The Gluttony Monster

The Gluttony Monster

Lord, I think this gluttony monster comes to my house every evening. And when the compulsion from this monster hits, I don’t even stop to think. It consumes me.

I need more discipline, consistency, strength, and the power to say ‘No’ to this food obsession, this gluttony monster. I can’t change myself because I am powerless over myself.

But My Child, I have all the power you need.

Lord, My day starts out so good. I eat appropriate and sufficient. But then after supper, here comes this gluttony monster to consume my health.

Yes Child,  I see it all. My heart hurts for you. And I long to set you free. It is My will to set you free. 

So Lord, what can I do? I know You said to semi-fast for 40 days. But ever since that day, I’ve been invaded by this overwhelming compulsive to overeat. In fact, I’ve been eating like crazy.

I know You said, ‘Come to You’. But I haven’t stopped eating long enough to ‘come’ to You. Lord, I don’t know what to do.

I want to please You. I want to love You as I should. But here I am, all messed up.

I can pray words, “Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit”. But they are only words, just words, unless I change.

Child, I have watched you and I’ve been waiting for you even as you fell. But I’m always waiting to catch you. I will help you, for I have the power.

You will win over this addiction, over this gluttony monster. You will defeat this compulsion for I created you to be a victor. I created you for victory.

So Lord, what do I do?

Pray without ceasing. Every hour of every day come to Me. Check it off your time schedule if you must. But you must come to Me.  

Lord, I do want You to create in me a clean heart. And I long for a steadfast spirit before You. Fill me with Your sweet Presence daily and forevermore.

Child, I intend to. You will win over this compulsive gluttony monster. For I am THE WINNER and I created you to be a winner too. Therefore expect victory.

Be strong in the Lord
There are no perfect people, but God has already planned for your victory.

Expect victory. You will have your victory for I have already designed it. I am holding it in My hand. And you are a winner. You will win.

It may look like defeat to you. But when I look at you, I see a winner. You are Mine. You are a winner for I have already declared it so. 

Now get up and wash your face. Go forth today marching in your victory

Thank you Lord for not giving up on me.

Child, I never give up on any of My children. 


You have already won a victory . . . because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1John 4:4 NLT

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-4 ESV

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. . . . James 4:7-8