REACHED THAT "NUMBER"! (Written Feb. 5, 2014)

Right after I woke up, the Lord spoke to me, “Get up, go stand on your scales!”

Okay Lord, is this You or me? This is only Wednesday and I just weighed myself last Monday. Lord, I need to know, is this You?

(Go weigh yourself and you will see that “number”, the one you have wanted to see!)

So I held my breath as I stepped on the scales. Wow! Sure enough there it was, that “number”! Finally, finally! Oh praise God! Wow!

Oh Lord, now I can’t wait to see it go below that “number”! Praise You Lord, I am so excited! I can hardly wait!

(My child,  just keep eating in submission and seeking My will about your food. Keep “feeding” on My Word and My Presence and I will bless you with success!)

Oh yes Lord, thank you for the peace I have with You! Instead of some food pleasure, I have the pleasure of Your Presence!

(My child, . . . I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. I will guide thee with Mine eye.) Psalm 32:8 KJV

Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless the Holy Lord! I bow before You, my King, My King of Victory! Lord, I am so glad You are so patient with me and all my distractions! Thank you Lord!

(My child, I am in no hurry. I can wait. You are Mine!)


After the Lord gave me such a wonderful victory that morning, I experienced great sadness that night. He knew I needed a victory to start this day.  After 10 days in the hospital struggling with pneumonia, my beloved Mother-in-law went to Heaven! She was 95 years old,  a wonderful lady, my friend, and a wonderful example of  God’s love and forgiveness.

We had just lost my brother-in law last to cancer last August. Then on December 13, my Mother went to be with Jesus. She had struggled with Alzheimer’s for several years, but her departure was sudden and unexpected! I had peace about this for her last communication was expressing love for my Father just before she left for Heaven. She just woke up, let Dad know that she loved him, and then went to Heaven without any suffering. It was a peaceful  homecoming!  But now, God called “Granny” to come home too!

Even though I knew God had given all of them victory, I now grieved! Oh how I grieved! It was just too much! First my husband’s brother, then my Mother, and now my second Mother gone, how could this be?  Believe or not, I even cried over “Mother’s Day” because I won’t have a Mother! I am sure that my behavior was not very pleasing to my Lord.  But since that day in February, I just laid aside my writing and other activities as I just grieved and sought God’s will. Now what?