IMG_1881 I have joined a writer’s group that submits a story every week based on a scripture cue. I would like to share them with you, although they won’t all relate to weight loss. Then again, they may. Hope you enjoy.

I have enjoyed writing for this group. My stories are a little odd, but I pray asking God for guidance each week. I also draw from my personal life/feelings as I write about the characters. It’s fun. I enjoy it.

The following story, although it’s about a prostitute’s journey, it does relate to my weight loss. For years I would worship God, ask Him to guide me to His will, and then I ran to my other lover, the pleasure of food.  Yes, I admit my other lover was food pleasure. Therefore I sold out my body to another, I was a prostitute. Continue reading HOPE AND VICTORY **

Happy Thankgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Tomorrow will be a great day! You will succeed! Don’t be intimidated by that table. All things in moderation, just eat half. You can do this, you can. Don’t be anxious. Know that God will provide the strength you need.

“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ Numbers 6:24-26

Lord, help each one feel the Presence of Your love tomorrow. Bond families together in Your love. Let us focus on our thankfulness to You and each other, not the food on the table. Fill our spirits with Your love, amen.



IMG_3421Happy thanksgiving friends,

I have made some wonderful friends in blog land and wanted to introduce them to you. I will be sharing three blogs of my favorites. So watch for them and feel free to subscribe to their blogs as well. It will encourage them in their weight struggles and it will bless you to encourage others.

My friend, Rachel (22 years old) has lost 28 pounds with the help and support of Weight Watchers. She started her journey at 318. I choose to share her post because of her good advice about the Thanksgiving meal. It helped me, so I thought you could benefit as well. She also shared about some of her family issues. We all have them, don’t we?  Pray for her to have a successful Thanksgiving. I have become emotionally attached to her story Please feel free to subscribe to her blog. It will encourage her as well as you. Pray for her too. You’ll have to check it out to get her recipes for a Weight Watchers Pumpkin Pie that’s 5 PointsPlus per piece and a Weight Watchers Strawberry Banana Pie that’s 4 PointsPlus per piece. ( http://wwwmyjourneyonedayatatime.wordpress.com)

I hope you enjoy reading my guest blogs as much as I do. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!  Deborah  Continue reading SHARING A BLOG: MY JOURNEY–ONE DAY AT A TIME by Rachel

Goodbye Old Friends

Goodbye old friends. I’m going to miss you. For the last several years we’ve been together  for the Christmas holidays. You went with me Christmas shopping, to Christmas parties, and to family gatherings. I have enjoyed you so much. You hung around me during my favorite time of the year. We have  eaten together, opened presents together, and enjoyed our Christmas’ together.

But it is time to say goodbye. You have outgrown me, or rather I have undergrown you, and you no longer fit in my life. You’re bigger than I am. Continue reading Goodbye Old Friends


IMG_2624(Editor’s note: This is a  story I wrote for a writing contest. In the contest I could only use 250 words, but here I can write as I feel led by God. I pray it ministers to you, it did to me.

I’m not the girl in the story, but the emotions were mine.  My highest weight was 241 pounds, not 300. The words God spoke to her were the same words He spoke to me when I cried out in desperation.

This story begins in fiction and ends with truth. As they say in the movies, “This is a fiction story based on some facts of truth.”) Continue reading SUCH A PRETTY FACE, WHAT A SHAME


Since cold is coming, I’ll share the recipe for my husband’s favorite homemade soup. I usually make this soup and can it in quart jars for later, but it freezes well too.

I have made it for a large crowd. It serves 20-30 people depending on the size of your soup bowls. It’s also good to serve those friends coming to watch football.

Chicken Mexican Soup (for canning) Continue reading CHICKEN MEXICAN SOUP



IMG_3241Lord, I praise you for all these clothes that are now too big for me, 41 pieces total. Wow!  Now I have the joy of giving them away or trading them for new ones at the consignment shop. I do enjoy shopping for new clothes. You give me all that I need and for  a price I can afford too.  Thank you. Continue reading HALLOWEEN CANDY and VICTORY




Lord, I don’t like water. It’s so boring. I love drinks with fizz, coffee with cream, and southern ice tea. Now I have a bladder infection, the doctor says I’m dehydrated and need more water.

I asked her opinion about a skin test. (If you pinch up the skin on your hand and it stays pinched up then you’re dehydrated.)  She confirmed the test was correct.

I thought maybe this was  just extra skin due to my weight loss. (64 lbs.)  “Could my skin just be loose like that of an old hound dog?” Continue reading WATER FOR LIFE