Category Archives: Spirituality

January Victory Calendar & Hallelujahs!

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Happy New Year!

It’s a new day! It’s a new beginning! My God is a God of second chances. With this new year He is giving me more second chances.

New victory calendar

This is a link to the new Victory Calendar for January 2016. I pray it works better for you than it did for me. I have some helpful hints at the bottom of this post. Hopefully they will work for you.

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May the Force Be With You

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IMG_0709 Which way will you choose, the dark side or the side of the light?

   Choose Me and your future will be bright. I will teach you the way of the light. Then you will use the light, My light to spread forth My power for others. I am the Almighty Force. I am the Way.

Partake of My Spirit and you will reflect My glory. My child, you have heard, “May the force be with you.” I am the Force. Seek Me, the eternal Force and I will IMG_3585bring you strength and power. Use it for the good side. Use My force and My power to bring forth My will. When the Force is with you (My Power), then your future is unlimited. There is no limit for I am the Force. Go forth in My power.

I AM, therefore you will be.  

Your light saber, your sword is My Word. Use My Word to defeat your enemies, the enemies of your soul and the enemies of your future. Eat of My Word and you will be full. Fill yourself with My Spirit and the Force will be with you. Speak the language I give to you and they will hear. My glory will come.

Lord, thank you for those encouraging words. Help me to always look to You. I want to see Your glory.


Words of the Force

. . .  open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me. Acts 26:18
Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.” Mark 9:23
So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20
So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. Luke 17:6




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 Personal note:

This is a fictional story based on some facts. Several years ago while I was still teaching, I did leave our Baby Jesus on the dryer due to all my Christmas activities. Hubby worked excessive overtime that year. I rarely saw him.  Now we’re both retired, but he still complains about getting out the Christmas decorations. Continue reading

My Birthday 

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img_7258Happy Birthday to me!

Thank you Lord for a wonderful productive last year. Now I praise You in advance for my upcoming successful year. I expect 2016 to be the best year of my life with Your direction. Direct my path so that my life brings You glory, honor, and praise. Show me how I can help others find the same freedom You gave to me.

I am now 63 years old. Wow! Who’d believe God would deliver an old woman of 90+ pounds. I’m amazed that God would do this for me. After all, I do think His hands are full with all else going on in this world. But yet, my God takes the time to heal me, an old woman with a failure complex and no hope of achieving her dreams. Now I’ve learned, “With God all things are possible”, even healing an old woman from a lifetime (41 years) of food addiction.


God allowed me to fulfill my dream of writing a book.

Hubby and I choose to  celebrate my birthday early. So last night he carried me out for a candlelight dinner at an elegant restaurant. I love that man.
The food was awesome. Ya’ll know I’ll always be a foodie, even though God has delivered me from gluttony.

Below is a picture of what I carried home for another meal, more pleasure. When you only eat half a meal, you get to enjoy the other half again later. Twice the enjoyment. Two meals for the price of one. Yea!



Hubby had a big dessert and shared a bite with me. I ordered a teeny dessert.

We had a wonderful time. Hubby also ordered dessert and coffee for later. He said, “It’s your birthday, order whatever you want.” So I ordered a teeny dessert and had one bite of his. This man has been sharing his food with me since high school, 1968. A way to win a foodie’s heart is offer her food. LOL! It was wonderful to sit, enjoy a meal and conversation with the love of my life. He is a gift from God to me.

Below is two birthday cards I received from friends, but God spoke to my heart His words of love through both of them.

  A promise from my Lord:

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8

My life verse, Thank you Lord for leading me and helping me. Thank you for delivering me from myself.                            I love you, Deborah


Versatile Blogger Award

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img_7239 Thank you so much “susieshy45” for sending me this award. I am deeply honored that you thought of me. I’ve so enjoyed our friendship in Blogsville.

I enjoy reading susieshy45’s blog and recommend it to you as well. She writes from the viewpoint of a strong educated successful woman constantly learning and pursuing self-improvement through her life events. Check it out.

The rules were to select 15 nominees for this award and then tell 7 things about yourself. So here goes.

My 15 nominees for this award:


Seven facts about yourself:

  1. I believe we should all maintain a personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. I talk to Him throughout my day. After all, He’s my best friend.
  2. I’m forever indebted to Him, first for my salvation and for delivering me from 90+ pounds in my 60’s. That’s amazing to me.
  3. I am expecting the 60’s decade of my life to be the best ever. I’m looking forward to an exciting future, even if He decides I get promoted to Heaven.
  4. Speaking of which, all my friends know that I want three things in my casket: a Bible from the Dollar Store (I like to think my children or grandchildren would want one of the Bibles I’ve read from.), my cell phone (A friend asked, “Who are you going to call?” You never know. I confess I’m addicted), and a birthday cake. I’ll have a new birthday in Heaven, so why not celebrate.
  5.  I absolutely love real birthday cake with real sugar icing. I laugh at the thought of all my family and friends sitting around eating birthday cake at my funeral saying, “Debbie would really like this.” It’s my party and I’ll plan how I want it. Ha, ha!
  6. I really want to help others find the freedom that God has graciously given to me.  I don’t know how to help you understand this is for you too, except to just put it out there. I’ll be glad to come to your church and share my testimony (within a reasonable traffic distance).
  7. IMG_6985My first book, The God Plan, will be released on January 1, 2016 available through Amazon and Kindle.  I’m also going to have my first book signing event at The Venue on January 16, 2016 –  11am-2pm. I’ll have some light finger food, at least a sandwich. You know about my food issues. I’ve dreamed of writing a book since the 80’s. Some of you weren’t born then. Back in the 80’s, it came to me to write a book about the women of the Bible. I never did. Then every time I went to the Bible book store there was a book on the shelf about the women of the Bible written by someone else.

Now God has given me another chance. I had to write this book and get it published. I didn’t I want go to the book store and see my book on the shelf written by someone else.

My life scripture- – – I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8

Y’all have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a victorious Happy New Year!

God’s Blessings on you all, Deborah

Confession to Victory

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 Lord, thank you for loving me. Right now, I’m not too happy with myself. You have watched me all week. You saw it all, every bite. Yep, I’ve been taking extra bites and ended up in self-condemnation. I know I shouldn’t be so hard on myself, it was only a few extra bites. But . . . I’ve been taking these extra bites at every meal since Monday.

I said that I wouldn’t eat any dessert until Christmas Day. At the buffet, I told Hubby I wanted to feel a sense of victory, so no dessert. The waitress brought me at cup of hot decaf at no charge. Yea. I sat there with my legs crossed feeling all smug in my victory.

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Look for Your Victories

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But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.                     I Corinthians 15:57 


This is a Victory Chart to keep track of your victories during this Christmas season. We do not have to gain weight this

As you surrender to God’s will in your eating, He will grant you victory.

As you go through this month, it will amaze you at the victories God has given you.

 A reader informed me that the link for this Victory Chart on my earlier post did not work. So I decided to re-post. Use this as a tool to help keep up your food plan. Eating in surrender brings victory.

God Bless You and grant you victory, Deborah

92 Reasons I’m Thankful – 92 Pounds Gone!

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Happy Thanksgiving!


Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. Thought I’d express my thankfulness to God for 92 pounds lost and the freedom He’s given me. Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend.

On Thanksgiving Day I ate my usual three meals with half portions and  didn’t get seconds. I did have some desserts, but only in small portions. I didn’t blow my diet because I’m not on a diet.

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.           ICorinthians 15:57 NKJV

Thank you Lord,

1. that I’m not on a diet, just portion control. IMG_4304

2. that I can eat anything (within reason) I want at holiday gatherings without self-condemnation.

3. that I can have desserts, but only half servings.

4. that I have the freedom to choose what I want to eat.

5. that a prescribed diet doesn’t tell me what to eat or not eat.

5.  that a serving of dessert won’t throw me into a week-long binge like in the past when I blew the diet of the month plan.

6. that I can now eat ice cream without guilt. (about half a cup)

7. that I can even have a cookie with my ice cream. IMG_6634

8. that I can eat just one cookie.

9. that the bag of cookies no longer controls me and makes me do what I don’t want to -eat the whole bag.

10. that I no longer feel defeated by any food item. I am free. Thank you Lord.

11. that I don’t have to feel cheated or deprived when I look at the bounty on the Thanksgiving table because “the diet” tells me what I can eat. I choose.

12. that my focus wasn’t all about the Thanksgiving food.

13 that I was able to enjoy visiting with my family.

14. for my family that still loved me when I weighed 241.

15. for my family that tells me how proud they are of me.

16. that whatever I decide to wear, it makes me smile as I look in the mirror.

17. that since losing 92 pounds, I don’t have to wear something I don’t like just because it still fits.

18. that my husband tells me how good I look now.

19. that he no longer suggests I lose some weight for my health. Yea, right.

20. for his smile as he puts his arms around me.

21. that he says, “I can get my arms around you now.”

22. that I feel attractive to my husband even though I’m in my 60’s.

23. that I can wear leggings and they look good too. I just don’t have the guts to wear them out of the house. I am in my 60’s, after all.

24.. that there is a space between my upper thighs now. I never had that before.

25. that my thighs no longer rub together.

26.. that my thighs no longer get raw from rubbing together.

27. for giving me the idea of a Victory Calendar to focus on my victories instead of feeling deprived over the food I didn’t eat. victory-calendar 1 (Click here for yours.-Free)

28. that I don’t have to go to family gatherings all tense because I don’t know if there’s something I can eat on my diet. I can have anything I want now.

29. for teaching me how to eat successfully in the plan You gave me and still lose weight.

30. that You always have a good plan.

31. for the friends I have made while writing this blog.

Release date Jan. 1. You can preorder now on for Kindle. ($4.99 pre-order price)

32. for the book You allowed me to finish.

33. for seeing this project through to the finish line.

34. for helping me fulfill my dream. I’ve dreamed of writing a book since the 80’s.

35. for giving me this book assignment to write.

36. that I don’t have to feel judged by other people because of my size.

37. that I don’t have to feel judged by other people watching me eat.

38. that I can enjoy seeing the shock on their face when they realize I’m not dieting.

39. that I can have sugar. Last week I listened as someone lectured me about sugar being poison.

40. that I don’t feel threatened by the dangers of sugar. You set me free.

41. for only giving me three rules to eat by: 1. Eat only three meals. 2. No snacks. 3. Half portions.

42. that I don’t have to worry about eating “clean” for You made me clean Yourself.

43. That this has been the easiest weight loss of my life. (Maybe the longest too, but I like easy vs. quicker.)

44. that I can live with Your easy plan for my eating for the rest of my life. I’m not on a diet.

45. that I now weigh less than the day I got married.

46. that I usually wear size 10 pants. I did wear a pair of size 8 jeans to the Thanksgiving famiy gathering. Wow!IMG_7021

47. that I now wear a small top, size 10, 8, or even size 6. Amazing!

48. that I don’t feel unworthy anymore.

49. that I’m not embarrassed about my size anymore.

50. that I can wear clothes to show off my small waist.

51. for the boots that I can now zip up and wear. Before My legs were too fat for boots.

52. for spending time with me in our morning quiet time.

53. for being with me whenever I look for You.

54. for all Your encouraging words in Your Word.

56. for loving me just as I was, 241 lbs.

57. for loving me so much You wouldn’t let me stay 241.

58. for my friends that prayed for me through this journey.

59. that I don’t have to gain those famous 7-10 pounds during the holidays like the experts say I will. Putting my fingers in my ears now, “La La La La La.” I’m not listening.

60. that I don’t have to eat uncontrollably until I’m sick. You set me free.

61. that I have no more “food drunks” to sleep off.

62. that I didn’t leave my husband back in the 80’s over that candy bar. Yep, that was the biggest fight we ever had over my uncontrollable eating.

63. that he didn’t leave me over that candy bar.

64. for leading me to a life of freedom with my food.

65. for giving me a more abundant life, full of Your love.

66. that I no longer have an abundant waist, hips, or butt.

67. that I don’t need a “tummy tuck”. It shrunk.

68. that I have more energy now.

69. that my knees no longer hurt due to excessive weight.

70. that I can walk around the block without thinking I’m going to die.

71. that I don’t feel deprived if I choose not to eat dessert. I chose.

72. that Hubby called me his “trophy wife” today. He was teasing. He used to tease me about being overweight.

73. that my adult children are proud of me.

74. that my grandchildren are proud of me.

75. that I am proud of me.

76. that my closest friends are happy for my success.

77. that I feel pretty now, except for a few wrinkles.

78. I’d rather feel pretty in my old age versus my young age.

79. that I’m getting better with age. IMG_4007

80. that instead of hearing, “You need to lose some weight”, I now hear, “Don’t lose anymore.”

81. that I get to see the amazement on someone’s face at my weight loss when they haven’t seen me in a long time.

82. that I can actually feel my ribs now. I couldn’t at 241.

83. that if I suck in my breath and look in the mirror, I can see my ribs now. Never could before.

84. that while laying in bed, I can feel my hip bones. Never could before.

85. that if my husband buys me clothes for Christmas and they don’t fit, it’s not my fault.

86. that I’m free from the gluttony monster that forced me to eat uncontrollably at night.

87. that I can now sleep better because I’m not going to bed bloated from the binge

88. that You Lord are helping get stronger in dealing with my emotions.

89. that I no longer use food to sooth my emotions.

90. that I can now sing when I stressed.

91. for giving me peace.

92. for saving me, even from myself. IMG_5111



Victory Over Christmas Weight Gain

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Is this what you are expecting to look like after the holidays, full, bloated, with another 7-10 pounds gained?



Break the tradition of weight gain during the holidays. Who says you have to gain weight this Christmas season? Jesus came to break you free.

Click here to receive   your

Victory Calendar .






As you eat with a submission attitude, seek God’s wisdom with your food choices, and surrender unnecessary extra food, God will grant  you victories.

Use the Victory Calendar to write both your surrenders and your victories throughout this holiday season. Rejoice in your victories for they will be many.

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Why? What About You?

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   IMG_6788-0 Why would God deliver an old woman in her 60’s of 92 pounds? I have to ask why? Why do you think?

Could it be to show you that He is able to heal someone from obesity that has failed every diet she tried for 41 years?

Could it be to give you hope? Could He possibly do the same for you? Do you think it’s possible for you? How many years have you been trying to lose that extra weight that seems to hold on no matter what diet/ exercise program you try? Continue reading