Temptation, Lord Help Me

TemptationsTemptation, everywhere I look. Lord help me. Forgive my stupid sins. Help me to please You in all I do, don’t do, say, don’t say, eat, don’t eat, and even what I think, or don’t think. Fill me with a greater desire for You versus anything else, even my food. Let me feed on You Presence. Thanks for loving me even though I don’t deserve it.

Uh Lord, . . . were You ever tempted by food? Continue reading Temptation, Lord Help Me

Watch and See What I Do

Watch and See

Now watch and see what I will do.

Lord, I admit I’m confused. Up, down, up, down, and up, down again. How can I break this cycle?

Child, you’re not. I AM.

But Lord, how? Please forgive me for I have an ugly, doubtful heart.

I repeat, “Watch and see what I will do.”

Lord, I’m so messed up. It seems the world has gone crazy. First of all everything on the news is depressing with the constant confusion, conflict, accusations, and tragedy. So many people are suffering. Continue reading Watch and See What I Do

“Break These Self-Imposed Chains”

Lord, would You break these self-imposed chains? You delivered me before. But now I’m entangled again in food addiction. I want my victory back. So would You deliver me again, Lord?

Lord, would You break these chains. I’m trying to eat correctly as before when I lost 90 pounds. But now I’m older (66) and my body refuses to let go of excess weight. It’s up a few pounds, down a few pounds, up and down, and so on.

So I get discouraged. Then I eat whatever. Immediately my body swells up with added weight gain. Lord, would You grant me another chance and break these self-imposed chains of food addiction?

Lord, break these self-imposed chains.

You delivered me  of 90 pounds before (at age 61). It seemed so easy then. I ate three meals a day, half-portions, and no snacks. Back then my weight dropped off. Lord, is it possible You could give me another chance and break these self-imposed chains again? What can I do?

Child, first of all, I love you as you are. But since you’re not happy with yourself, I’m going to help you again. Although there will be differences this time because. . . as you said, your body is older (approaching 67). 

He will break these self-imposed chains

To begin with, you need more water. I’ve talked with you about this before. And you need to start moving more. Do some bodily movements, exercise, each day. Try 30 minutes daily. It doesn’t matter what activity you choose as long as it’s movement. The older you get the more your body needs movement just to keep those joints free. 

So Lord, are You telling me to eat the same way when I lost those 90 pounds?

Yes. Just add more water and some exercise this time.

Child, to you exercise is a bad word. So from now on, call it body movement. Think of it as a graceful dance.

Lord, do You want me to start dancing to praise music?

The choice of body movement is up to you. But it’s important at your age to keep it moving to keep your joints free. It doesn’t matter what you choose, but it’s important to “move it, move it, move it.”

Those are your goals. Eat according to My past instructions, add more water, and increase your body movement.

Water is important because it lubricates your joints and keeps them fluid. It’s also good for your skin. It might even puff out of those wrinkles you stress over. (I sense He’s smiling at me.)

Hydration is good for your body. The older you get the more the water in your body dries up. So add more to keep all things moving along. You know what I’m talking about? (He’s smiling again.)

Know this Child- I love you. Now go forth in your victory. You know . . . the one I have already planned for you. (More smiling.) I’m going to do it again.

Break these self-impossed chains, please?


 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not become entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 NKJV

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work  in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 NKJV

Talk With Me

Today Child, come talk with Me.

Now that I’m here Lord, could You tell me why do I overeat like I do?

Because you need Me. The next time you’re tempted to overeat, come sit with Me and talk with Me about it first. After all you’ve been through, don’t you yet know I am here for you?

But Lord, I don’t know what to do?

Just come to Me. That’s all you need to do. Just come to Me. 

Talk with Me before looking at your phone, eating, or even reading your devotions, etc. Talk with Me first. Trust Me.

Lord, it’s myself I don’t trust. So far my record is “untrustworthy”.

Child, I am not part of your “to do” list. So you can check off: 1.Talk to the Lord-done. 2. Read the Bible- done. 3. Pray for others-done. Child, it’s not My desire to be checked off your “to do” list. 

I want to be your “all”, and your source. So come to Me first and above all else. Bring Me your hurts, your fears, your worries, and your plans too’ Let us discuss them before you go forth.

Bring me those you love and give them to Me. Trust Me to take care of them. You worry yourself sick. Why don’t you just give them all to Me? Then sit back in My Presence, watch, and see what I will do. Trust Me with it all. You are too burdened trying to solve it all. Just pray your desires for them. Then let it all go into My hands for I have big hands, big enough to handle it all. After all, don’t you remember the song you sang as a child? “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands.” It’s true. I do have it all in My hands.

So quit trying to take it out of My hands to hold in yours. Your hands aren’t big enough. You have no power to change anything, not even yourself. Let go, My child, and give it all to Me.

I want your heart and your mind at peace. And true peace can only be found in My Presence. So come here. Let Me fill you with My peace. As you spend your time with Me, your peace will increase and you will find that all you have been concerned about is being taken care of in ways you can’t imagine. In fact, you can’t fix any of it, not even yourself. So let it all go.

Know that I am with you. In fact, it’s My desire to fill you with My peace, My joy, and My love. So come to Me and let Me fill you. What I have to offer you is more fulfilling than anything you can imagine. 

Now come here, My child. Come sit with Me and talk with Me. 


“Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1: 18-19 NKJV

Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. Psalm 50: 15 NKJV

For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You. Psalm 86:5 NKJV

Defeat Your Giant

Defeat your giant. David defeated his giant, Goliath, and you can too. If he had considered the giant’s size, David would have been defeated before the battle started. But he knew the power of God was on his side. You do too. So go out and defeat your giant. God has already planned your victory! After all, He enjoys making His children victorious.Defeat Your Giant

So what does your giant look like? Does it seem an unachievable goal? Is it to get a better job? Or maybe it’s to get a job. How about, . . . is it to complete an overwhelming project?

I have a blog buddy, met online, Susie. Now this young lady (50) has defeated some giants. To begin with she’s a Christian from India. She studied to become a doctor. Later she and her husband accepted jobs in Qatar. Because of their location, she kept her identity hidden. But God opened doors. Now she is achieving her dream, taking medical courses at Yale. How’s that for defeating giants? You can read her posts at this link:  https://susieshy45.blog/2019/07/20/a-series-of-events-part-2/

We all have giants in our lives that seem impossible to us, in one form or another. But with God on our side, just like David and Susie, we all can overcome and defeat each one. God has placed a dream inside each of us. Now go for it and defeat your giant. For some of us obesity is a giant. As we stand in front of the mirror and look at what we see, our excess weight seems like a giant. As we stand on the scales and look at those numbers, the amount to lose looks enormous.

Goliath taunted the Israelites. How many times has those extra pounds taunted you? What about those tight clothes in the closet you used to wear?
Even more taunting are the food giants that so easily defeat us. We see them in our kitchens, at the drive-ups, and in our favorite restaurants.

Even relaxing in our homes watching television, what comes up? Taunting food commercials pop up and make us want to go buy it. But if it’s not convenient to buy now, you can buy it the next time you’re out.

Last November, 2018, my husband and I went to Israel. One of the places we got to visit was the Valley of Elah. This is where the battle between David and Goliath took place. It was inspiring to look at that valley where David killed Goliath.Valley of Elah

Rocks were everywhere, big huge ones, and little ones. David picked up five stones from the Valley of Elah. But I picked up many more and brought them back home. The tour guide gave permission.

Since I’m fighting the giant of obesity, I’ll use one stone per week on my kitchen counter to defeat my giant. Working on week one now.

Defeat Your Giant

Dieting Rules Cause Stress

 Lord, all those dieting rules stress me out. I can’t stick to any of them. Every diet I’ve tried only caused me to feel more defeated. Can You help me?

Child, don’t let dieting rules cause you stress. Instead, come to Me for guidance. Too many rules, especially strict dieting rules, are another form of bondage. Therefore you eat more due to the stress of trying to follow rules. 

That’s why My grace wins. Rules never win for mankind is incapable of abiding rules. After all, its the sin nature. Because your fleshly “self” desires to rule over the spirit. This has been an ongoing battle between good and evil throughout eternity.

But know this, I win over all! I win over sin, death, and yes even man-made rules, rather works. In fact, it’s only through My power that anyone can follow rules of life and freedom. 

Today’s society would have you believe having no rules will bring  freedom. In reality it’s only through the giving of one’s self to Me that brings true freedom and victory. 

Society rejects rules because they bring constraint. But sometimes constraint is needed to achieve true victory. But there’s safety in constraint.

The coral keeps the sheep safe from predators. If you allow Me to stand at the door of constraint, I will protect you from your enemy of self-fleshly desires of gratification. 

Child, allow Me to surround you with My love. After all, it’s My love for you that enabled Me to shed My blood on that cross. I did that for you- to set you free from the enemies of sin, defeat, death, and yes, even your “self” with its fleshly desires. 

I AM the only  way, the only truth, and the only true, clean light. My sacrifice of My flesh guarantees you victory over your flesh.

For I am victory. It is only through My power that you can obey any rules

So surrender your “self” to Me. Then I can defeat all your enemies, the enemies of fear, defeat, discouragement, stress, dismay, gluttony, and  greed. 

Yes, the root of gluttony is greed. But My power can destroy your root of gluttony, greed, especially greed for self- gratification and self pleasure. 

Lord, how?

Through day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute surrender. As you surrender “self” to Me, I will increase your strength through My power. 

Lord, help me. Help my unbelief. I want to believe. I need strength in Your power for I certainly have no strength of my own, especially when it comes to food pleasures or any pleasure for that matter.

Child, this is your new day of victory- new victory and new strength throught the power of My shed blood. Its My blood gives you victory. 


He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:29 NLT

Yet we don’t see ourselves as capable enough to do anything in our own strength, for our true competence flows from God’s empowering Presence.                                   2 Corinthians 3:5 TPT

Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually [longing to be in His Presence]. 1 Chronicles 16:11 AMP

You Choose!

Child, you get to choose your path and how long it takes to achieve your victory.

Lord, how did I get here?

You chose where you are now.

So how do I get back where I was?

Child, you choose.

Change my heart Lord so that I choose You first and above all.

For now, Child, you’re an example of backsliding. But you can change that and choose to be an example of forgiveness, restoration, and deliverance.

Yes, I can deliver you again, but this time it will take more effort on your part. You will have to make a choice everyday. Every hour and every minute, you will be faced with decisions. And you will choose one way or another.

You can continue as a backslider or you can become an overcomer.

You Choose

Books can’t give it to you. Even My Bible can’t give it to you unless You choose to open your heart and apply its truth. Choose deliverance and I will provide all you need for success. But if you continue in your backsliding ways, I’ll step back and let you have your way. I won’t leave you, but I will let you have your way. So what will it be?

Lord, I want You. Help me!


Child, I am here for you.

So Lord, what do I do now?

Child, you already know the way to freedom. deliverance, and victory. You just have to decide. You know what to do.

Remember sin takes you further than you want to go, costs you more than you want to pay, and keeps you longer than you want to stay. Now choose wisely, My child.


Feed On This

See I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him, and to keep His commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. Deuteronomy 30: 16 NIV

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with My victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10 NLT

You Choose

There’s Always Hope

There’s always hope.

Lord, is that true? Is there hope I’ll get back to where I once was?

To begin with there’s always hope. Next to get back where you once were, let go of your abundant, unnecessary food.

Would You remove this love of food from my heart? Also, would You grant me an increase of love for You?

After losing 90 pounds, I told others how You helped me lose weight. Now I feel trapped by my “self.” And this love for food has me trapped in defeat. Since I don’t know what to do, I can’t fight it. After all, I’m weak.

Child, I’m your hope. 

Lord, You never stopped me from overeating.

To begin with Child, the desire for to stop overeating has to come from you. I won’t go against your free will. Therefore you’re free to choose. 

Lord, my free will caused me to gain weight. My free will chose to overeat, and to run to food. But I can’t stop it and You won’t stop it. So what am I to do? Now I’m trapped.

How do I defeat this “self?” How can I gain victory over this self that defeats me and holds me in bondage to excess food? Will I ever have freedom or victory again?

In fact, I’m your victory. Now give your “self” to Me for I am stronger. I can defeat your enemy of “self.” Through My power, you can have victory. 

I am the way, the truth, and the light. If you give your self to Me, I will set you free from this entrapment of self and defeat. 

Lord I start out each day fresh and strong. But by nightfall I’ve fallen in defeat never to make the finish line. How can I get my victory back? Is it possible to gain my victory back?

Yes child, for I am your victory. Come to Me. 

What do You want me to do? How can I stop eating at night? What’s the magic trick to stop me from reaching for food?

Child, there’s no magic. There’s only My power. And I’m all powerful. 

In fact Lord, You’ve never stopped me. So how will this be different?

Child, you’re good at surrender in the morning. Then at evening you give in to “self” and it’s desires for fleshly self-gratification.

Lord, I’m trapped in “self”. What can I do?

To begin with, replace your nighttime snacks with talking to Me. 

Lord, how will this work? Will it work?

Child, you won’t know unless you try it. In fact I’m your answer. I’ve always been your answer. For this reason come to Me and let’s talk together. 

Yes Lord, here I am. I give myself to You.


This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil. Hebrews 6:19 

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace  in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15: 13

But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. Romans 8:25

Working on getting my victory back. How about you?


Never Give Up

Never give up. It’s been the pattern of my whole adult life, weight gain, weight loss, weight gain, weight loss, on and on. Finally after 39 years of struggling with obesity weighing 241, I sought God for help and direction.

I went to God everyday for weight loss counseling until I achieved my weight loss goal. This took approximately 9-10 months. Beginning at 241 pounds, I lost 90 pounds with God’s help and maintained this weight loss for over two years following the way God told me to eat. 

Then after this success, I thought I had arrived at my dream and could eat just as I did before my weight loss. So I began eating snacks now and again. Over time, this led to much more overeating.

So the number on the scales started creeping up. But I thought “No problem, I can just go back to my weight loss any time I want to.” Wrong.

Today I wish I had never done that. I wish I had stayed in my place of eating in obedience to the way God led me to. Sigh. It’s taken two more years but I’ve gained over +30 lbs. How easily the sins of gluttony have piled up. Lord forgive me. Forgive myself..This is actually a complimentary picture. In the mirror, it looks worse. Sigh.

My grandfather’s legacy is that he said, “Never give up!” His feet got frostbitten during WW1. After getting treatment, he walked all the way back to the front lines and continued fighting for our country. If you can hear me in Heaven, Grandpa, thank you for leaving the legacy of “Never give up.”

I don’t know about you, but now that I’m back on the straight and “narrow” path of eating, it seems harder. My weight goes up a few, goes down a few, back up again, then down again, even though I’m following my correct eating plan. It’s so frustrating. Do you get frustrated too?

Sometimes I feel like just giving up. After all, I’m 67 years old. I took God and His delivering power for granted. Thought I could use it anytime I wanted. Do I give up now at my old age? Have I backslidden too much?

Child, I’m not giving up on you no matter what you eat or do. You are Mine and I have plans for you. Therefore, I will never give up on you.

With God on our side we can’t help but win- uh, lose.

Remember, “Never give up.”

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 NKJV

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 NKJV

“Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark‬ ‭9:23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Victory and Freedom

Victory and freedom, will I ever be there? Again I chose to overeat last night, including ice cream. Lord, forgive my gluttony. (This was written a while back. Praise God for His delivering power. New Day of Victory. ) 

Child, wrong choices postpones victory. However, you have  free will to choose. So, will you choose your victory or ice cream? Last night, you chose ice cream. Now what will it be today? Food pleasure or victory and freedom, you get to choose. 

Lord, I want victory and freedom.

Then Child, you have to let go of your food pleasures to gain your victory and freedom. 

Lord, I’m sorry I disappointed You last night.

Child, I hurt for you because I know what could be. I know the victory and freedom I hold in My hand for you. Yet you chose self-pleasure with food instead of the victory I designed for you. 

Lord, I’m weak.

Don’t you know every time you say “no” to temptation, it increases your strength? My child, I don’t want you walking through life defeated. Instead, I want you walking in victory.

Today you’ll have another temptation. This time say “No” and experience the thrill of victory. Find your pleasure in victory over temptation. With every battle can come the exhilarating thrill of victory and freedom. Only you can make this choice. I won’t force you. I’m ready to provide all the strength you need to resist temptation. But only if you ask. Then My strength will come. 

Lord, help me to submit myself to Your will.

Child, every choice you make today may seem small in your eyes, but I know the eternal impact. Every choice you make today affects your future. Choose well for it is you who determines your future. I’ve already planned for you a hope and a future, but it is you who chooses to accept My plan or not. 

Now choose well. My way will guarantee you victory and freedom. Choose the way of self gratification and eventually it’ll bring defeat. Defeat is birthed from selfish desires, selfish pleasures, and self gratifications. Total and final victory comes through submission to My will. Now Child, which way will you choose?

I have victory already planned for you, but you determine how long it takes you to get there. You also have the ability to choose victory or not. But I’ve already have it planned for you. As you walk in My will, you’ll experience victory. Now go forth in victory, My Child. 

Yes Sir. Help me Sir.

Child, I’m here for you. Call on Me for I am ready to provide whatever you need, especially endurance and strength. 

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand. Psalms 37: 23-24. NKJV 

”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and  a future.” Jeremiah 29: 11 NIV