Wheelchair Escapade At Christmas

Thought you would enjoy my Christmas wheelchair escapade. It’s funny and suspenseful too. So here’s how it went-

To begin with, I had foot surgery on December 9th. This has been so challenging. Imagine hopping on one foot for two weeks before Christmas, at age 72.

But at times, we’ve enjoyed the humor of the situation. So why not laugh and enjoy life. After all, laughter is the “dessert” of life. Didn’t you know that?

Hubby has been so wonderful, waiting on me hand and foot. He’s been doing triple duty, his paying job, kitchen duty at home, and laundry too. Since my wheelchair fits in the kitchen, (but not the bathroom, that’s another story), I thought I’d do him a favor and cook supper before he gets home.

Wheelchair escapade
I can get in the kitchen with my wheelchair.

We had previously discussed the night before that he would cook chili for supper. Well, . . . I thought I would surprise him. Easy, right? Yea, right.

So I roll to the refrigerator, get out the hamburger meat, put it in a large pan, and stand on one foot to turn on the stove. Then I look around for the cans of chili beans and tomatoes. Where are they?

Hmm, . . . he put them in the pantry above the dryer. Our laundry room is a hall, and we use the cabinet above as a pantry, ok.

Hmm, the hamburger meat is cooking on low, so I’ll just roll in down the hall and get those cans.

Wow! This chair fits down the hall, yea! Got six cans out by standing on one foot and then put them in my lap. And start rolling back to the kitchen. Got to the door facing. What? I’m stuck! Can’t budge!

No matter what I do, I’M STUCK! NOOOO! Hamburger meat is cooking on the stove and I’m stuck in the hall. Maybe I can call a neighbor to come get me? No, all the doors are locked. Oh Lord, help me! I can’t stay here stuck all until Hubby gets home.

And the hamburger meat is cooking. Oh Lord, help me. PLEASE HELP ME!

So I roll the cans down on the floor into the kitchen. Then I grab the sides of the wheelchair and shake it back and forth. Then I push with all my might against the door facing and shake this wheelchair some more.

Finally, I break free and escape the hall. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Lord! Got free!

Chili, I cooked in a wheelchair. Yum.

So I finished cooking the chili. But this is exactly why Hubby is stressed leaving me at home by myself. He’s afraid I’ll do something stupid and hurt myself. Yea, right!

For a cute Christmas song, click below: chttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI02_UJ1C6I

All I want for Christmas this year is to stand on my own two feet.

Feed On This

A merry heart does good , like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 17:22

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4

For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught. Proverbs 3:26

40 Days of Victory- Starting Over

40 Days of Victory, (a semi-fast) was the plan God and I talked about. Due to foot surgery, I’m confined to my chair for the most part. So due to inactivity, I didn’t want to gain any more weight, especially now.

In fact, I want to lose weight and focus on getting closer to God.

After the wonderful victory God gave me several years ago of losing 90 pounds, I’m ashamed to say for the past several years I have gained some back. So now it’s back to the beginning again.

Because I know God is my source for victory, I went back to Him again for weight loss counseling. After all, He is the best counselor ever. 

His Instructions:

Go back to the way I instructed you to eat in the beginning. Eat only three meals a day with half portions and no snacks at all.

There was a time when you wouldn’t have overate even one bite beyond My instructions. Get back to that. Eat how you know I told you to. Make the wise choices you know.

At your favorite places to eat out, choose vegetables and broiled meats instead of all that fried stuff. At supper cut down your serving size and lay off your sweets for a while.

This is a fasting time for you. 40 days of victory with no sweets.

Lord, I can’t do this.

Yes Child, you can do this. With My help you can defeat this enemy of yours, compulsive overeating. You can defeat this enemy that robs you of your joy, your strength, and your victory.

Child, do you want My power or your sweets? If you follow, then I will lead. But you must be willing to submit, obey, and follow. Do you accept this challenge?

Yes Sir. But Lord, I need Your help. I can’t do this on my own.

But Child, know I am here with you. I will help you.

Now for your homework assignment- Find, search out 40 scriptures, affirmations to feed your spirit, your mind, and your soul, one for each day.

Photo by Rachel Strong on Unsplash

So I began with Day 1, two days before my birthday. No problem. At least that’s what I thought. Made it two days, then my sweet husband came in with a small birthday cake and ice cream. Sigh. 

For future reference, any time you decide to go on a fast or sem-fast, be sure to inform your family. He was so proud to give me that cake. He was smiling as he handed it to me.

I thought, “Oh Lord. what do I do now? He bought me that cake. Do I eat it or just tell him I started a semi fast of only 3 meals, no snacks, or desserts for 40 days? Do I hurt his feelings? He’s so happy to give me that cake and ice cream. What do I do?

Hubby was smiling so big about it. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. So I ate it. Yep, I ate it. but I only ate one ice cream. What would you do?

40 days of victory

Later I’m lying awake in the middle of the night talking to God about it. I felt so guilty. But I just couldn’t hurt Hubby’s feelings.

Here’s how this conversation went:

So Lord, it’s me and You. The house is all quiet. What do You say?

Child, I love you.

Lord, You knew all about this cake before I wrote about “40 Days of Victory”. Hubby was smiling so big at his surprise gift.

(Check out this link to previous 40 Days of Victory-https://talkingtomyweightlosscounselor.com/40-days-of-victory-2/)

Child, he loves you.

Yes Lord, I praise You for this man you gave me. When Hubby gave me that cake, he was expressing his love for me.

Child, it was not just a dessert. Instead, it was a gift of love. Rejoice in his love.

So do I start over again? What about the upcoming Christmas family gathering? Should I just wait until after Christmas to begin?

Lord, I decided I will start over because I do want total victory. And I want a closer relationship with You too. As a matter of fact, I know the sweets I could have now are nothing compared to the sweetness I have in Your Presence. So I will start over.

My deepest desire is to have more of Your Presence in my life. Also, I want all my children and grandchildren to have a real relationship with You. That’s the most important thing I’m praying for now.

In fact, that’s the most important decision one can make in life- to choose a relationship with You, Lord Jesus, Almighty God, and Holy Spirit.

Child, I’m going to work this all out for your good. Then, you will emerge from this journey victorious over food addiction, and overflowing with My Holy Spirit.

In fact, the fragrance of My Holy Spirit over you will be so sweet it’ll attract others to you. Then you will be able to share My love with them. See how that works.

I bless you so you can bless others. It’s all part of My plan.

Feed On This – 40 Days of Victory

Day 1: Thank you Lord for telling me, “It is a gift, not dessert, accept it in love”.

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Matthew 6:10

Day 2: Thank you Lord for removing the guilt from me. Instead, You granted me peace.

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1

40 Days Of Victory

40 Days of Victory

Lord, is it possible? During this season of holidays, is it possible that I could have 40 days of victory?

Today, I’m giving you the gift of “Victory” over food addiction.

And yes you can, with My help, you can do all things. But you must submit and obey Me in all things. Starting over again today, begin to obey all you know to be true.

But Lord, I’m not sure I can now. I’ve messed up so much.

Yes Child, you can. But you must be willing to fight. Fight to eat correctly and fight to achieve your dreams and goals. You must fight to pray and to redeem your time.

And if you submit to Me in all things and obey as I lead you, then success and victory will follow. For I AM success and victory.

But Lord, what do I do?

40 Days of Victory
God will help you success in Victory.

His Instructions:

Go back to the way I instructed you to eat. Eat only three meals a day with half portions and no snacks at all.

There was a time when you wouldn’t have overate even one bite beyond My instructions. Get back to that. Eat how you know I told you to. Make the wise choices you know.

At your favorite places to eat out, choose vegetables and broiled meats instead of all that fried stuff. At supper cut down your serving size and lay off your sweets for a while.

This will be a fasting time for you. 40 days of victory with no sweets.

Lord, I can’t do this.

Yes Child, you can do this. With My help you can defeat this enemy of yours, compulsive overeating. Because of My Presence on your side, you can defeat this enemy that robs you of your joy, your strength, and your victory.

Child, do you want My power or your sweets?

Oh Lord, I want Your power. But what about Christmas?

Child, Christmas is to celebrate My birth. Today, you can have a new birth yourself. Do you want a new birth?

Yes Sir.

Then be willing to do as I say.

Yes Sir.

If you follow, then I will lead. But you must be willing to submit, obey, and follow. Do you accept this challenge?

Yes Sir. But Lord, I need Your help. Because I can’t do this on my own.

But Child, know I am here with you. In fact, I will always help you.

To begin with, for your homework assignment- Find, search out 40 scriptures, affirmations to feed your spirit, your mind, and your soul, one for each day.

Yes Sir.

Victory Affirmation for Today- Day 1

Now you have every grace and blessing. Every spiritual gift and POWER for doing His will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:7 TLB

You can do this, My child, for I AM with you. After all, I have already given you all the “POWER” you need for your victory and your success.

Victory Affirmation for Day 2

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Remember, My Child, I have already provided for you all the strength you need. In fact, have already created your victory.

Surrender Is The Key

Child, surrender is the key to victory and prosperity. As you surrender yourself, your heart, your dreams, and your desires I will bless you.

But Lord, I don’t know what to write.

Child, I’ll give you the words to speak, but first you must surrender all. You must feed yourself of My Holy Spirit. Before you can help others, you must first feed yourself My Word and My Presence.

Yes Sir.

Just as on a plane, the parent should put on their oxygen mask first. Then put the mask on the child next. So feed yourself and take in the breathe of My Holy Spirit. Because of Me, your victory is assured.

So take in the breathe of My Holy Spirit, My Presence first, and before all else. Then you can help others. Feed on My Word and My Presence. Then you will receive power to defeat your enemies, especially your greatest enemy, Satan.

After all, his desire is to keep you defeated and discouraged. So feed on My Word and My Presence, My Holy Spirit, for therein you will find power.

Now My Child, it’s time to clean up your own backyard, your eating habits, your heart, and your attitudes. So quit worrying about the future. Take one day at a time, one day. Make it your goal to seek My will and then follow My will. For what good is it if you ask for advice and then never follow it?

So your focus should be surrender first. Then look to Me for your instructions. Next, follow how I lead you. Surrender is the key to your victory and a successful life of victory.

Surrender. Look to Me and listen for instructions. Follow, trust, and obey how I lead you. After all your job is not a quota. Your job is surrender. That’s your focus, surrender, the first key to unlock your victory.

Yes Sir.

Child, keep your eyes on Me and your heart surrendered to me. Let go of all that is in your hand. Then open your hand to receive what I have for you. It’s beyond your expectation. Keep your eyes on Me.

As you surrender to My will (especially your food), I will make you stronger. As you let go, I will increase your strength. Now let go.

Yes Sir.

Let go of it all and come before Me, completely surrendered and empty of all that clutters your heart, and your mind. Allow Me to fill you with Myself.
Quit wishing for more time and accomplish what I tell you to do, in the time I give you.

Because I’ll give you all the time you need to accomplish all, each and every task I assign you. So seek My will each day. Then watch and see what I will do with your time. I can multiply it.

Your key to success is surrender. So therefore, surrender yourself and all you are, all your dreams, desires, and wishes. Surrender your all to Me. Then watch and see what I do.

And quit trying to figure everything out. Just focus on surrender. As you take each step in complete surrender, I’ll lead you to your own personal victory.

So My Child, quit trying on your own. Give it all to Me.

Yes sir. Lord, take it. Take me. I give myself to thee. Do with me as your wish.

Child, do not fear for I am with you. Surrender is the Key.

Feed On This:

Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. Psalms 105:4

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

Surrender is your key to victory.

To order a copy of my book, “The God Plan”. just click the link below. https://books2read.com/thegodplan

Choose This Day Whom You Serve

“Choose this day whom you serve.”  On December 6,2024, I woke up with those words in my head and got up to pray. Lord, I did waste yesterday, binge ate Christmas treats and binged watched Christmas movies.

Choose this day
Choose this day whom you serve (Photo by C.W.Coleman)

Both christmas treats and Christmas movies are not wrong. They are actually good things, Christmas pleasures. But. . . to binge on treats and movies are not. I wasted the day You gave me. I didn’t reach out to others.

There are many who are struggling now and need encouragement. You called me to be an encourager. There are many in need of prayer. You called me to be a prayer warrior. But I didn’t encourage or pray.

In fact it was a struggle to pray altogether. My mind bounced from one thing to another. I couldn’t focus on my prayers or my Bible reading. So I just ate my treats and watched my syrupy movies. As a matter of fact, I only focused on my own pleasures.

My child, I called you to a higher purpose than to watch movies and eat pleasure food. Your prayers for others are so important. Not only to help them, but they also help you as well. Reading My Word benefits yu in so many ways. It builds your spirit, sharpens your mind, strengthens you, provides you with wise instruction, and My Word gives you peace of mind. 

Eating Christmas treats are not bad in itself, but that pleasure only lasts for a short time. The pleasure of My Word lasts for an eternity. Every time you feed on My Word, you strengthen your mind and spirit.

Binge eating treats provides no strength at all. It only weakens, due to the extra weight they cause. Therefore choose healthy. Hot chocolate is nice, but water is more beneficial. Choose the best for your body.

Yesterday is gone. So what do you choose for today, your fleshy pleasures or the strength of My Presence? Why don’t you binge pray today and binge read My Word too. See how that affects your outcome for this day?

Yes Sir. Help me to focus more on You and Your Word versus my fleshy pleasures. I love you and I want to please you.

Child, I love you and I want what is best for you, My victory.

Feed On This-

Fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity, and in truth, and put away the gods. . . serve the Lord. . . choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . Joshua 24 :14,15

. . . We will serve the Lord! Joshua 24:21

Now therefore. he said, ” Put away the foreign gods which are among you and incline your heart to the Lord, God of Israel. And the people said to Joshua, “The Lord, our God,  we will serve and His voice we will obey!” Joshua 24 : 23, 24

God Will Make You Strong

My Child, I intend to make you strong. Yes, you will be strong indeed.
Lord, how will you make me strong? Help me, for I have no power within myself.
Ahhh, . . . Now that’s the first step toward My power. Admit you have no strength within yourself.
Now do you believe, really believe I can give you strength?
Lord, You are my only hope for I know I have no strength or power on my own. None at all.
Child, do you believe, really believe, I can help you?
Lord, You are my only hope.

Why Are You Despondent?

Child, why are you despondent? It’s because you’re looking around at what you see. You aren’t looking to Me.

Lord, I want Your Presence. I want my prayers answered. You are my only hope. So forgive me. Help me to love You with all My heart, soul, mind, and spirit.

Lord, I’m so confused about life in general. It seems there’s so much heartache, so much struggle, and so many hurting. But Lord, I know You are our only hope. You are our only hope.

I guess I just want to sit in my room, pray, read Your Word, and withdraw from life outside. Yesterday, instead of victory, all I seemed to feel was just sadness.

As I look around  all I see is disappointment, heartache, coldness of others and death, even the shooting of children. Lord, all these families are greiving due to unnessary death caused by the hate of another.

Child, look at the miracle of your friends. Both were on ventilators and at the edge of life. But now, both are out enjoying their lives to the fullest. 

Child, mainly what you’re looking at is your self. You feel trapped in your life curcumstances. But I have already arranged yur freedom. So rejoice. Hold yur head up high. For I have already arranged your freedom from sin. Isn’t that the heaviest weight of despair there is? 

Yes Sir. What about . . . ?

Child, how many times have I told you? Don’t look at what you see. Instead, look at Me. 

Many times, Lord. Many times.

This is why you are desponsant today. Because you’re looking around at waht you see. Now I tell you, come to Me when you are despondant.

As a matter of fact, when despondant, start listing things to thank Me for. Count yur blessings. Name them one by one. Count your blessings. See what God has done.

It’s so easy for you to get caught up in despair at what you see. But open your eyes and see the blessings I’ve sent your way. 

Even when you are despondant at your job, count your blessings. Then you can watch as I turn all things around for I intend to do just that – turn all things around.

Yes, your hope is not a man, but I can use a man for Mu purpose and My glory. So keep your eyes on Me. Then watch and see what I will do. 

I am a God of victory and I always win. No matter what you see.

Lord, how is a school shooting You winning? How is My friend sufferings from cancer You winning? What about  those I love living in defeat and suffering, how is that winning? What about horrific storms destroying everything in it’s path, you winnng? What about wars, and allowing evil men to go through killing and torturing innocents?

I don’t understand. Guess I’ll never undersatand. But Lord, I need hope. Otherwise, it’s easy to get caught up in complete despair.  Help me to see and behold Your victory.

Child, open your eyes to see My victory. Right now all you see is the blaring loud headlines. They don’t tell you of victories achieved. Satan wants you in despair. Therefore all he presents is defeat, despair and despondency.

I want you to see My victory. See the many victories


Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance. Jude 2

Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him and He will respond to us as surely as the coming of the dawn or the rain of early Spring. Hosea 6:3 

I Am Afraid


What are yhou afraid of?
What are you afraid of?

Child, what are you afraid of?

Lord I am afraid the world is going crazy. Our leaders are crooked and I’m not sure I trust the ones that are supposed to be helping our USA. We are in trouble.

Our land is being invaded. Twenty-five of our states are taking a stand to protect themselves because they know they can’t depend on the leaders we have now to protect them. We have so many corrupt leaders now.There’s a war in the Middle East, I saw pictures/videos of what those Hamas did. It’s beyond my comprehension how one group of humans could be so evil to another group. And it seems as though a lot of people have now turned against the victim country that was attacked and supporting the evil attackers. Lord that is crazy. Has the world gone crazy? Is the world now overran by evil everywhere?

And all over the world, your people, the Christians are being put in prison, rejected by their families, beaten or even slaughtered because they love you. It seems the world is full of hate and evil.  Is there any good out there?

Child, I am good. Because I am love, I will win over evil, all evil. And yes, that is why I told you to withdraw from all media, both social and your news sources too. For I knew it would be overwhelming to you. Now I tell you again, “Don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me. Don’t be afraid.” For I am the answer to all your questions.

Lord, why don’t you just evaporate all those evil ones who kill, steal, and destroy  as Satan wants them to? It wouldn’t take me long, especially to those who harm innocent children, and babies.

Child that’s why you’re not God and I AM The time for judgement will come soon enough. But I love those evil ones too, just as I love you.  

But lord, why? They deserve death, a death just as horrible as they committed.

My child, all deserve death, even you. No one can be good enough to escape death, just as no one can deserve forgiveness.  Remember how I was on that cross, how I ask my Father to forgive them for they know not what they do. It’s the same today, Evil people believe the lies of Satan who tells them to kill, steal, and destroy. Because those actions give him pleasure and delight when he beholds my children committing such atrocities.

Victory Over Fear

I am a God of love and forgiveness, not killing or destruction. I do not wipe out the evil ones because I’m giving them time to repent and turn from evil. Even so, they will suffer the consequences of their choices and actions. Because for every action there is an equal reaction. (look up)

Indeed I came to offer all of mankind, including the evil ones, hope for a new life, eternal life. It’s up to each one to choose whom they will serve.

But Lord, what about the suffering and killing of the innocents?

Child there has always been suffering and killing of the innocents ever since sin entered into the world I created. For instance, Able was the first innocent to be murdered. And it has continued on since. Evil has sought to rule the world.

But what evil does not realize is that I will win. I always win. That was the whole purpose of the cross, to bring victory over evil and death. Yes, the innocents have been suffering from the evil ones since the beginning of time. But rest assured, I have each innocent one with me to suffer no more.

Those evil ones, unless they turn from their evil and repent, will suffer all throughout eternity. Remember, I provided for them a choice for forgiveness. But they chose to turn away from my offer of love and forgiveness. So they made their choice for eternal damnation. They made their choice.Now Child, rest your mind in peace. Do not be afraid. Don’t you know that I hold you and all yours in my hand. I will work out all things in your life for your good. As long as you seek my guidance, I will personally lead you to the victory I’ve already planned for you. Now quit worrying and go to sleep, let your body and mind rest in my peace.

I love you, my child.

I love you too, my Lord. Help me to please you in all I do, say, eat, drink, and even my thoughts too.Thank you Lord for loving me. I don’t deserve it.


Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you. Deuternomy 31:8

In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.      Psalms 94:19

For God Has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but  of power, love, and self discipline. 2 Timothy 1:8 


Eating The Way God Instructed

This week I decided to go back to eating the way God instructed me back in 2013-14 when I lost 91 pounds. . . Unfortunately, over time, I went back to my old bad habits and regined some back. Ugh.

(Picture by Deborah Crocker)

So, after looking at that horrible number on my scales, I asked God’s forgiveness for going my own way versus His instructions. Also, I asked for strength to return back to His instructions for my weight loss.

I let ya’ll know how it went for this past week at the end of this article. 

Thursday night, Hubby and I, along with his friends went to the Mission of Hope, a Christian drug rehab. Hubby and his friends played gospel bluegrass for them. Afterwards, we went to eat supper at Sonny’s Bar B Q. We ate around 8pm. 

Yes, I know it’s too late to eat supper. But we left for the Mission of Hope shortly after we got home from work. So it’s either eat late or none at all. Since Hubby’s friends were going, we went along.

Because it was so late, I choose to order only a sweet potato, not a whole meal. Hubby ordered the Chicken Wing basket. My sweet potato was so small and pitiful looking, Hubby gave me two of his chicken wings. He offered more, but I declined. 

But oh my, how I wanted more! So I asked God for strength. Then I ate nothing else that evening. Thank you Lord. For someone who struggles with a food addiction, this is a major victory.

Then today, while running errands, Hubby decides he wants Mexican food for lunch. That’s another major struggle for me. Those chips and salsa, oh no! Now that’s temptation. 

So I ordered my favorite, Victoria Bowl. But I asked them to leave out the rice. I don’t need rice. Maybe that’ll save a few calories. Also, I asked for guacamole on the side. I hate the stuff, but Hubby loves it. So I gave it to him. 

As for the chips, I only ate six. Twelve was considered one serving on a previous diet plan I tried long ago. So today, I’ll only eat six, but with lots of salsa. I love that stuff, don’t you?

{Picture by Deborah Crocker}

As a matter of fact I pour salsa on everything. I always ask for a second bottle just so I can pour it all over my food. The picture below is my half portion to take home later.

This gives a whole different meaning to the verse about “deny yourself”. Because it feels like exactly what I’m doing, denying myself. Sigh. But I’m seeking God’s help and direction. So I must follow how He leads. If I feel convicted about something, I stop and seek direction. 

Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follw Me. Luke 9:23

          I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye. Psalms 32:8 

But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. Corinthians 9:27 

So far. I’ve lost 8 pounds this past week due to eating the way God instructed me. Thank you Lord for success and victory. It’s probably water weight, but I’m thrilled about it. Thank you Lord for victory.

(Picture by Deborah Crocker)
(Picture by Deborah Crocker)