Lord, forgive me. I am only eating two meals a day as You instructed but Lord, I am so hungry when the meals come! I eat too fast and I eat too much! I did good at lunch yesterday. I actually left some and then I gave it away. But last night at supper, I messed up! I thought it would be okay, but this morning I am so full and bloated. I know from experience that if I wake up empty feeling then I am losing weight. But Lord, I am now so miserably full this morning! Lord, should I start cutting my portions in half? I do want to lose weight, but I do not want to go the rest of my life eating only salads, green beans, and baked chicken! Lord, you know how much I love my deserts. Continue reading “HUNGER AFTER ME” -GOD #


Shockingly diverse kindergarten group in Paris
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     (My children, there are laws of eternity of which I spoke into existence. These laws are throughout eternity and cannot be changed or reversed for My word cannot return void. Once, spoken, My Word is forever. The enemy, shrew serpent that he is, knows this and he is taking advantage of the gift of free will given to mankind. He is using their free will to influence the choices of mankind in the transgression of My eternal laws. These transgressions will ultimately destroy all mankind.) Continue reading LAWS OF ETERNITY