locked and chained
Image by Darwin Bell via Flickr

     (My child, I watch as My children are seeking, turning, searching, fighting, and struggling in battles within their own self power. If only they would come unto Me, I would show forth unto them the way to walk. Do they not know that I am the answer to every question? Do they not know that I am the road to a life more abundantly? I am the way, the truth, and the light! If only they would seek My voice, I would show unto them the way to walk. I am the answer for all that concerns them, but woe unto them that seek to follow their own self-conceived plans. Continue reading ANSWER TO SELF-IMPOSED PRISON


     (My child, I long for My children to love Me. I give and give with blessings to all of them. Yet they don’t even stop to acknowledge that these blessings come from Me. But they do stop to blame Me when things go wrong in their lives. They even use My name in vain. They say, “Oh God!” when things go wrong for them. This is not a prayer but instead they use My name as an expletive.

       Continue reading CHOOSE THE GIFT


     Lord, I am so hungry now! I want to eat everything, everything I can find! My stomach is even hurting with hunger! Lord, I need you to tell me what to do! I feel as though I am starving now! Lord, I want to eat a whole box of cereal, all the chips, with cheese, and all the cake left over from last week. Lord, I would like to eat a whole can of hot soup with crackers and swiss cheese. Lord, I would like to eat until I am sick and then go to bed. I would like to eat all night while watching anything I wanted on television. Husband is not here and I would have control of the remote. Lord, I feel as though my guts are screaming, screaming loudly with pain . . .”FEED ME NOW!” Continue reading OH, WHAT A LOVE!*


     Sarah is riding along the “Highway of Life” in her brand new convertible carrying several gifts in the trunk that her Father had personally selected just for her. She has just put the top down and she is driving down the road smiling all smugly and excited just to see what is next down the road. The warm wind is blowing in her face; her hair is down and flowing freely all around. She feels totally free for the first time in her life. Totally free as she drives down the road. Continue reading NEVER OPEN THE DOOR FOR STRANGERS!*


LED traffic light in Forest Hill, New South Wales.
Image via Wikipedia

     Alright Lord, I hear you calling. I am so sorry that it took me so long to get out of bed to talk with You. Here I am, lead me, teach me. What is it that You want to talk to me about?

     (Choices. Each life is full of choices. You choose what to wear, what to eat, where to go, and how to use your time. You choose who to love, and who not to love. You choose who to forgive, and sadly, who not to forgive. What do you choose to put before your eyes? What do you choose to enter in through your ears? Continue reading THE TRAFFIC LIGHT OF GOD!*


A cashier at her register in a grocery store i...
Image via Wikipedia

        Lord, I’m so upset!  While at the store, I requested cash back because I have had no cash for three days now. Then I left the money at the store, now I have no money. What am I to do? I can’t go back to the store because  I don’t even remember what the cashier looked like. I really didn’t look at her because I was in such a hurry to get home. Continue reading LOOK AT THEIR FACES