body. Continue reading

Breakthrough! Praise God!

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Breakthrough! At last, hallelujah! Breakthrough! Last week we decided to break out and run away to the Smoky Mountains. Voted Tuesday. Then we left for Gatlinburg, Tennessee to look at leaves.

Before we left, I weighed myself. “Lord, help me lose weight on this trip.” On past trips I usually gained weight. But previously this month, I made a vow to God. “Lord, if You will help me, I’ll only eat three meals a day, half portions, no snacks, and (big sacrifice) . . . no desserts for 40 days.”

All this year I’ve been maintaining, but with a previous gain of 30 lb.  +/-  from last winter. Can’t seem to break this weight gain. Got to have a breakthrough of some kind. If only He would help me, maybe I can get back to where I once was?  Back in the weight loss land of victory. . . size 10.

“Lord, help me lose weight on this trip. I don’t want to gain more and I really want to be used by You.”  On the way there, I confessed to Hubby, “I wished I had never disobeyed God, how He told me to eat. He told me back then, to eat only three meals a day, half portions, and no snacks.”

After I wore those size 10s for almost two years, I went back to my old way of eating and gained 30lbs. back. “Now look at me. I’m an embarrassment to God. After He delivered me with a 90 lbs. weight loss, what did I do? Go back to my old ways. Wish I never did that. Now it’s hard. My body wants to keep everything I feed it, no matter what.”

“They say once you get older, (I’m now 65.) it’s harder to lose weight. Guess I’m there now. My body won’t let it go. Just can’t get breakthrough. I’m stuck at this weight, at this size. Why, why did I backslide? Why?”

The next morning, I cried out to God, “Lord, I want to be used by You to help others.”

Then you must be broken. I use always use broken people.

“What? . . . Okay Lord, break me. Help me be willing to be used however You see fit. Just no pain please, I don’t like pain.”

The first day, we went to Cades Cove. Beautiful. Have you ever just felt like you could breathe easier looking at all God’s beautiful creation? It was gorgeous. Words cannot express the beauty, everywhere you look.

On the way there,  mountain streams were flowing and splashing. Beautiful. Just breathe and relax.

Beautiful Mountain Streams

While there, we ate out a lot. God helped me keep my vow to Him. Ate only three meals, half portions (for the most part), no snacks, and certainly no desserts. It was a real struggle. One restaurant in Pigeon Forge, The Mill, brought us so much food, even Hubby couldn’t eat all his. I heard one lady while standing in line, tell another, “You get ready to eat now.”

She was right. To begin with, they brought us a small bowl of corn chowder (ate it all). Then they brought us a side salad (ate it all). After that, the entree, along with two sides. I had ordered chicken pot pie (ate half of it). It came with two sides. They brought a large bowl of green beans and a sweet potato (didn’t eat either of those, got a take-out instead). Also included was a dessert (didn’t eat any of it, another take-out for Hubby later). The next evening we ate our leftovers for supper, saved some money.

The morning after we arrived back at home, I stood before the scales. Then God spoke to my heart, “Come spend time with Me first.”  And what did I do? Stood on the scales. Lost less than a pound. What? After all that food I passed up? After all I didn’t eat? How could this be?

Then I remembered how God wanted time with me first. Oh. . .  “Lord, I’m sorry. Again I hurt Your feelings. You wanted time with me and I chose the scales first. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” Thinking, “Well, at least I kept my vow.”

Last Sunday, bought sweets from Senior Choir bake sale. Didn’t eat any. None. Then on Monday, had grandkids over. They ate popcorn. I didn’t. All those sweets and snacks. I looked at them Monday night and thought, “What’s the use?” Looked at them again. “Nope, I’m going to keep my promise to God this time.”

The following Tuesday morning, I looked at the scales. Then I walked away. “It doesn’t matter what the scales say. My relationship with my Lord is more important. He’ll be first today.” Then I went to my prayer spot for personal time with Him. Today He will be first.

Later, after I had cooked breakfast for Hubby, I weighed before eating breakfast. Wow! Breakthrough! LOST TWO POUNDS! Haven’t been this weight since last March. Praise You Lord!


So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness. Hebrews 4:16 TPT

Gaze upon Him, join your life with His, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again. When I had nothing, desperate and defeated, I cried out to the Lord and He heard me, bringing HIs miracle- deliverance when I needed it the most.”  Psalms 34:5-6 TPT


Below are some advertisements. They have some really good deals for you. Check them out. After all, now’s the time to order for Christmas. Just think, you can do your Christmas shopping from your chair. If you order from these links, I’ll receive a small commission. So thanks, Debbie

Carter’s – Check out this link for a special on children’s clothes.

Academy Sports– For those sports minded people on your Christmas list.

JCPenney – for everyone on your Christmas list.

Belk – This is one of my favorite stores. Just in time for Christmas shopping.

Anticipated New Beginning With Expectation

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Lord, is it possible to have a new beginning with You again? Could You forgive me about last nights ice cream? Oh, and the cookies, chips, nuts, and granola bar too. Please forgive me for last night’s binge. And, thank you the scales didn’t go up this morning. That’s a sure miracle. Your mercy amazes me, especially with all my mess-ups. and backsliding.

My friend has been fasting in prayer for her brother who’s sick. She’s lost noticeable weight and looks good too. Yes, I do want to lose more weight, but I also want to maintain the fullness of Your Presence. I want to feel victorious so I can pray without feeling ashamed due to my own sins of gluttony. It’s my desire to make You proud as I eat in submission to Your will. You know what’s best for my body and I trust You. I just have a weakness resisting pleasure food. Help me, allow me to start over again with You.

Child, I’m the God of many second chances. I died so that you (and others too) could be cleansed and delivered from ALL sins. I died so that you could enter into the Almighty Presence of God. None is worthy. No, not one. It’s only because of the price I paid, the shedding of My blood as a sacrifice – the price I gave freely so that you and others could enter in My Presence. 

Lord, how can I make You proud?

Love Me, seek Me, and trust Me. Listen and obey, for there is no other way. There’s much truth in that child’s song. Let the little children lead you. Behold, how easily they trust and love. You should do the same. Follow their example. There’s much truth in the saying, “The little children shall lead them.”

Okay Lord, I’ll try. But I need Your guidance. How do You want me to eat so I can be a testimony of Your forgiveness and Your delivering power?  Others who are struggling need to know You can deliver them, especially when what they need is deliverance from their own selves? That’s what causes most of all my problems- self, myself.

Lord, do You want me to eat only two meals a day or just three meals a day, give up all desserts, or just give all my favorite pleasure foods? Do I wait until I am physically hungry to eat? Do I only eat half portions? Should I get hungry and stay hungry?

Yesterday I started out with intentions to eating only two meals. Then I got real hungry and ate past full. Later last night, I rationalized that ice cream could be my third meal. Well, we both know where that led to – another binge. I should have drank something instead.

Now I’m at another bottom with my weight. This is the biggest I’ve since 2014. I want my size 10 pants back. Where do You want me with my eating and my weight? Help me obey You and eat what is good for this body You gave me. I want to become stronger, both physically and spiritually, mentally too.

Child, as You seek My will for your eating, some days you’ll be led to eat only two meals, and some days three meals. Occasionally, I may lead you to eat no meals. Each day will be a new beginning. These new beginnings won’t be the same as a new beginning after a binge, but a new day of learning to trust Me and walking in My will.

I want you to learn how to trust, listen, and then obey as I lead you. With each new day as you practice these skills, You will grow stronger. Again, your focus is not to follow rules, but instead your focus will be to deny yourself and follow Me. I want you to learn how to deny yourself and become stronger in My Presence. When your self is completely defeated, then your victory is achieved. Self is your enemy. You must learn and become efficient in defeating self.

This watermelon weighs 190 pounds. Thank you Lord, that’s more than me!

Thank you Lord for talking with me and giving me Your instructions yet another time in my struggles with this food addiction. I’m amazed over Your mercy and Your love toward me. You have shown me yet another time of mercy.  This I know, I don’t deserve Your love. I can’t earn it, but I want it. Thank you for loving me. Help me to please You in every way that I am or ever will be.


                        . . . do not worry about your life, what you will eat nor about the body, what you will put on. Life is more than food and the body is more than clothing. Luke 12:22-23. 

. . . choose life, . . . that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life . . . Deuteronomy 30: 19-20

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. 2 John 1:3 

Why Can’t I Eat What I Want Now?

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Lord, what do You want me to eat today? While this past week I thought I was following Your directions . . . except for a few desserts. Since I gained 2 pounds, I’m at a loss. Lord, I want to give up and just eat everything. Why can’t I eat what I want now? And eat it all. Why can’t I?

Even though I want to eat everything, I know this won’t help my situation. So would You please help me with food selection? Now tell me, do I try to semi-fast for 40 days? Rather should I give up desserts since that’s my problem?

Child, you haven’t succeeded yet with fasting your social media or eating after supper. So what do you want? Do you want more instructions, or rather more rules?  Rules that you know you won’t follow?

Oh Lord, I don’t know. All I do know is that I want my size 10 pants back. How do I get them back? What can I do to make these scales go down instead of up? Why can’t I have my size 10’s and eat everything I want? Why can’t I?

You have much to learn. 

Lord, at my age, you’d think I would already know what I need to know.

Child, you are only beginning to learn. Now what do you want more, those size 10 pants, or My Presence?

Lord, I know what the correct answer should be. But I really want my size 10 pants back?

Ahhh, . . . what I have here is an honest child.

Lord, I might as well tell You the truth. You already know all things, so why lie to You? Can You help me? Will You help me?

Child, I’m going to do more than that. You watch and see. 

There is more to come and more to come off too. And I’m not just talking about your weight. There is more to come off of you, My child, characteristics, habits, wrong thoughts, and bad attitudes, not to mention your selfishness. I am going to change you completely in all ways.

Lord, I’m scared. After all, I don’t like pain and this sounds painful.

Trust Me, My child. Doubt, that’s the first thing you are going to lose. Doubt.


For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Roman 8: 5

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

You see, every child of God overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world. So who are the conquerors, defeating its power? Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5: 4,5 The Passion Translation

Got Plastered/ Holy 30 Devotional- Day 29 & 30

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Lord, is there any hope for me? I must confess, but You saw what I did and You know. Yesterday, I got plastered, yes plastered, by my drug of choice- food. (*See note at end.)

I choose to be a vegetable yesterday, not eat vegetables, but BE a vegetable. I sat in my chair all day, watched movies , grazed in the kitchen (or my chair), and got plastered on everything I could find to eat. It’s a good thing I was too lazy to go to the store for more. Otherwise, it would have been worse.

Lord, I was so bummed out over this dog situation. I’m never praying for You to send a dog again.

Yes, be careful what you pray for. Sometimes I do give you exactly what you ask for even though it’s not the best for you, just to let you learn what is not best for you. 

You asked for a dog that your husband would like. I sent you a manly dog, tough and macho. Your husband liked him, but you always had that underlying slight fear, especially when you read those bad reports about this breed. 

You feared for your grandchildren feeding this dog while you were gone on your trip, which I orchestrated by the way. But I told you then, that I had shut the mouth of a lion. Then I asked did you not think I could shut the mouth of a dog too?

Yes, that gave you peace, but you can’t deny the relief you felt when you returned and saw all was safe. This dog is leaving your home because I will not have My children living in fear, no matter how unwarranted it is. Child, sometimes fear is a good thing if it is wisdom disguised as fear. But sometimes fear is sent to distract My children from My will and My love for them. Then they take their eyes off of Me and get their eyes focused on their fear instead. Didn’t one of your Presidents say these words? “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.” 

Yes, I’m giving this dog a new home, rest assured. Then you can focus on what’s left, your husband, your family, your home, the “grand-dog”, and your new assignment.

Yes, I did lead your friend to send you a text of encouragement about her earning four stars in four days, a star for each day of eating in submission to My will. Do you remember how I led you to write that?

Yes Sir.

Now I want you to return back to your starting mark again, specifically the START OVER mark. Return back to My Presence and start over again. You will return to eating food that is beneficial to your body and turn away from this useless, unnecessary food. You will also learn a new way of cooking to benefit your husband. He will lose weight too. Oh, and the grand-dog, Willow, will lose weight as well. Remember how the vet told you that the best thing you can do for this dog is to stop feeding him.

I say stop over feeding him, your husband, your family, and especially yourself. Extra food is not your friend. No, it is your enemy. Extra food steals your victory and leaves you defeated and discouraged. So why do you run to food for comfort?

Now today is a new day. No longer will you say, “I got plastered.” No longer will you turn to food for comfort. Now walk in the path I have prepared for you, which by the way does not include your television. 

Note: This post was written earlier this week. For more information, see the previous post. This post is part two of that story.

At this time life is so much better. Eating is under God’s control now. He is a good God and patient too.

The pit bull was adopted by some relatives of one of our friends. They have 3 acres of land for him to run in. We only have a small suburban yard. His new family stays in contact with me about how’s he doing. They even sent me pictures. It seems all is happy especially the dog.


Holy 30 Devotional

**This short devotional, “Holy 30” (See picture of Day 29 & Day 30) is based on I Peter 1:16. First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner published this devotional. I didn’t write any of it, but I do have permission to share it with you. These are the last two entries of this devotional.

If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website:    http://www.fbtc.org/ . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastors. Enjoy them, I do.

This is the last of the Holy 30 devotional.

Be blessed My Friend,