Tag Archives: losing weight

Losing Weight & Blessings

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He even helps with losing weight.

Day 1- Lord, I think I over ate at supper. I know I did. How will my reach my weight loss goal if I keep this up? I wanted to eat everything. It was hard not to.  I was hungry and could have inhaled it. But extra food won’t help me with losing weight. And I know I need to drink more water, but that’s hard for me too. Continue reading

Hearing From God (Not Just My Weight Loss Counselor)

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(This post is not about weight loss or counseling, but due to a request from a dear blog friend. She writes about life from the other side of the world and keeps her identity hidden. But you can check out her blog:               https://susieshy45.wordpress.com

Lord, my friend asks, “How do you hear from God?” What do I tell her?

Tell  her to listen for My quiet voice of love spoken deep within her heart. Listen for My words calling her name. Tell her to answer, “Lord, here I am,” and I will speak to her heart. I am calling her now. Tell her I never yell or scream. Tell her to listen for the still quiet voice. Tell her that I love her more than she’ll ever know. Continue reading

New Food Plan-ASK / Support Group

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I’ve been reading a lot of blogs that encourage you to share your link and connect with others. Good idea! 

A few days ago, I wrote about my latest weight loss counseling session with the Lord. He instructed me to follow a new food plan. 

First, give up my desserts for 40 days. Then the most important part, ask Him for advice before eating my meals. This new food plan is called ASK because that’s the focus, ask God first, and seek His will concerning my food plan.

Several people said they wanted to join me. That’s good, because if img_8718God delivered me of over 90 pounds (94), He’ll deliver you too. 

You must talk to my weight loss counselor. He’s the best. Highly recommended. His plan worked for me, why not you too?


For there is no partiality with God. Romans 2:11 NKJV


I share my story  because I want others to find the same victory God has graciously given to me.

After seeking God’s direction for this evening, it just occurred to me, why don’t we form a support group to encourage each other?


A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4: 12 NLT


IMG_3034No diets and no judgments, this is not a diet group. The point of this is to seek God’s will concerning your food. God has a plan for you, a plan for a hope and a future. Yes, even a food plan for you. 

We can share with one another how God is leading you to eat, but we won’t tell each other what to eat.



Post your  food plan for today (or just that you had victory today) in the comments. Write a blog post about it and post your  link so we all can connect and support each other on to victory.


Woman’s World Entry of Weight Loss (Revision- Eating Humble Pie)

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(Making revisions since I’m choking on Humble Pie.)

Humble Pie Ingredients list:

  1. Made a copy of magazine cover. Just found out I may have broke the copy write law. Not sure, but I’m removing the image anyway.
  2. I wrote the name of the magazine wrong.
  3. I don’t know why the latest picture of me came out sideways, to humble me, I guess.  On my draft it’s right.
  4. I wanted to follow your advice and emphasize how I felt after failing all diets for 41 years. Hope you approve.
  5. Someone suggested that I was comparing my greater weight loss to the woman’s weight loss in the article. You know, mine is better than yours, therefore insulting to her. I apologize. My size may be smaller, but my head got bigger. One’s weight loss is NOT greater than another. The sacrifice required to lose one pound is just as great as 90 pounds. It’s just repeated 90 times, one week at a time. God’s been so good to me, how could I get so full of pride?  Pride before the fall.

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New Food Plan

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img_9102Lord, I made a pact with another to eat no desserts for a week. I kept my promise, but I didn’t lose any weight. Well, maybe a pound.

Then the week was over and I ate a couple of mini-ice creams in one day. Gained that one pound back.

Lord, I was at a 93 pound loss and Continue reading

Blessings of New Food Plan, ASK – Day 2 & 3

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Day 2 Blessings:

1. Having granddaughters with me in church. They sat quietly too.            2. I was able to precook lunch, get myself and two little girls ready for church, and arrived on time. Wow! Miracles happen everyday.                    IMG_95893. Watching Hubby play his guitar on stage with church orchestra.                                 4. It threatened to rain out church event   at the park, but it only sprinkled a little.  5. Watching granddaughters play at the park.                                                 6.Visiting with friends and family.

Thank you Lord for the beautiful rainbow.  Continue reading

Praying Over A Broken Blog (Still Under Construction)

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Driving down the dark country road following GPS directions, I wondered . . .

It’s almost 8:30 and too late for supper. Do I stop at a fast food place down the highway? I’m not hungry, but I do need to eat something.  Earlier I considered fasting this meal? Hmmm . . . It might help me lose some weight. Lord, what do I do?

(8:23 p.m. Yes, I checked. ) Cell phone rings.

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Yep, I Feel Like A Turtle. (Blog Award)

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Yep, I Feel  like  a turtle . . .


I’ll call this my Turtle Award


I unknowingly posted about a “Spirit Animal” Blog Award. My dear friend, Rachel informed me, “There is no such thing as a spirit animal. Only the Holy Spirit can abide in us if we ask him too. He is all the wisdom we need.:)”

So true Rachel. Thank you for the reminder. I went back and made the necessary changes. The Holy Spirit (Lord) is what delivered me from obesity (over 90 pounds) and I don’t want to hurt His feelings. I owe all that I am to the Lord, Holy Spirit. I appreciate Rachel helping me realize my error. Isn’t that what true friends are for, to help us along the way.

Chape at  http://chapeblog.wordpress.com sent me the Spirit Animal award. She’s a personal trainer who encourages you to get up off the sofa and do something, anything. She has a playlist of music to move your body. Wow! How did she do that? Check out her blog for more inspiration. Very motivating.

She asked,  “If you could be an animal, which would you be?” Continue reading

Awards For Ya’ll- Free

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Several blog friends have sent me different awards over the last few months and I’ve been very slow in responding. Dear friends, I treasure each award. You honor me and I appreciate your love. I humbly ask your forgiveness.

Now I wIMG_4449ant to grant each and every one of you an award with some kisses too. But I’m changing the rules. . .

If you read my blog, thank you. If you make comments, I appreciate it. If you share or re-blog my posts,  I think I love you.

So help yourself to an award too. Just mention my blog link as a favor. You may answer the award questions if you wish. If your schedule is full like mine, just help yourself to the award without answering questions. Enjoy the fact that you are loved and I want to award you.


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Tasting His Sweetness

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Lord, I’m declaring today “Day One” of a my new maintenance plan. I want to finish losing this weight. It would be nice to say, “I’ve lost a 100 pounds,” but I know it’s just a number. Right now it seems I gained two pounds. Sigh.

My fingers are swollen and I feel fat. I weighed after my usual cups of coffee. Wait, . . .  I weighed after drinking a pot of coffee. I should have known better. Sigh. IMG_4314

img_8506Help me to walk in victory, victory in obedience to You and what You say, victory over food, and victory over the words and thoughts that pop in my head.

Lord, thank You for being my friend and helping me as I go forth. Direct me as how to please You in all I say and do. And yes, I am hungry for more of You. Teach me how to get full of You and all You have for me. Lord, fill me with Yourself.

This is my plan for my eating today, “Wait until I am hungry.” It seems logical, but Lord, I know what seems logical to us is not always logical to You. So, is this Your will for me?IMG_4304

You may try this for today.

Lord, I don’t think I’ve been overeating.  (Eat only three meals with half-servings and no snacks.) Yes, I’ve stuck to the rules, but maybe I’ve eaten too many half-servings. Too many half servings is still too much even if it is a half serving. I know two halves make a whole serving and four halves make two full servings. Sigh. . . . img_7617

Lord, I want You.

My child, I AM here.  img_8424

Lord, I want You.

I AM here.

Thank you. Lord, I want a “new” with You. Grant me a “new” beginning.  Fill me with a new filling of You. I want the sweetness of You. I have tasted the sweetness of crème filling, but I want to taste more of Your sweetness. That is sweeter.

My child, I AM here and I will fill  you with Myself. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here!            2 Corinthians 5:17

I am the Lord your God; who brought you out of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10


Remember the sweet taste of  a crème filled donut. Now take a moment to praise God for His sweetness. He is sweeter!
