IMG_1206 Lord, last night I had a choice; go out to eat or stay home, order pizza, and watch a movie. I was so tired, so I ordered the pizza and settled down to watch the movie.  I ended up eating  too much and the movie was full of profanity and disappointing. If I had gone out to eat, at least we would have had good conversation with a good meal. Lord, I followed Your instructions about eating only a half of my meal. I ate only one slice of pizza, but I lost it over the apple desert. I fixed a large serving with ice cream on top, but as I ate this I began to feel guilty.  I left about a third of it because I was  so overwhelmed with guilt. It was such a struggle to let it go. Now I realize what a hold deserts have on me. I do love them so! Lord, help me to let go! Lord, help me to love You more than deserts. Do You want me to start over, back to Day one? Do You want me to give up my deserts as well since it was such a struggle last night?

Continue reading GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT!


20131026-071706.jpg     Lord, everything about my job is changing! It seems as though management has lost their minds! Their new expectations seem so unachievable, unrealistic, impossible, and just plain crazy!  I am so overwhelmed by all this! Lord, I must admit to You that I have complained very loudly and constantly to my co-workers. I have also noticed that when I complain, another co-worker complains, then another, and the complaining spreads like wildfire until everyone is complaining! All of us end up overwhelmed and full of despair!

Lord, was this how the Israelites sounded in the desert? I know we are a murmuring, complaining bunch, but aren’t we entitled due to all the unrealistic demands from management? Lord, I don’t want to stay stuck in this job for 40 years!  It seems that the more we complain, the more confusion and anger there is! All of us have expressed feeling trapped! Continue reading COMPLAINING SPREADS LIKE WILDFIRE! (*Note)




IMG_2007Lord, I confess to You that I love ice cream! I love how it tastes! I love how it feels in my mouth! I also confess to You that I ate two pork chops last night at supper, then I ate chocolate cup cakes and cookies for desert. Lord, I ate all that due to stress and frustration! I am so frustrated, depressed, and disappointed! I feel entrapped in a job that is no longer satisfying.  I am full of doubt, especially self-doubt. If the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, and a broken contrite heart, then I guess I qualify for I certainly feel broken! I feel broken in my spirit for sure and I have no willpower! I am just a broken vessel that cannot hold water!

Continue reading NO LONGER BROKEN, VICTORIOUS INSTEAD! (Past writings)

THE TUMMYACHE! (Past writing ** see note at end.)


Lord, forgive my gluttony last night at supper.  I was so tired from helping my parents prepare their house for their out-of-town company. After I got home I just wanted to go to bed, but then I had company of my own coming! I had to prepare our supper and then clean up. I just wanted to lay my head on the kitchen table and go to sleep! My supper consisted of bought fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn on the cob, and for dessert “hot apple pie”. Then because I  was so very tired and stressed out, I searched the kitchen for more food! I found a Snicker Bar,  peanut butter cookies, and a nice piece of Boston Crème pie.

Continue reading THE TUMMYACHE! (Past writing ** see note at end.)


IMG_1790     Lord, last night I ate everything, everything I could find! You know this, You saw it all!  I hate my failures! It seems like they are always there staring at me! “Not good enough, don’t measure up, no self-control! Failure, failure!” I hear all the taunts of self-accusation! Lord, I am just a “major failure” defeated by a wimpy sin! Where do I go from here? Is there any hope for me?  Will I ever get victory?  Oh Lord, why do You reach out to me in love and hope at all? I just know I am a disappointment to You! Continue reading I CALL YOU, "VICTORY", MY CHILD!

REACHED THAT "NUMBER"! (Written Feb. 5, 2014)

Right after I woke up, the Lord spoke to me, “Get up, go stand on your scales!”

Okay Lord, is this You or me? This is only Wednesday and I just weighed myself last Monday. Lord, I need to know, is this You?

(Go weigh yourself and you will see that “number”, the one you have wanted to see!) Continue reading REACHED THAT "NUMBER"! (Written Feb. 5, 2014)


IMG_946920131016-044541.jpg                                        Good morning Lord! Thank you Lord for a new day! Lord, I thought I heard You say, “Get up, go weigh yourself.” So I did, but the scales only went down 2 ounces. So Lord, why did You want me to weigh again this morning? Continue reading NEW RULE: ANSWER TO THE PREVIOUS UGLY


IMG_2516     Oh Lord, I’m so sorry! I now see the truth in my heart and it is so ugly! I can’t believe that I was so selfish to You! Yes, it was all about the scales!  My heart this morning was all about the scales! Oh Lord, I’m so sorry that I hurt Your feelings because I choose the scales over You! I am so ashamed and embarrassed before You now, hanging my head in shame! Lord, I am so sorry, can You possibly forgive me? Continue reading THE UGLY CHOICE!



[Written on December 30, 2013]

Lord, here I am again! Help me Lord! I went on a binge again last night! First, it started with the taco chips at the Mexican restaurant and then I ate all the taco salad including all the crispy shell. Then when I got home I proceeded to the cake, candy, ice cream, and even more snack cakes! Lord, I know better, I can’t believe I have done it again! I had almost made it a whole month without bingeing, I had almost earned a month-long “Recovery chip”. Oh my Lord, why did I do this again? I have lost 37 pounds, but if I keep this up I will just blow back up like a balloon in only one month! Oh why, why did I do this again? Continue reading STARTING OVER IN GOD'S PRESENCE!

THE GLUTTONY MONSTER! (Writing from the past:)

IMG_1881 Good Morning Lord! Will You give me another chance?

(My child, I am the God of second chances!)

Lord, I don’t even know where to start!

(Start with Me, My child!)

Okay Lord, what is  first? Continue reading THE GLUTTONY MONSTER! (Writing from the past:)