God Will Make You Strong

My Child, I intend to make you strong. Yes, you will be strong indeed. 

Lord, how will you make me strong? Help me, for I have no power within myself.

Ahhh, . . . Now that’s the first step toward My power. Admit you have no strength within yourself. 

Now do you believe, really believe I can give you strength? 

Lord, You are my only hope for I know I have no strength or power on my own. None at all.

Child, do you believe, really believe, I can help you? 

Lord, You are my only hope for I know I

Why Are You Despondent?

Child, why are you despondent? It’s because you’re looking around at what you see. You aren’t looking to Me.

Lord, I want Your Presence. I want my prayers answered. You are my only hope. So forgive me. Help me to love You with all My heart, soul, mind, and spirit.

Lord, I’m so confused about life in general. It seems there’s so much heartache, so much struggle, and so many hurting. But Lord, I know You are our only hope. You are our only hope.

I guess I just want to sit in my room, pray, read Your Word, and withdraw from life outside. Yesterday, instead of victory, all I seemed to feel was just sadness.

As I look around  all I see is disappointment, heartache, coldness of others and death, even the shooting of children. Lord, all these families are greiving due to unnessary death caused by the hate of another.

Child, look at the miracle of your friends. Both were on ventilators and at the edge of life. But now, both are out enjoying their lives to the fullest. 

Child, mainly what you’re looking at is your self. You feel trapped in your life curcumstances. But I have already arranged yur freedom. So rejoice. Hold yur head up high. For I have already arranged your freedom from sin. Isn’t that the heaviest weight of despair there is? 

Yes Sir. What about . . . ?

Child, how many times have I told you? Don’t look at what you see. Instead, look at Me. 

Many times, Lord. Many times.

This is why you are desponsant today. Because you’re looking around at waht you see. Now I tell you, come to Me when you are despondant.

As a matter of fact, when despondant, start listing things to thank Me for. Count yur blessings. Name them one by one. Count your blessings. See what God has done.

It’s so easy for you to get caught up in despair at what you see. But open your eyes and see the blessings I’ve sent your way. 

Even when you are despondant at your job, count your blessings. Then you can watch as I turn all things around for I intend to do just that – turn all things around.

Yes, your hope is not a man, but I can use a man for Mu purpose and My glory. So keep your eyes on Me. Then watch and see what I will do. 

I am a God of victory and I always win. No matter what you see.

Lord, how is a school shooting You winning? How is My friend sufferings from cancer You winning? What about  those I love living in defeat and suffering, how is that winning? What about horrific storms destroying everything in it’s path, you winnng? What about wars, and allowing evil men to go through killing and torturing innocents?

I don’t understand. Guess I’ll never undersatand. But Lord, I need hope. Otherwise, it’s easy to get caught up in complete despair.  Help me to see and behold Your victory.

Child, open your eyes to see My victory. Right now all you see is the blaring loud headlines. They don’t tell you of victories achieved. Satan wants you in despair. Therefore all he presents is defeat, despair and despondency.

I want you to see My victory. See the many victories


Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance. Jude 2

Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him and He will respond to us as surely as the coming of the dawn or the rain of early Spring. Hosea 6:3 

I Am Afraid


What are yhou afraid of?
What are you afraid of?

Child, what are you afraid of?

Lord I am afraid the world is going crazy. Our leaders are crooked and I’m not sure I trust the ones that are supposed to be helping our USA. We are in trouble.

Our land is being invaded. Twenty-five of our states are taking a stand to protect themselves because they know they can’t depend on the leaders we have now to protect them. We have so many corrupt leaders now.There’s a war in the Middle East, I saw pictures/videos of what those Hamas did. It’s beyond my comprehension how one group of humans could be so evil to another group. And it seems as though a lot of people have now turned against the victim country that was attacked and supporting the evil attackers. Lord that is crazy. Has the world gone crazy? Is the world now overran by evil everywhere?

And all over the world, your people, the Christians are being put in prison, rejected by their families, beaten or even slaughtered because they love you. It seems the world is full of hate and evil.  Is there any good out there?

Child, I am good. Because I am love, I will win over evil, all evil. And yes, that is why I told you to withdraw from all media, both social and your news sources too. For I knew it would be overwhelming to you. Now I tell you again, “Don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me. Don’t be afraid.” For I am the answer to all your questions.

Lord, why don’t you just evaporate all those evil ones who kill, steal, and destroy  as Satan wants them to? It wouldn’t take me long, especially to those who harm innocent children, and babies.

Child that’s why you’re not God and I AM The time for judgement will come soon enough. But I love those evil ones too, just as I love you.  

But lord, why? They deserve death, a death just as horrible as they committed.

My child, all deserve death, even you. No one can be good enough to escape death, just as no one can deserve forgiveness.  Remember how I was on that cross, how I ask my Father to forgive them for they know not what they do. It’s the same today, Evil people believe the lies of Satan who tells them to kill, steal, and destroy. Because those actions give him pleasure and delight when he beholds my children committing such atrocities.

Victory Over Fear

I am a God of love and forgiveness, not killing or destruction. I do not wipe out the evil ones because I’m giving them time to repent and turn from evil. Even so, they will suffer the consequences of their choices and actions. Because for every action there is an equal reaction. (look up)

Indeed I came to offer all of mankind, including the evil ones, hope for a new life, eternal life. It’s up to each one to choose whom they will serve.

But Lord, what about the suffering and killing of the innocents?

Child there has always been suffering and killing of the innocents ever since sin entered into the world I created. For instance, Able was the first innocent to be murdered. And it has continued on since. Evil has sought to rule the world.

But what evil does not realize is that I will win. I always win. That was the whole purpose of the cross, to bring victory over evil and death. Yes, the innocents have been suffering from the evil ones since the beginning of time. But rest assured, I have each innocent one with me to suffer no more.

Those evil ones, unless they turn from their evil and repent, will suffer all throughout eternity. Remember, I provided for them a choice for forgiveness. But they chose to turn away from my offer of love and forgiveness. So they made their choice for eternal damnation. They made their choice.Now Child, rest your mind in peace. Do not be afraid. Don’t you know that I hold you and all yours in my hand. I will work out all things in your life for your good. As long as you seek my guidance, I will personally lead you to the victory I’ve already planned for you. Now quit worrying and go to sleep, let your body and mind rest in my peace.

I love you, my child.

I love you too, my Lord. Help me to please you in all I do, say, eat, drink, and even my thoughts too.Thank you Lord for loving me. I don’t deserve it.


Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you. Deuternomy 31:8

In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.      Psalms 94:19

For God Has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but  of power, love, and self discipline. 2 Timothy 1:8 


Eating The Way God Instructed

This week I decided to go back to eating the way God instructed me back in 2013-14 when I lost 91 pounds. . . Unfortunately, over time, I went back to my old bad habits and regined some back. Ugh.

(Picture by Deborah Crocker)

So, after looking at that horrible number on my scales, I asked God’s forgiveness for going my own way versus His instructions. Also, I asked for strength to return back to His instructions for my weight loss.

I let ya’ll know how it went for this past week at the end of this article. 

Thursday night, Hubby and I, along with his friends went to the Mission of Hope, a Christian drug rehab. Hubby and his friends played gospel bluegrass for them. Afterwards, we went to eat supper at Sonny’s Bar B Q. We ate around 8pm. 

Yes, I know it’s too late to eat supper. But we left for the Mission of Hope shortly after we got home from work. So it’s either eat late or none at all. Since Hubby’s friends were going, we went along.

Because it was so late, I choose to order only a sweet potato, not a whole meal. Hubby ordered the Chicken Wing basket. My sweet potato was so small and pitiful looking, Hubby gave me two of his chicken wings. He offered more, but I declined. 

But oh my, how I wanted more! So I asked God for strength. Then I ate nothing else that evening. Thank you Lord. For someone who struggles with a food addiction, this is a major victory.

Then today, while running errands, Hubby decides he wants Mexican food for lunch. That’s another major struggle for me. Those chips and salsa, oh no! Now that’s temptation. 

So I ordered my favorite, Victoria Bowl. But I asked them to leave out the rice. I don’t need rice. Maybe that’ll save a few calories. Also, I asked for guacamole on the side. I hate the stuff, but Hubby loves it. So I gave it to him. 

As for the chips, I only ate six. Twelve was considered one serving on a previous diet plan I tried long ago. So today, I’ll only eat six, but with lots of salsa. I love that stuff, don’t you?

{Picture by Deborah Crocker}

As a matter of fact I pour salsa on everything. I always ask for a second bottle just so I can pour it all over my food. The picture below is my half portion to take home later.

This gives a whole different meaning to the verse about “deny yourself”. Because it feels like exactly what I’m doing, denying myself. Sigh. But I’m seeking God’s help and direction. So I must follow how He leads. If I feel convicted about something, I stop and seek direction. 

Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follw Me. Luke 9:23

          I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye. Psalms 32:8 

But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. Corinthians 9:27 

So far. I’ve lost 8 pounds this past week due to eating the way God instructed me. Thank you Lord for success and victory. It’s probably water weight, but I’m thrilled about it. Thank you Lord for victory.

(Picture by Deborah Crocker)
(Picture by Deborah Crocker)

If You Listen

Child, if you listen and obey My instructions, then you will have success in your weight loss struggles. In fact, if you listen and follow My instructions, you will have victory in all areas of your life.
Today, with My help, My strength, and My power, you will gain your victory. After all with Me on your side, all things are possible.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
Child of Mine, you can eat less. You can even fast according to My instructions for you. Child, if you listen and follow My instructions, today will be a day of victory. And you get to choose.
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:7
Child, when the thought to overeat first comes, resist the devil and he will flee.
“For the Lord is a sun and a shield, the Lord will give grace and glory. No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” Psalms 84:11
Child, as long as you walk in My will I will be your shield. If you listen and follow My instructions, then I will provide to you all the strength you need to resist temptation.

With My power, you can resist the temptations of the devil and he will flee from you. Also, as you sing your praises unto Me, he will leave. He can’t stand to hear praises toward Me, so he leaves.
Resist the devil, and he will flee. You can win this battle for I am with you, and I am on your side. In fact I will guarantee your victory if you follow My instructions for I am on your side and I always win. Therefore, you win.
I guarantee you, if you listen and obey, you will have success. If you submit your food choices and your life choices too, then I will lead you to your life victory and success over defeat
“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

(Picture by Deborah Crocker)

Talking To God

Picture by Deborah Crocker

I start each day talking to God about many things. But mostly I talk to Him about my weight struggles, my excessive debt, and the stresses of life. Also I pray for the many needs of others and in general the condition of the world.

Throughout the years I’ve written my prayers. This helped me maintain focus. And it also provided me a release from my stresses. After all, God is a great listener.

To begin with, I’d write my concerns, questions, and then I write His answers to my questions just as they came into my heart..

This blog will contain some of those conversations I’ve had with God about my constant struggle with my weight, my compulsive overeating, and seeking His wisdom concerning my excessive debt.

(Picture by Deborah Crocker)

I’ve gained, lost, and regained over 60 lbs. several times throughout my lifetime. A few years ago, I lost over 90 lbs. just eating the way God instructed me to. Then I gained some of it back. Sigh.

And my debt is embarrassing, I won’t tell you how many times I have paid off debt only to run it back up again.

So now I’m in the process of again surrendering these addictions, both of excess food and accessive use of credit cards to God’s control. Also, I have arranged two accountability partners that I text daily.

Over all, I’m asking God to grant me wisdom and I know He’ll give me the victory. After all, He promises in His Word that if you ask, He will give you more wisdom.

And I certainly need more wisdom. What about you? Could you use more wisdom too?

I believe that God speaks to all of His children in different ways. With me, He speaks both in my heart and in my prayer writings.

Picture by Deborah Crocker

If you’ve never experienced God’s Presence, you should just start talking to God for yourself. And if you listen for His voice, He will speak to you too. I highly recommend it for your peace of mind. In fact, God’s Presence brings peace and assurance.

It’s my hope and prayer that my conversations with God will encourage and bless you throughout your own journey. I hope that you’ll start talking to God about your concerns too. He’ll speak to your heart as you seek HIm..

By the way, if You have a prayer need, send me an email. (debbiejean2010@att.net) I might not send you a reply, but this I do promise: I will pray.

Try Talking To God For Yourself

Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of My salvation; my God will hear me. Micah 7:7 NKJV

. . . He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you. Isaiah 30:19 NKJV

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5 NLT

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27 NJKV
Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry and He will say, “Here I am” . . . Isaiah 58:9 NKJV

What Do You Want In Life?

My Child, what do you want in life?

What do you want in life
What do you want in life?

To begin with, Lord, I want more of You. And, I want to feel good about myself, instead of feeling embarrassed at my weight gain.

Also , I want my debt paid off.  And especially I want to be a good influence for my children and grandchildren so they will know to choose You.

My Child, I can give you all that. 

But Lord, how?

Follow Me.

Already, Child, you know how to diet and lose weight. But you lack steadfastness and endurance. Also you need inner strength. Only I can can increase your inner strength, endurance,  and steadfastness.

Also Child, you need supernatural intervention with your finances. But I can provide you with wisdom, abundant wisdom. Previously, you made unwise choices without seeking My guidance.

But know this, as you look to Me, I’ll provide you with abundant wisdom to make wise financial choices.  I will guide you to financial freedom. 

So what else do you want?

Lord, I need more time. I can’t get it all done. Most of the time, I feel too tired to finsih my “to do” list.

Time, My Child, hmmm. So you need more time. To begin with, know your time is more valuable than money. You can always gain more money. But lost time can never be regained. So choose wisely how you use your time.

Before you begin your day seek My will first. Then listen and follow as I lead you.

Most of all Lord, I need more of Your Presence.

You like to track your steps toward a goal. Now turn all your steps toward Me. 

But Lord, how?

First, pray withour ceasing. Second, feed on My Word. Feed your spirit, not your body. Overall focus on My Presence throughout your day. 

Talk to me all throughout your day. And seek My will over every choice you make. Then yield yourself as I lead you to My will.

Then as you feed your spirit, you will grown stronger in My Presence.

At this time, you focus more on feeeding your body and neglect to feed your spirit. I say, “Feed your spirit and your body will fall in line with My will and your freedom.

Child, I choose you. Now you choose Me. Then at the end of each day, you’ll be pleased and amazed at your success. 

Finally, as you walk in My Presence throughout each day, you will behold a miracle- YOU. 

What Brings Abundant Life?

For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.  Luke 11:10 NLT

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16 NLT

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 NKJV

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul propers. 3 John 1:2 NKJV

May the Lord give you increase moe and your children. Psalm 115:14 NKJV



Sinkhole Of Defeat


God will help you out of the sinkhole of defeat.
God will help you out of the sinkhole of defeat. (Picture by Deborah Crocker)

Here I am in a sinkhole of defeat. Lord, can you help me? Is there any more hope for me?

Child, I am your hope and your victory.  So follow My instructions in all things and in all your ways. Then you’ll be blessed and you will succeed in victory.

Lord, can You help me?

Yes My Child, watch and see what I will do. It’ll be surprising to you.

Lord, forgive my many failures. Overall I’ve failed You in so many ways, so many times. Help me follow Your will in all my ways, words, actions, what I eat, drink, and even what I think.

Furthermore, just renew my mind and make it Yours. Because I want to do right.

Child, I know. But you can do right. As you lean on Me, I’ll help you. It is in My power and My love that you will find strength. So, as you make Me a priority in your life, I will help you succeeed.

God willl deliver you out of the sinkhole of defeat
God willl deliver you out of the sinkhole of defeat. (Picture by Deborah Crocker)

Indeed, I’m going to start a new chapter in your life. Today, I’m going to refill you and refresh you with My Holy Spirit. In fact, it’s not a new church you need, it’s a new re-filling of My Holy Spirit you need.

Today is a new day, another new beginning. Child, I am here for you. With My help, you can do all things. Just focus on this one day. Walk in My instructions. Walk in My will for you today.

God will help yu out of the sinkhole of defeat.
God will help you out of the sinkhole of defeat. (Picture by Deborah Crocker)

Lord, help me.

Child, I will help you. In fact, I’m helping you now. I haven’t given up on you. So don’t you give up on you. As you look to Me, I will help you. As you obey My will for you, I will help you.

Lord, please don’t shut the door on me. Yesterday, I dreamed of a door shutting on me.

Child, when I shut a door, I always open a window. I have not shut the door on your dreams. But I have shut the door on your failures.

Now as you begin to walk in My will, you will walk in your victory today.
 In fact, those past failures are gone forever. As long as you keep your eyes on Me, you will walk in victory.

Lord, is this true?

Child, it is truth. As long as you look to Me, I’ll pull you out of this sinkhole of defeat you now find yourself in.

Look to Me for your victory. Because I hold both it and you in My hands. So look to Me. After all, My victory over the cross and death opens the road to your victory.

Yes Sir. Thank you Lord.

Child, never give up. Because I’ll never give up on you. So don’t you give up on you. After all I love you and I believe in you. Therefore, you can do this. Because with My help, you can do all things. So believe in Me and My power to save you from yourself.

Never Give up
Never Give Up – (Picture by Alexis Crocker)

Because I’m on your side, all things are possible, even your weight loss and a life of victory.

Yes Sir. Thank you Lord for not giving up on me.

Child, I never give up on Mine. Remember the story of the one lost lamb out of the ninety-nine. I’ll never give up. Because I will always look for and save those who realize they are lost and look for Me.

As they look for Me, I will be found by them and I will save them. Then I can pull them out of their sinkhole of defeat and misery too.

Thank you Lord.

Feed On This

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with
God; for with God all things are possible. Mark 10:27

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? . . . I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:4,7 

Insteaqd, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God – truly righteous and holy. Ephesians 4:23-24

(Picture by Deborah Crocker)