What Is Success?

Child, you think success is accomplishing goals. And your focus has been on your own created goals. Do you not know yet, I have My goals for your life?

I say success is being full of My Presence and walking in My Presence. Success is being full of My Holy Spirit. Success is fulfilling all I have called you to.

What is success?
This is success. (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

You think success is your accomplishments. But I say unto you, success is not in your accomplishments. Rather success is found as you yield yourself to My will. For I do indeed have plans for you, plans to give you a hope and a future. I have plans not to harm you, but to prosper you.

You think prosperity is abundant money, having all your needs and desires for pleasure fulfilled. But no, I tell you prosperity is peace, peace of mind, heart, and soul. Prosperity is assurance that I am with you always guiding all your steps and your ways.

True success and prosperity is knowing how much I love you.

Lord, I miss the quiet days when I was able to spend more time with You.

Child, it’s not the quiet days you miss so much. Rather it’s My Presence with you that you miss. During those past quiet days at home, you focused on My Presence. Now you’re too busy with your “to do” lists, your self-created goal lists, and Your diversions of entertainment and pleasure.

You focus on secular news and lament over what you see or hear reported. You eat for pleasure. In fact you look at and focus on many different things.

But it is My Presence you need, not your accomplishments. It is My Presence you need for fulfillment.

So Lord, what am I to do?

Come to Me, all throughout your day. Not just during your morning quiet time, but all throughout your day.

And no, I will not be another item on your “to do” list, checking off your time spent with the Lord. In fact, I want to be by your side all your days, not something on your “to do” list.

Rather I want to be your Helper, your confident and your friend, In fact, I want to be your everything. Make My Presence the center of your life.

This this success.
This is success. (Photo by Deborah Crocker.)

Then you will see all the blessings I have for you instead of being frustrated over your lack of accomplishments and resenting others for theirs.

Don’t look at others ,look at Me for I will meet and fulfill all your needs. Because right now, your greatest need is peace of mind and a quiet spirit. Those can only be found in My Presence. So come to Me for I am the answer you’re seeking.

Because only I can fulfill your needs and give you a quietness within your soul, mind, and heart. That My Child, is where true peace is found, in My Presence.


Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made to God; and the peace of god, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:7

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. 2 John 1:3

Never Give Up! (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

A Special Guest Who Brought Six Extra Friends

A special guest came to our family Christmas party and He brought six of His friends with Him too. How did I feel about this extra guest? I was so excited. And I was excited about His six friends too. Was I worried I would have enough food for them all? No, not at all.

Let me explain. Our family Christmas gathering was after Christmas. Due to everyone’s different schedule, it seemed best. Also, it gave me additional time to recover after foot surgery to wait until after Christmas.

You know how so many say their family gatherings are so miserable and conflicting due to different opinions. In the middle of the night before our family gathering, I woke up worried about it..

We, like everyone else, have family members with different opinions. We also have a somewhat conflicted past of many hurts we’ve caused one another. So I woke up worried about it.

God told me to come talk to Him about it. So I got up and went to my prayer spot. There it came to me to read Psalms 24.

Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Psalms 24:7

Then He spoke to my heart, “Child, the family gathering today will be all good, for I am coming to your house. And I’ll work out all things for My glory. Therefore it’s for your good too. I’ll heal hearts today. And I’ll restore relationships too. Because I am bringing Healing and Restoration with Me when I come. I’m also bringing Peace, Joy, Love, and Forgiveness too.”

My special guest came too
You don’t see my special guest,but He was here the whole time. (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

Jesus, my special guest, is coming to my family gathering and bringing six guests too! I’m so excited! Can’t wait!

So, at our gathering, everyone had a great time. We laughed together and played games. We exchanged presents with one another. Many hugs and laughter. I’m so glad Jesus, came and brought His six friends with Him too.

My special guest came, but you don't see Him.
My special guest came, but You don’t see Him. (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

You couldn’t see them, but they showed up in everyone’s face. You could hear them in our laughter too. I’m so glad my special guests showed up. And all my family had a good time too.

I suggest you invite Jesus to your next family gathering. Maybe He’ll bring His other friends too.

Feed On This

But to You I have cried out, O Lord, and in the morning my prayer comes before You. Psalms 88:13

These things I command you, that you love one another. John 15:17

For where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

Never Give Up! (Photo by Deborah Crocker)

Surrender Is The Key

Child, surrender is the key to victory and prosperity. As you surrender yourself, your heart, your dreams, and your desires I will bless you.

But Lord, I don’t know what to write.

Child, I’ll give you the words to speak, but first you must surrender all. You must feed yourself of My Holy Spirit. Before you can help others, you must first feed yourself My Word and My Presence.

Yes Sir.

Just as on a plane, the parent should put on their oxygen mask first. Then put the mask on the child next. So feed yourself and take in the breathe of My Holy Spirit. Because of Me, your victory is assured.

So take in the breathe of My Holy Spirit, My Presence first, and before all else. Then you can help others. Feed on My Word and My Presence. Then you will receive power to defeat your enemies, especially your greatest enemy, Satan.

After all, his desire is to keep you defeated and discouraged. So feed on My Word and My Presence, My Holy Spirit, for therein you will find power.

Now My Child, it’s time to clean up your own backyard, your eating habits, your heart, and your attitudes. So quit worrying about the future. Take one day at a time, one day. Make it your goal to seek My will and then follow My will. For what good is it if you ask for advice and then never follow it?

So your focus should be surrender first. Then look to Me for your instructions. Next, follow how I lead you. Surrender is the key to your victory and a successful life of victory.

Surrender. Look to Me and listen for instructions. Follow, trust, and obey how I lead you. After all your job is not a quota. Your job is surrender. That’s your focus, surrender, the first key to unlock your victory.

Yes Sir.

Child, keep your eyes on Me and your heart surrendered to me. Let go of all that is in your hand. Then open your hand to receive what I have for you. It’s beyond your expectation. Keep your eyes on Me.

As you surrender to My will (especially your food), I will make you stronger. As you let go, I will increase your strength. Now let go.

Yes Sir.

Let go of it all and come before Me, completely surrendered and empty of all that clutters your heart, and your mind. Allow Me to fill you with Myself.
Quit wishing for more time and accomplish what I tell you to do, in the time I give you.

Because I’ll give you all the time you need to accomplish all, each and every task I assign you. So seek My will each day. Then watch and see what I will do with your time. I can multiply it.

Your key to success is surrender. So therefore, surrender yourself and all you are, all your dreams, desires, and wishes. Surrender your all to Me. Then watch and see what I do.

And quit trying to figure everything out. Just focus on surrender. As you take each step in complete surrender, I’ll lead you to your own personal victory.

So My Child, quit trying on your own. Give it all to Me.

Yes sir. Lord, take it. Take me. I give myself to thee. Do with me as your wish.

Child, do not fear for I am with you. Surrender is the Key.

Feed On This:

Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. Psalms 105:4

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

Surrender is your key to victory.

To order a copy of my book, “The God Plan”. just click the link below. https://books2read.com/thegodplan