White chocolate is marketed by confectioners a...
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     Lord, please forgive me, for last night I was stupid! I stupidly ate all  the chocolate candy!

     (Yes My child, I saw it. You chose the candy over Me and yes, that was not the best for you, for I am more rewarding than chocolate candy! For only I can bring you the true rest and peace that you were seeking. I know all of your work this weekend made you exhausted, but true rest can only be found in My presence.

     My child, don’t you even know yet, how much I really love you? Don’t you even comprehend the successes I have planned for you? Yet, you would let go of My plans to choose the immediate gratification and pleasure of chocolate candy!)

     Lord, I was so stupid!

     (My child, you are not stupid! You are Mine! I have chosen you as My own and none of My children are stupid! They may make mistakes or make unwise decisions, but know this: My children are Mine, I love them, and I consider them the ‘cream of the crop’! My children are the best!)

     O Lord, I am so ashamed! Will You forgive me, yet again?

     (Yes, My child, I will forgive you. Know this, I offer unto you freedom from the weight of this bondage that so easily besets you. Bondage of any kind is not for My children, for I long to set My children free! Reach out for Me, take what I have, for My way is more pleasurable than chocolate candy. The pleasure of chocolate candy is short-lived; but the pleasure of My presence is for eternity. Come into My presence now, My child. Allow Me to fill you with My love. Do you remember the song of your childhood?)

                                     Jesus loves me, this I know

                                     for the Bible tells me so.

                                     Little ones to Him belong,

                                     they are weak, but He is strong.

                                     Yes, Jesus loves me!

                                     Yes Jesus loves me!

                                     Yes Jesus love me,

                                     the Bible tells me so.

     (Sing it now, My child. Let My love enter deep down into your heart. Know that I do love you. Yes, I love you even more than chocolate candy!)

     I sense His laughter as He reaches out to me and draws me into Himself.

      TO YOU: Instead of chocolate candy, or whatever your bondage is, find a quiet place even it is in the shower and sing, ‘Jesus loves me’. Let His love sink deep into your heart. Feel His love as He hugs you unto Himself. Know this-He loves you! Yes, you! Sing to fill your heart with His love!

     Jeremiah 29:11-14 NKJV: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you , says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity. . . . . .

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