Tag Archives: God’s love

Seek My Presence

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Seek My Presence

Seek My Presence

My Child, seek My Presence, rest in My love. Know I’m not a performance-based God. No, instead it’s My desire for you to seek and enjoy My Presence. So cease from your striving for perfection and enjoy My company, My Presence. 

You can never achieve even your own performance standards. So let go and just enjoy My Presence. For My Presence is sweetness for your soul. My Presence will fill you with peace and joy unspeakable. 

My love for you is not based off what you do. Instead My love for you is based off what I’ve done. You can’t earn My love by your so-called good performance. My love is freely given to you for no reason except I want to give it. I want to give you My love- not a “to do” list. I just want to love My people  and help them to know my love deep within their hearts.Seek My Presence

This is My focus- to exchange love with My people. I love them and I long for them to love Me. They’re not to strive to earn My love. After all it can’t be earned for the price is too high and no one can pay it, no matter how rich they are. But I freely give My love to each and everyone, no matter their walk in life. I am concerned over each individual. And I reach out in My love to all, to each and every single one.

People have been so beat up with all their man-created religious rules. They beat up on each other, full of judgements and accusations. Then they compare themselves to each other to measure their own performance standards. And all I want to do is love them. 

But Lord, what about all those rules You gave to Moses and all those rules in Leviticus?

Child, each one of those rules were to make their lives better and easier. Living by those rules will bring you a better life versus the concept of “do whatever you want to”. If you look at those who follow the philosophy of “do whatever makes you happy”, they are miserable.

Your victory is assured

Because of Me, your victory is assured.

Selfishness causes much heartache. The rules I gave help bring order and peace. When people do whatever makes them happy by living for their own selfish desires, it causes much pain and heartache. I knew selfishness caused misery, so I gave My rules as a gift of wisdom. 

People think if they only please themselves then they would be free to enjoy their lives in their own pleasure. But it doesn’t work that way. 

It’s only living a life in My Presence that brings true peace, joy, love, and deliverance. It’s only My love that sets people free to truly enjoy their lives.

These rules are to guide them until they come to know My love. When My Presence and My love rule over their hearts, then they won’t need to be concerned with rules, for I will lead them and guide them to an abundant free life, full of joy and peace. My love is the answer for all their questions.

I do not expect perfection from My children, for I know they are weak and frail humans. But I do long for their love.

Seek His Presence

But seek first the kingdom God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Seek the Lord while He may be found , call upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6

But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works. Psalm 73:28

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of god, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9

Lord, I Want Your Love

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Lord, I want your love. Lord, I want Your love


Lord, I want Your love. Help me to return to You as My first love, my greatest love. Help me to obey You in all my ways especially in dealing with other people and my food issues.

We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19 

What do You want me to write? Do You even want me to write? Lord, I don’t know what it is that You want for me or with me for that matter.

And I’m so concerned about all my grandchildren, and their parents too, living in the society of today. Lord, I don’t know what I can do.

Child, pray My will be done in their lives. 

Lord, help me to only speak words of affirmation, encouragement, and of Your love for them. Keep my mouth shut, clamped shut when, or if, it is full of criticism or discouragement.

Also Lord, help me to love You in a way that it pleases You. I want a real relationship with You, not just the mechanics of routine prayers and Bible reading. In fact, I want a deep relationship with You. Overall, I want Your Presence with me at all times, throughout all my life.

Lord, I want Your love.
Lord, I want Your love.
We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19 

Help me to turn away completely from this unnecessary food that so easily tempts and  entraps me to compulsively overeat.

Lord, I do want to lose weight, and I also want to help Hubby lose his extra weight too. But I don’t want him to be skinnier than me. How embarrassing that would be.

So help me to yield Myself to Thee completely and resist temptation to put my face in the feeding trough.

Child if you seek and follow My will concerning your food, you will lose weight. I will lead you and you will have success.

Also Lord, when I write my prayers, thoughts, or even the words You spoke to my heart, I always consider if this would be good to write in this blog. Lord, I want our talks to be about our relationship, not the blog. But if I am to write for the blog, then lead me and help me to organize my time schedule to write and publish.

Child, it will be so. 

Lord, I want to know You like those people who say they have a “word” from You. I want to love You like they love You. Also, I want others to see You in me and be attracted to You because of it. Help me to please You in all my ways.

We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19 
Lord, I want Your love
Lord, I want Your love.
I want a deep relationship with You as I have never had before. I want a new awakening, deep with my spirit.

Make me hungry for You. Yes, I want to be hungry for You. And I want a deeper walk with You too.

Lord, what do You want from me?

Your love, My child, I want your love. 

Lord, these people who say they have a “word” from You spend hours in reading Your Word and in prayer too. I don’t have hours due to my job and my home responsibilities.

Child, it is not your hours I want. It is your heart I want. I want your love.

We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19 
Lord, I want Your love.
Lord, I want Your love.


Healing Begins Today

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Healing begins today, Child. In fact, I’m going to use all the destruction and death you see now, even wrongful death, to bring about My healing for this land. And it begins today.Healing Begins Today

Lord, we all need You. So can You turn all this around? To begin with, we need revival. Specifically, we need a great move of Your Holy Spirit across this land.

Today, my own son plans to complete a prayer walk around his city’s courthouse. Likewise, maybe we all should do a prayer walk around our cities and throughout our land.


         He is the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even unto the end. Daniel 6:26


 To begin with Child, no matter what you see, My kingdom will never be destroyed. And My dominion will be for eternity. 

So Lord, can You turn all this around?

Yes Child, I can turn all things around and I will. Now watch and you’ll see what I will do. 


And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMP


Again Child, I tell you I’m going to use all this destruction and death, even wrongful death, to bring about healing to this land. Yes, healing begins today.

Healing Begins Today

Thank you Lord.

Yes Child, healing begins today. 

Also, I did not cause all this strife and heartache. No, Satan did for He is the cause of all destruction and death. His desire is to kill, steal, and destroy. But I am going to turn all things around. 

Lord, You’re our only hope. Only You can bring healing to hearts, broken hearts, grieving hearts, and even sick hearts.

Child, soon you will hear testimonies of those who once looted and destroyed with hearts full of anger and hate. Soon you will hear them say, “But God. But God intervened and changed my heart. Now I want to serve Him and spread forth the message of His love for mankind.”

Today healing begins. 

Lord, I look forward to hearing these testimonies. We all need to hear a good report of some kind.

First, we had CV-19. Then we witnessed unmerciful death. And then we witnessed riots full of destruction with more unmerciful deaths. Lord, it all looks hopeless.

Stay Home

But My child, wait until you see what I now will do across this land. Watch and see what I do. 

Look throughout My Word. Every time things looked hopeless for My people, I stepped in and brought  forth My victory. Every time.

So from now on, every time things look hopeless, look to Me. Remember what I’ve told you many times. “Don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me.”

Look to Me, for I am peace and joy. I am real love, love that can’t be explained. Never look to mankind for true love. They are incapable. But always look to Me, for I AM LOVE. 

When My love enters a heart completely, then a life can be changed, truly changed. 

So keep your eyes on Me and what I do. You are going to see and hear of many miracles of changed lives. Watch and see what I do.


He is the living God, world without end. His kingdom never fails. His rule continues eternally. He is a Savior and a Rescuer. He performs astonishing miracles in heaven and on earth. . .  Daniel 6:26 MSG


Child, no matter what you see, know this. I WIN. In fact I always win. So trust Me for I always win. And I am victory indeed. 


I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NIV


Yes Child, I win. Because I always win the victory. Indeed I have already won.

God's mercy

So Many Suffering

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Lord, there’s so many suffering. Do You love them? (**See note at end.)

Yes, My Child. I do love them. They have even more grace and love toward them than they know- for I am by their side.

So Many Suffering

photo by AC

One does not have more of My love than another. But one may have a greater grace extended toward them  just to make it through the hard places in their life. 

Hard places are not necessarily the result of their sins or to show off My power as I deliver them out of their hard places. No, instead hard places are just life as it is on Earth. Satan rules throughout this Earth. But I rule over everything, including Satan. Remember that fact.

There’s only one thing I will not, can not rule over. That’s man’s “free will”.

At the beginning, I gave mankind power, the keys to Earth. Then mankind through disobedience chose to give his keys to Satan. So I stepped in, but the power of good and evil had already been released. 

There’s no knowledge of good without the knowledge of evil to contrast. When they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, the knowledge of good and evil brought forth the ability to choose, free will, death, and rebellion. In other words, the knowledge of good and evil brought forth sin.

Satan brought his rebellion, hatred, and revenge to Earth, along with death and destruction. So much suffering. There are so many innocent suffering along with the guilty. It grieves My Spirit. 

That’s why I came and poured out My blood. I came to cleanse and deliver, to set free from this curse of evil.

Satan is a liar. I AM the truth. In addition I provide the one true love and grace. My love and grace is sufficient to cover ALL sin.

Soon and very soon Satan will be destroyed and he knows it. Therefore he goes about destroying all he can, bringing forth destruction and death.

My time has come. Satan and the suffering he causes will be destroyed. I AM bringing forth new life, new freedom, and complete truth. I AM all. And I AM power. Therefore I AM. 

[**Note: Being overwhelmed by all the coronavirus news, I pulled out some of my old journals. Found this entry, written Feb. 9, 2019. Even though it was written last year, I think it fits the effects of our lives this year. God is more powerful than any virus! What do you think?]


He predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to Himself as [His own] children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of His will- to the praise of His glorious grace and favor, which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved [His Son, Jesus Christ]. Ephesians 1:5-6 AMP

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3: 16,17 NKJV


Never Give Up

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“Never give up,” he said. Does it sometimes seem as though everything is going wrong? Have you ever felt like giving up?

Never give up. Remember failure is not falling down. Failure is not getting up again. And I have decided I’m getting up again. How about you?

This is a picture of my grandfather, Gardener Davis. He died in 1951. The only thing I have from him is this picture given to me by my Mother. But the greatest treasure I have from him is his statement to my Mother, which she passed on to her children, “Never Give Up.”

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God Answers Prayers for True Love

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God answers prayers for true love. But first of all, remember God’s love is the most wonderful love you will ever experience. He loved me even when I looked like this-weighing 241 pounds. Then He answered my prayers for the love of my life.

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Now Give Me Your Broken Heart For Love

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Now give Me your broken heart so I may fill it with My love. Come to Me, My child. Allow Me to hold you and heal your broken heart. Yes, you can cry. Especially cry out your pain. Release it to Me and I will heal your brokenness. 

But I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. Psalm 13:5

Lord , I can’t even believe what I did last night. I’m so ashamed. Even my friend questioned my lack of self-control. You know I have no self-control. In fact, I’ve never had self- control. So I guess I’m just an embarrassment to You. Lord, I really don’t want to be an embarrassment to You

Child, you aren’t an embarrassment. And you won’t be, for I have you covered by My Blood. 

Child,  I’m here to wash your feet.

Oh Lord, You know how dirty I am.

Child, I love you in spite of your dirty feet, dirty hands, and even your dirty face. What I long for is your heart. I want your heart. I want your desire to be more for Me rather than your sin pleasures. If only you could know the peace I could give you. After all, there is pleasure in a clean heart. Come, allow Me to cleanse your heart. Then once your heart is clean, your feet, your hands, ,and  your face will follow.

Give Me your heart. Once you fall in love with Me, your eyes will not be so enticed with the pleasures of sin. You’ll only have eyes for Me. Love Me, My child, for only I can cleanse your heart of all your hurts, pains, and disappointments.Only I can heal what is broken. Only I can restore what has been stolen by the enemy. 

Come to Me. Allow Me to hold you and heal your broken heart. Yes, you can cry now. Cry out your pain. Release it to Me and I will heal your brokenness. 

You’ve been looking for love in others. Overall, they will always disappoint you. Look to Me for perfect love for I will never disappoint you. Seek My love and you will find the one true love you have always wanted. Given that humans are incapable of the love you desire. Only I can fill that need. Come to Me.

Lord, thank you for these words of comfort and love for me. They are indeed special to my heart. I’m so sorry I’ve embarrassed You. I do so want to make You proud. Please forgive me.

Lord, I don’t want to be an example of backsliding. Instead I want to be an example of Your victory.

My child, indeed you already are one of My victories.  I love you.


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.      Romans 8:1

In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, even our faith. Romans 8:37

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

You will show me the paths of life; in Your Presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11

Got Plastered/ Holy 30 Devotional- Day 29 & 30

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Lord, is there any hope for me? I must confess, but You saw what I did and You know. Yesterday, I got plastered, yes plastered, by my drug of choice- food. (*See note at end.)

I choose to be a vegetable yesterday, not eat vegetables, but BE a vegetable. I sat in my chair all day, watched movies , grazed in the kitchen (or my chair), and got plastered on everything I could find to eat. It’s a good thing I was too lazy to go to the store for more. Otherwise, it would have been worse.

Lord, I was so bummed out over this dog situation. I’m never praying for You to send a dog again.

Yes, be careful what you pray for. Sometimes I do give you exactly what you ask for even though it’s not the best for you, just to let you learn what is not best for you. 

You asked for a dog that your husband would like. I sent you a manly dog, tough and macho. Your husband liked him, but you always had that underlying slight fear, especially when you read those bad reports about this breed. 

You feared for your grandchildren feeding this dog while you were gone on your trip, which I orchestrated by the way. But I told you then, that I had shut the mouth of a lion. Then I asked did you not think I could shut the mouth of a dog too?

Yes, that gave you peace, but you can’t deny the relief you felt when you returned and saw all was safe. This dog is leaving your home because I will not have My children living in fear, no matter how unwarranted it is. Child, sometimes fear is a good thing if it is wisdom disguised as fear. But sometimes fear is sent to distract My children from My will and My love for them. Then they take their eyes off of Me and get their eyes focused on their fear instead. Didn’t one of your Presidents say these words? “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.” 

Yes, I’m giving this dog a new home, rest assured. Then you can focus on what’s left, your husband, your family, your home, the “grand-dog”, and your new assignment.

Yes, I did lead your friend to send you a text of encouragement about her earning four stars in four days, a star for each day of eating in submission to My will. Do you remember how I led you to write that?

Yes Sir.

Now I want you to return back to your starting mark again, specifically the START OVER mark. Return back to My Presence and start over again. You will return to eating food that is beneficial to your body and turn away from this useless, unnecessary food. You will also learn a new way of cooking to benefit your husband. He will lose weight too. Oh, and the grand-dog, Willow, will lose weight as well. Remember how the vet told you that the best thing you can do for this dog is to stop feeding him.

I say stop over feeding him, your husband, your family, and especially yourself. Extra food is not your friend. No, it is your enemy. Extra food steals your victory and leaves you defeated and discouraged. So why do you run to food for comfort?

Now today is a new day. No longer will you say, “I got plastered.” No longer will you turn to food for comfort. Now walk in the path I have prepared for you, which by the way does not include your television. 

Note: This post was written earlier this week. For more information, see the previous post. This post is part two of that story.

At this time life is so much better. Eating is under God’s control now. He is a good God and patient too.

The pit bull was adopted by some relatives of one of our friends. They have 3 acres of land for him to run in. We only have a small suburban yard. His new family stays in contact with me about how’s he doing. They even sent me pictures. It seems all is happy especially the dog.


Holy 30 Devotional

**This short devotional, “Holy 30” (See picture of Day 29 & Day 30) is based on I Peter 1:16. First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner published this devotional. I didn’t write any of it, but I do have permission to share it with you. These are the last two entries of this devotional.

If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website:    http://www.fbtc.org/ . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastors. Enjoy them, I do.

This is the last of the Holy 30 devotional.

Be blessed My Friend,

Prodigals & Mountains – Holy 30 Devotional** – Day 19 & 20

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Lord, I have many mountains in my life. One is to lose weight, but the biggest mountain I have is the prodigals I love and the heartache of their choices. Lord, how can I climb that mountain? How can I let them know of my disapproval of their choices, but yet, still reassure them of my love for them?

Better than that, how can I reassure them of Your love for them without making them feel condemned and judged? Lord, I  love my prodigals more than my own life. And I know You love them more than I do, but how can I help them see that?

What is your overwhelming mountain? You know, the one that seems so impossible. Is it weight struggles? Or is it a child or grandchild you love who is making horrible choices and you know these choices will result in heartache and pain both for them and you? Is there any hope at all? Yes, with God on your side all things are possible.

Oh, and it helps to have some friends pulling for you too. Last Sunday night, I went to choir fighting to hold back tears. It was just too much to talk about. It hurt. Thank you Lord for the choir member who looked at me and said, “I feel like I should pray with you.” How wonderful it was to have her pray for me. Let me be that aware to pray for others when they are hurting.

Last Sunday morning, the preacher told a story of a daughter’s love for her Dad. She had tried to witness to him many times, but he always rejected Christ. Then she got kicked in the face by a horse. This resulted in many surgeries, but today to look at her you’d never know of her injury.  After she had healed from her injury, she again shared with her Dad the story of God’s love for him. This time because of her injury, he listened and accepted Christ. Later she said, “If it took going through all that for my Dad to accept Christ, then it was worth it.”

The preacher then asked, “What are you were willing to go through for those you love to accept Christ?” He then told us to come to the altar and talk to God about it. I went to altar and told the Lord that I was willing to die for my prodigals, whatever it took.

(This may be a cop-out, because I’m looking forward to heaven. Can’t wait. So don’t get upset with me. It seems that living’s the hard part. But God is not calling me to die, instead He is calling me to live for Him.)

After I left the altar, He spoke to my heart and asked, “Are you willing to let them go? Do you trust Me?” Oh Lord, dying is easier.  Sigh. Yes Lord, I meant it when I said I would give up anything to see them come to know You. Sigh. I trust You.

Then right before evening choir, due to many words said by others and words said by me confirming to them my disapproval of their life choices, I now had the pleasure of picking up grandchildren from school taken away from me. This was my punishment for expressing my disapproval. That’s why I went to choir fighting tears. Picking up grandbabies from school is both a pleasure and a delight. Yes, it’s better than dessert.

Isn’t it  wonderful that the Lord cared enough to pre-warn me of this? Knowing that He knew before I did gave me peace. Knowing that He cared enough to forewarn me, gave me peace. Yes, God is in control. He does know all things. Yes, I will give them all up in order that they all, both grandbabies and the prodigals, may come to know Christ, the Lord.. Thank you Lord for the assurance of knowing You knew and You are there watching over these I love so much. Thank you Lord for Your love.

Prayer: Lord, do whatever it take to bring our prodigals home to You. Thank you for loving them more than we do.Therefore, we know we can thrust You to take care of them for You have plans for them, plans not to harm them, but to prosper them. You have plans for them a hope and a future. We know You are in control and we trust You. Amen.

Our church is forming a Saturday morning prayer meeting for the lost. I’m going to pray for my prodigals. We’re going to pray for all our prodigals. There is not one family that hasn’t experienced a touch of heartache in one form or another. Therefore we are joining together to bombard heaven in behalf of our prodigals and all the prodigals of our city.

If you have a prodigal you love, form a group with others who are concerned and heartbroken over their prodigals and bombard heaven. God hears our prayers and He is in control. We can trust Him. You will fight strength in praying with others. Pray until your mountains move.


“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”  Matthew 18:20 

So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done.”  Matthew 21:21

**The short devotional, “Holy 30” (See picture of Day 19 & Day 20) is based on I Peter 1:16. First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner published this devotional. I didn’t write any of it, but I do have permission to share it with you.

If you would like some additional information about our church check out this website:    http://www.fbtc.org/ . You can also listen to some sermons from our pastors. Enjoy them, I do.


I am NOT an affiliate of Amazon. com, but I plan on it. Just haven’t taken the time to figure it out.

That’s not whats important, our prodigals are what’s important. I highly recommend these two books. Check them out on Amazon.com.  My friend gave me the first one and I cried as I read it. It’s full of stories and prayers. The second one I’m still in the process of reading. Awesome.

Rejected by Friends

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Lord, I feel so rejected by my friends. What do You want from me?

Your love.  IMG_9670

Lord, I do love You. Thank You for loving me, but I feel so unlovable now. After all I just didn’t measure up to their standards and  I can’t be what they think I should be. To change myself so I fit in their status mold, not mine, makes me feel so uneasy. After all, their mold doesn’t fit me. For instance, it feels like a tight squeezing shoe or a sock that falls down all day. I just didn’t fit in their group, but the rejection hurts.

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