Life Fasting -What’s That?

Life fasting – What’s that? A while back I read of someone going on a life-fast from sugar. To me, the dessert queen, that soundsĀ  impossible. In fact if I decided to life-fast from sugar it’d just be setting me up for failure. After all, a wise man (woman) knows her (his) limitations.

So Lord, what do I do? How do I eat now?

My Child, haven’t I’ve told you over and over, “Look to Me, seek Me, listen and follow My instructions. Focus on My will for your food and your life too.

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Cookies Of Shame

Cookies of shame, I’ve eaten them again. Not only were these cookies left over from Christmas, but they were bought at a 90% off sale after Christmas too. I thought I could just eat a few at a time. But Lord, here I am with cookie crumbs on my face. Ate too many. How do You stand me? I’m just like Esau. Only with me, it’s cookies instead of stew.

Child, I love you. And I’m not giving up on you for you are mine. I never give up on those who are Mine. You are marked with My Blood. No, you are not like Esau His heart was greedy. He wanted it all now. Jacob was cunning, but the heart of Esau was evil. He wanted power and was full of pride.

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