Tag Archives: God’s power


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IMG_5110 (Note: After reading a post from http://www.365fitjournal.wordpress.com, I realized this way of eating is stress-free. I haven’t thought about it. Yes, this is stress-free eating. Notice I said eating, not dieting. Thank you 365fitjournal for helping me see this. -She’s eating the same as I am. Check out her blog.)

80 pounds gone! Victory! How can this be? I’m eating regular food. I’m not dieting at all.

— Lord, I’m so amazed at what You’ve done.  I stood on the scales last Sunday and had a total weight loss of 80 pounds. You created this miracle in my life. Four years ago, even two years ago, I never thought this was possible.

For the past 41 years, I’ve struggled with my excess weight and dieting.  I’ve experienced so many diet failures that I developed a failure complex and considered myself a total failure at life. Now I’m free and I know I’m not a failure. Continue reading