Tag Archives: God’s help


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The Old Chair

Lord, I just want to thank you for helping me kick that heavy woman out of my house. I couldn’t have done it without your help. I needed a lot of strength to get rid of her and You provided all that I needed.

This large woman liked to flirt with my hubby. She wanted to sit in his lap but wouldn’t because her heaviness would squash his legs and he couldn’t breathe. So she’d sit on the arm of his chair to flirt. One time she sat on the arm of his easy chair and she broke it. You could feel the broken board under the blue material. Continue reading


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IMG_2624(Editor’s note: This is a  story I wrote for a writing contest. In the contest I could only use 250 words, but here I can write as I feel led by God. I pray it ministers to you, it did to me.

I’m not the girl in the story, but the emotions were mine.  My highest weight was 241 pounds, not 300. The words God spoke to her were the same words He spoke to me when I cried out in desperation.

This story begins in fiction and ends with truth. As they say in the movies, “This is a fiction story based on some facts of truth.”) Continue reading


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Picture from “Google”. The possum in the story never came back. I hurt his feelings.

Last night, I looked out the back door, stepped forward, then backward to look again. What is that? I stared in amazement. It’s a possum, eating my cat’s leftovers.       I opened the door and turned on the light to get a closer look. His snout is long  and pointy, his hair looks greasy and his tail looks scraggly with a kink . For a few minutes, he ignored me as he continued to eat without looking up.

I yelled, “Get away, get out of here.” He looked at me, slowly slunk under the lounge chair to hide and waited. I yell, “You’re ugly, you know that. Get out of here.” He slowly wobbled under another chair. I continued,  “You’re so ugly. Do you even know how ugly you are?” He hung his head as he slunk toward the end of the patio. I wonder if he understood what I said. Then I shut the door without bothering to see where he went. I guess he’ll finish the cat food after I turn the light out.

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locked and chained

Image by Darwin Bell via Flickr

     (My child, I watch as My children are seeking, turning, searching, fighting, and struggling in battles within their own self power. If only they would come unto Me, I would show forth unto them the way to walk. Do they not know that I am the answer to every question? Do they not know that I am the road to a life more abundantly? I am the way, the truth, and the light! If only they would seek My voice, I would show unto them the way to walk. I am the answer for all that concerns them, but woe unto them that seek to follow their own self-conceived plans. Continue reading


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White chocolate is marketed by confectioners a...

Image via Wikipedia

     Lord, please forgive me, for last night I was stupid! I stupidly ate all  the chocolate candy!

     (Yes My child, I saw it. Continue reading


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     Sarah is riding along the “Highway of Life” in her brand new convertible carrying several gifts in the trunk that her Father had personally selected just for her. She has just put the top down and she is driving down the road smiling all smugly and excited just to see what is next down the road. The warm wind is blowing in her face; her hair is down and flowing freely all around. She feels totally free for the first time in her life. Totally free as she drives down the road. Continue reading


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     I have lost 13 lbs. since Nov. 1st. Wow! I know that it is not much, but it excites me and gives me hope. I am so thankful that God has yet again extended His hand of mercy toward me. He has given me another chance to become the person that He created. The extra weight hanging off my Continue reading