IMG_9445Lord, I want to stand on those scales really bad! I wonder if I have lost any weight this week?

(Wait My child, obey Me in this! Wait until the appointed time. Remember that your success is not determined by a number from a box you stand on. Your obedience and submission to Me determines your success.)

But Lord, what if I haven’t lost any weight?

(Then, what will you do, My child?)

Well . . . I would eat less, and drink more water.

(Then do that now, My child. By waiting, you are learning not only obedience but also trust. You are learning to trust Me.)

Okay Lord, I will wait. But it is so hard waiting!

(My child, trust Me.)

Yes Sir. But Lord, do You think that I have eaten too much this week?

(My child, you know that answer. How many times this week did you eat past full? How many times this week did you insist on your desert, even if it was only a half cup serving? How many times this week did you eat your meal using your own knowledge, versus seeking My will before each meal? How many times did you eat in submission to My will, versus your own desires?)

Oh Lord, there were several times that I did all of that!

(I see. How many glasses of water did you drink this week?)

Uh . . . maybe not even eight.

(I see. My child, how can you expect success at losing weight if you follow your own desires for fleshly gratification? If you neglect obedience to My instructions, how can you expect success?)

Okay Lord, today I will focus on drinking more water and eating less. Teach me how much to eat and what to eat.

(My child, the main focus is not food and water, but teaching you a better way. As long as you have a willing heart to listen, trust, and obey, then I will offer the guidance, wisdom, and strength to complete this process. )

Yes Sir. Thank you for Your patience about my diet. I do know that there are so many more very important issues going on now at this very minute in the Earth that You need to handle. May Your will be done in each situation. I really do appreciate You taking the time to talk to Me about a simple thing like my diet and my weight.

(My child, I am deeply concerned about each minuet detail in the life of each one of My children. As you seek My heart and My will, I will lead you and fill you with Myself. Through this process of submission in obedience you  will learn My wisdom, My strength, and My love for you. You will learn endurance and how to resist temptation. You will gain strength and wisdom. I am in the process of re-creating you, My child. I am cleansing you from the filth of worldly desires and self-indulgence bit by bit. When this process is complete you will be standing as one of My “beautiful chosen”. Queen Esther went through a process of treatments to make her more beautiful before her king. You also are going through a process of treatments to make you more beautiful before your King. The sweet fragrance of earthly oils infused Queen Esther, the sweet fragrance of My Holy Spirit will infuse you. My child, you are becoming even more beautiful in My sight!)

Oh, thank you Lord! It did feel so wonderful when I went to a meeting with my friends, after a period of absence,  and they were so surprised at how much weight I had lost. They told me how good I looked and it felt so wonderful to hear their compliments!

(My child, you are beautiful to Me! I created you perfect in My eyes! I am so pleased with the progress that you have achieved through this obedient walk with Me. My child, don’t you know that I treasure this time with you, this time that we talk together about the concerns of your heart? For I am deeply interested and concerned about every detail of your life! I enjoy the companionship of My children! I enjoy you, My child!)

Oh Lord, I also enjoy You! Your Word gives me encouragement, wisdom, and strength! Thank you for spending Your precious time with me!

(I love you, My child!)

I love You too, My Lord!

—- But whoever keeps His Word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.                                       I John 2:5 NKJV

—- Do not let your adornment be merely outward- arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel-rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.           I Peter 3:3,4 NKJV

—-   . . .  let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.                                     2 Corinthians 7:1 NKJV

—- Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.                      2 Corinthians  3:5 NKJV

—- For we walk by faith, not by sight.       2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV