Fighting This Battle

I’m fighting this battle. Lord, help me.

Lord, I’m fighting this battle with food addiction and losing. So, if I have the Holy Spirit and the power of God within me, why am I so defeated by cookies, snacks, etc.? So why do I allow myself to become so defeated ? Why?

—But you will receive power when the Holy spirit comes upon you. Acts 1:8 NLT

If we are to have dominion over earth, (Genesis 1:28) then why am I so dominated by cookies, etc.?

Lord, I’ve been reading “The Art of War for Spiritual Battle” by Cindy Trim. So, am I fighting this battle correctly? Am I not praying enough over this food addiction issue?

Child, you do pray over your meals. But how many times have you prayed to seek My will over what you are to eat? 

Uh, not many. In fact, I have to admit there’s been times I started eating first before remembering to stop and thank you for my meal.

Oh, I see. So what does that tell you? 

It tells me I’m more into my food than Your Presence.

Hmm, I see. And how can you change this? 

With Your help Lord, I can do all things.

Hmmm. I see. Do you really believe that? 

Yes Sir.

So today, this is your assignment. Stop before you eat anything . Stop and talk to Me about it . Ask My advice. Ask for My wisdom. Let go of your head knowledge of what is good to eat and what is not. 

Seek My knowledge first. Then wait. Don’t start eating until you receive My directions. Then proceed. Hint: Don’t eat broccoli or green beans just because you know they are low calorie. Seek My will first. You may be surprised.

What if those green beans or broccoli are not My will for you at that moment? What if My will for you at that time is something sweet?  Now wouldn’t that surprise you? 

Yes Sir. It most certainly would.

So Child, that’s My point. I want you to seek My guidance first before putting anything in your mouth. Seek Me first and I guarantee you will have your victory. 

Yes Sir. Thank you Lord for guiding me. Help me to seek You first.

Child, as you seek Me, I will lead you. 

But Lord, I’m such a wimp.

But Child, if you listen to Me, I will make you into a warrior. After all, I did it with Gideon and I can do it with you too. 

Feed On This

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalms 32:8 NLT

Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses. 1Timothy 6:12 NLT

And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him. And since we know He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for. 1John 5:14-15 NLT

. . . “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1Corinthians 2: 9 NLT

Fighting this battle
I’m fighting this battle by reading God’s Word twice a day, instead of eating snacks.

It’s Opposite World**

Child, it’s true. It’s opposite world, What looks like defeat is actually victory turned around. Watch and see what I do. Don’t look at what you see in the world. Look at Me and you will see victory for I am victory. Therefore keep your eyes on Me.

Satan wants you to see defeat. But when you look at Me, you’ll realize, it’s all opposite world. He wants My people defeated and discouraged. Therefore he broadcasts defeat.

But know this, it is opposite world. Every time he broadcasts, it’s opposite of truth. I’m not losing for I am the Winner and I have the victory. So rejoice My child for I am victory and I always win, even over death I win.

So celebrate My victory. Rejoice evermore. Look up, for your redemption draws near. Look up and rejoice for I bring victory. Rejoice, My child, rejoice.

– – It’s so easy for me to get discouraged and overwhelmed at everything I see, especially the “news”. But God has told me over and over, “Don’t look at what you see. Instead, look at Me.”

Also, go to His Word. Every time I need encouragement, I can always find His Words of love, peace, and encouragement there. I even decorated a “Promise tree” full of my favorite scriptures. No, it’s not a Christmas tree. It’s my “Promise tree”, full of God’s Promises.

Last week, I was extremely overstressed. So I stood in front of my “Promise tree” and read those scriptures out loud to reinforce these promises in my heart, mind, and spirit. In other words, to build up my faith.

God’s Word always builds up your faith. Try it for yourself. I recommend starting in the book of John. But I love the Psalms too. Remember, God is for you. He loves you enough to die for you. Therefore, you can trust Him.

Look At This

When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my Lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord , so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2Kings.6: 15-17 NIV

Prudent people don’t flaunt their knowledge; talkative fools broadcast their silliness. Proverbs 12:23 MSG

Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You, I wait all the day. Psalm25: 5 NKJV

Praise the Lord! For He has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. Psalms 28: 6,7 NLT

God Wants Relationship **


God wants relationship
God wants a relationship with you.

God wants a relationship with you. The greatest desire of His heart is to have a relationship with you. Yes, YOU.

Below is one of my early morning conversations with Him about our relationship.

God wants relationship
God wants to start a relationship with you today.

But know this, what He speaks to my heart, He also means the same for you. In fact, He loves you more than you can ever know. And He will even use your own weight loss struggles to reach your heart.

Our Conversation:

Child, I’m calling you unto Myself. I’m calling you unto Me. Your relationship with Me is more important versus any “work” you could do for Me. What I desire most is your heart toward Me.

Yes Sir. Help me Lord to love You as You desire. Help me to obey You in all things.

Child, I will lead you as you seek Me.

Thank you Lord for the weight loss in spite of the cake I ate last night.

Child, you’re thinking too small. Just as the story of the lottery winner who said, “Now I can buy a double wide”, you’re thinking too small. Now come unto Me and I will fill your mind with possibilities.

I will renew your mind and make it Mine. So come to Me and let go of all that stubble. I’ll show you what’s most important. I will show you great and mighty things.

Yes Sir. Is my prayer list okay?

Yes, but I’d rather converse with you versus hearing your rote list. Although I do realize lists help you stay focused. So it’s alright. What’s most important to Me is our relationship together.

Yes Sir. Help me to please You in all my ways, actions, words, thoughts, and even my food choices.

Child, what you need is a vacation. But more than a trip, your mind needs to rest in My Presence. That’s where your strength comes from, My Presence. So come to Me for I have much to say to you.

And Child, My words will be more encouraging than any other words you could hear. Allow Me to speak to your heart and mind. Allow Me to fill you with My encouragement.

Obey Me in this and you’ll see a great turnaround in your life.
Let go of all else and come to Me. Then watch and see what I do in your life. Because I do have great plans for you, plans for a hope and a future.

God Wants Relationship

The words He speaks to me also applies to you as well. In fact, God is no respecter of persons. What He means for one, goes the same for all His children. Seek His Presence today. You’ll never regret it. You will find joy and peace in His Presence.

Feed On This

For there is no partiality with God. Romans 2:11 NKJV

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16,17 NKJV

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:11-12 NKJV



The Gluttony Monster

The Gluttony Monster

Lord, I think this gluttony monster comes to my house every evening. And when the compulsion from this monster hits, I don’t even stop to think. It consumes me.

I need more discipline, consistency, strength, and the power to say ‘No’ to this food obsession, this gluttony monster. I can’t change myself because I am powerless over myself.

But My Child, I have all the power you need.

Lord, My day starts out so good. I eat appropriate and sufficient. But then after supper, here comes this gluttony monster to consume my health.

Yes Child,  I see it all. My heart hurts for you. And I long to set you free. It is My will to set you free. 

So Lord, what can I do? I know You said to semi-fast for 40 days. But ever since that day, I’ve been invaded by this overwhelming compulsive to overeat. In fact, I’ve been eating like crazy.

I know You said, ‘Come to You’. But I haven’t stopped eating long enough to ‘come’ to You. Lord, I don’t know what to do.

I want to please You. I want to love You as I should. But here I am, all messed up.

I can pray words, “Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit”. But they are only words, just words, unless I change.

Child, I have watched you and I’ve been waiting for you even as you fell. But I’m always waiting to catch you. I will help you, for I have the power.

You will win over this addiction, over this gluttony monster. You will defeat this compulsion for I created you to be a victor. I created you for victory.

So Lord, what do I do?

Pray without ceasing. Every hour of every day come to Me. Check it off your time schedule if you must. But you must come to Me.  

Lord, I do want You to create in me a clean heart. And I long for a steadfast spirit before You. Fill me with Your sweet Presence daily and forevermore.

Child, I intend to. You will win over this compulsive gluttony monster. For I am THE WINNER and I created you to be a winner too. Therefore expect victory.

Be strong in the Lord
There are no perfect people, but God has already planned for your victory.

Expect victory. You will have your victory for I have already designed it. I am holding it in My hand. And you are a winner. You will win.

It may look like defeat to you. But when I look at you, I see a winner. You are Mine. You are a winner for I have already declared it so. 

Now get up and wash your face. Go forth today marching in your victory

Thank you Lord for not giving up on me.

Child, I never give up on any of My children. 


You have already won a victory . . . because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 1John 4:4 NLT

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-4 ESV

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. . . . James 4:7-8

Lord, We Are Stupid Sheep

Lord, we are stupid sheep. We, the people of USA need You. Even though we don’t deserve it, please intervene for us. Have mercy on us. At this time we are in the middle of a pandemic, mass confusion, rioting, and an election year.

Over 2000 yrs. ago, You told how the Good Shephard would  leave 99 to find the one lost. Lord, we are a mass population of stupid sheep and we have completely lost our way.

To begin with, we ask You to intervene for those sick with CV-19. And we thank you for those who have recovered. Comfort those who have lost their loved ones in this pandemic. And Lord, we, I ask that this CV-19 be gone in one day like the plagues in Your Word.

Lord, let the people in ICU at the hospitals suddenly be healed in such a way that the doctors are shocked and amazed. Let the sick rise up out of their sickbeds.

Lord, let families be restored to one another. Let those in long care facilities be visited by their families. Let hugs began again.

Lord, our land needs healing. Our people need healing. But do it in such a  way that only YOU get the credit, not science, not medical treatment or knowledge- only YOU.

As a people we have turned away from You. Please forgive us. Turn our hearts back to You. Show us how to reach out and love each other as You love us. And help us to turn our hearts to You in response to Your love.

Lord, we need You to intervene in behalf of our nation and all the people throughout the world. As of now we have leaders who are seeking their own agendas, not Your will. We have leaders who have increased the size of their pockets, but not for the benefit of the people.

Lord, You said in Your Word if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Solomon said happiness and satisfaction comes from a man’s work. As a nation we need to return to work. Although we know true happiness and peace comes from You, satisfaction from a job well done helps.

Lord, we ask that You remove ALL politicians who think it’s more important to save or protect grass and animals versus jobs so that parents can feed their children.

We have politicians who approve of infant sacrifice on the altar of “self” and “convenience”. Furthermore, they want to tax working people to pay for this child murder.

Lord, You led men long ago to help form this country and bring freedom to all, with the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Lord, You are the true source of life, liberty, and happiness. And when You are told to “butt-out” of our lives, our government, our schools, and our churches, there is no life, no liberty, and no happiness.

Lord, we need You for we have no power to save ourselves. Even though we are stupid sheep who follow stupid leaders, who are wolves in sheep’s clothing, liars, and thieves, deliver us from this evil.

I watched a video where one politician actually said, quote, unquote: “We tell a lie, let the media report it, then it becomes truth. That’s how we work.” Then she smiled at her audience. Lord, deliver USA from these liars, especially her.

Lord, remove all politicians who lie to manipulate the hearts and minds of the people. Remove all those in the media who are happy to repeat these lies in exchange for financial increase.

Lord, children have disappeared and the hearts of their parents and families grieve. I know You know what has happened to each child. Not only destroy all the evil people who hurt children, but also destroy those who kill infants in their mother’s wombs or at birth. And destroy their industry too.

We read of people long ago who sacrificed their babies to false gods by throwing them in the river to drown, or by burning them in a fire sacrifice, or throwing them off a cliff in order to sacrifice their babies to the false gods of water, fire, or land.

It’s still going on today only now it’s in sterile medical offices with so-called doctors sacrificing babies to the gods of “self” and “convenience”. Lord, I ask that You grant USA leaders who will completely destroy these medical altars of child sacrifice to false gods.

Throughout this land, the blood of these innocents cry out for revenge. Revenge them Lord. Destroy and erase these altars of murder and the blood stain of child sacrifice across our land.

Overall Lord, our land is covered with filth, sin filth, blood, and murder.

we are stupid sheep

Bring revival to our land, revival to our dead hearts, and awaken us to Your love. We are stupid sheep. Make us all “woke” to You and Your love for us. Even though we don’t deserve it, we humbly ask for Your forgiveness and healing.

In fact You are our only hope.

Finally thank you for listening to my words. Change our hearts and our minds. Cleanse our land. Forgive our sin. Thank you Lord , amen.

We are stupid sheep



We are stupid sheep

Temptation, Lord Help Me

TemptationsTemptation, everywhere I look. Lord help me. Forgive my stupid sins. Help me to please You in all I do, don’t do, say, don’t say, eat, don’t eat, and even what I think, or don’t think. Fill me with a greater desire for You versus anything else, even my food. Let me feed on You Presence. Thanks for loving me even though I don’t deserve it.

Uh Lord, . . . were You ever tempted by food? Continue reading Temptation, Lord Help Me

New Day of Victory

Today’s a new day of victory for you, My child. In fact, you’re going to have both new victory and new strength through My power.

After all, it’s the power of My shed blood that gives My children victory. Self is your greatest enemy and it’s My blood that defeats your enemy. 

Now come to Me. Allow Me to control your “self”. Give yourself to Me. Then I can set you free with more freedom and more victory than you ever thought possible. 

Here I am, Lord. I give my “self” to You. Do with me as you please. Only help me tonight when the gluttony monster shows up.

Child, watch and see what I do. Today is a new day of victory for you.  This victory is guaranteed through total surrender. Now surrender your “self” and it’s fleshly desires for gratification to Me. As you surrender, I will increase your strength with My strength. Thereby increasing your victory. See, your victory is guaranteed through the power of My victory. 


But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.            1 Corinthians 15:57 NKJV 

Before you do anything, put yourself totally in God and not in yourself. Then every plan you make will succeed. Proverbs 16: 3 TPT

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”  Mark 9:23 NKJV 


Thank you Lord. So far, it’s been seven (7/40) days of victory both in my eating and the routine of life. Everyday has been a new day of victory throughout this week. Now I’ve lost three pounds while eating in submission to Your will instead of mine. In addition to weight loss, I’ve experienced other blessings as well. Too many to list here. Thank you Lord for granting me your love and mercy, a second chance with a victory life.


Victorious – All Mine Are Victorious, Including You.

“Victorious, all of Mine are victorious, including you.”

Lord, I overate last night. Why? Why am I doing this? I don’t want this behavior, I want to walk in total victory to show others how You give victory. Today I feel like a hypocrite. I’m so embarrassed before You.

Child, not only can you not control others, but you can’t control yourself either. So why do you keep trying? Just let go and trust Me. When was the last time you waited before eating to seek My will?

Uh. . . .

If you wait, listen for My voice to guide  you, and walk in My directions for your day, then you will have victory. Quit holding on to what is not good for you, whether it’s unnecessary food, worry, doubt, or fear.  Let go of all that is in your hand. Allow Me to take this weight of burdens heavy on your back.  Give it all to Me. Do you remember your goals for this year, trust, listen, wait, let go, and pray?

Child, it seems you have wandered off the path and gotten distracted by many things. Fix your eyes and your heart on Me for I am your King and your Source of all you need, whether it’s finances, strength, wisdom, peace, or even faith. I can provide all you need.

For now, just focus on the joy of My Presence and allow Me to take care of all the rest of your concerns. If you focus on My Presence, you will be filled with My joy and that can enable you to survive the struggles of life. Being filled with My joy guarantees joy victory no matter the circumstances for I am victory. I delight in bringing victory to what looks like defeat. To the world My cross looked like defeat, but to Me, My cross brought victory, for I am victory.  I love you, child, and I give to you the gift of victory, victory over your sins, victory over defeat, victory over worry, and victory over fear. I am victorious, therefore all of Mine are victorious, including you. 10-14-16 072

 Don’t look at what you see, instead look at Me.  How many times have I spoke to  you about this? 

Uh. . . .

When your eyes are on the circumstances, you see overwhelming mountains of possible defeats everywhere you look. But when your eyes are on Me, you see My victory and therefore your victory as well. For I freely give to those I love, who are Mine, a life of victory no matter the circumstances.

Yes, there is victory even in death. The world sees death as the end of life, but through Me, death is the beginning of life.

Yes, there is even victory in suffering.

Lord, that’s one I question You about. How can there be victory in suffering?

Child, I am there with them, right by their side. I am closer to those suffering than those who are not. For I suffered the greatest suffering on My cross and I know their pain. Therefore I am closer to those suffering and I hold them in  My arms until I take them home to be with Me in Paradise. They are the victorious.

Lord, I’m ashamed because I  struggle with cake, ice cream, and cookies. Oh, and credit cards too. Please forgive my silly , whiney, stupid ways. Help me to follow You completely in all I say and do. Renew my mind so it seeks Your will above all else, for nothing else matters. Only You matter. Lord, I want more of You.

Child, the way to get more of Me is to give yourself to Me completely. Allow Me to have control of all of you. Give up your dreams, your wishes, and your desires. Desire Me above all else, and I will take care of all else.

Here I am Lord. I give myself to You. Do with me as You wish. Fill my heart  and my mind with Yourself. I want to be Yours.


But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.     
1 Corinthians 15:57
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all.
1 Chronicles 29:11
So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?”  1 Corinthians 15:54-55

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:4


Faith, Losing Weight, Instructions for Life

Faith, Losing Weight, and Instructions for Life –

I found this framed plague,  “God’s Little Instructions” at a garage sale for 1$ and couldn’t resist buying it. It’s full of scripture and wisdom for life.

Let me know if you’d like to buy it- maybe we can work out a deal.


God’s Little Instructions

Continue reading Faith, Losing Weight, Instructions for Life