Tag Archives: ministering praying for others


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locked and chained

Image by Darwin Bell via Flickr

     (My child, I watch as My children are seeking, turning, searching, fighting, and struggling in battles within their own self power. If only they would come unto Me, I would show forth unto them the way to walk. Do they not know that I am the answer to every question? Do they not know that I am the road to a life more abundantly? I am the way, the truth, and the light! If only they would seek My voice, I would show unto them the way to walk. I am the answer for all that concerns them, but woe unto them that seek to follow their own self-conceived plans. Continue reading


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A cashier at her register in a grocery store i...

Image via Wikipedia

        Lord, I’m so upset!  While at the store, I requested cash back because I have had no cash for three days now. Then I left the money at the store, now I have no money. What am I to do? I can’t go back to the store because  I don’t even remember what the cashier looked like. I really didn’t look at her because I was in such a hurry to get home. Continue reading