Failure & God Given Victory – 42 Years of Struggle

20130411-094416.jpgFinally reached the unreachable, achieved the unachievable. Lord, that’s 94 pounds lost. After 42 years of dieting struggles, obesity, and always a sense of failure, I finally saw that magic number of victory on those scales. No matter how much weight I lost or how many times I tried, I’ve never reached this goal. Therefore I’ve always felt like a failure.

I’ve maintained a 90+lb. weight loss for a year and a half now. Just figured given my age, this goal given in the past was unrealistic, so in my mind I dismissed it. After all You’ve already accomplished in my life, I wasn’t even trying for that goal. Now look at what You’ve done.  I can finally say I’ve reached the unreachable, and achieved the unachievable. Lord, I know that without You, it would’ve never happened. Thank you, my Lord. I bow before You in adoration and gratefulness.

All my life this magical number who promised happiness and victory was in the background taunting me with its voice of accusation and failure. No matter my achievements, 3.7 GPA at graduation with a B. S. in Education, superior evaluations on my job as a Special Education teacher, or even writing a book,  I still felt like a failure. This failure to achieve that magic number on my scales determined my confidence and self- image. It was always there in the background, “No matter what you do, you’ll never make this goal. Failure, failure, failure.”

In 1974,  I was given this goal by the leader of a paid weight loss organization. Back then I  had only 27 pounds to lose from 174. What happened? How did I reached the obesity stage of 241, 94 pounds overweight ? Now, finally at age 63, praise God, that goal was achieved. Wow!

Yes He did it!

Thank you for helping me Lord. I feel like a walking, talking miracle. Never in my life did I ever think this was possible.  I’m amazed. In my 60’s, after menopause,  with low thyroid, 94 pounds are banished from my body. I’m a new creature. Lord, You re-created me. Amazing.

How I used to look, weighing 241 lbs.
Now I’m a new creature- re-created by God.


I will never lay aside your laws, for you have used them to restore my joy and health.  Psalm 119:93 TLB

I will never forget Your precepts, For by them You have given me life. Psalm 119:93 NKJV

The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results. James 5:16 TLB

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV


Ya’ll have a great day! God’s Victory to you, my friend!


Overeating- 21 Activities Instead

Behaviorists say to rid oneself of a bad behavior, you should replace it with a good behavior. You want to break the habit of overeating, so here’s a list of 21 things to do instead of overeating. Make your own list. Get creative. Ask God to lead you and guide you.   Continue reading Overeating- 21 Activities Instead

Fasting the News

img_2319Lord, I heard that others are fasting 40 days for our nation and the upcoming election. They’ll begin on September 30th and fast until November 8th. Should I fast too? If so, what kind of fasting would You have me do? I already cut my food portions in half. Do I give up desserts? Do I fast one meal a day? What kind of fasting should I do?

I have a trip planned during part of this time period. Food is a major part of this trip and I don’t want to ruin it for others traveling with me. I also don’t want them to know I’m fasting. It’s bad enough my friends watch as I cut my food in half. Then they ask if I think they should do the same. Lord, I can’t tell them how to eat. Only You can.

But what should I do about this fasting?

Do I give up television? I can do that easy. Television’s boring, although I do like my news station. I know I’ve become a news junkie with three news apps on my cell phone. I check them throughout the day and get new updates. I especially want to know about the events of this upcoming election.

But Lord, what about fasting in prayer for this nation? What would You have me to fast? What would keep me focused on prayer for this nation?

My child, . . .  you could fast the News.

Yes, that a good idea. It would improve your attitude. I’ve listened to you complaining about different news events.  I know of your constant worries over the future. Freeing your ears would eliminate your fears.

Oh Lord . . sigh. . . I’d rather give up desserts.

I don’t think I can do this. It’s just too hard. It’s an Election year!

What about Hubby? He turns on the news first thing every morning. He’s worse than me. Would you have me leave the room when he turns it on? What would that do for our marriage? I wouldn’t even be able to discuss current events with him. What would You have me do?

img_9148My child, stay in the room with him. But read your Bible, write, or pray while he’s watching the news. The people I’ve placed in your life need prayers and the needs are great.

If he discusses news with you, just listen. He will enjoy you listening. After all, you do that so little with him.

You allow the News to influence your mood for the day and you worry so much about the future. Don’t you know yet that I, the Lord and King, hold the future in My hand?

What about my blog or Facebook? Lord, are You sure You want me to fast the News? Desserts would be easier and others wouldn’t notice. Giving up the news is too hard.

My child on your trip others would notice. Besides do you think watching the news will help you make a difference in the world?

No Lord.

img_0593God's Word is encouragement!Would growing deeper in My Word help you minister to others?

I guess.

You know it would. Do you trust Me?

Lord, You know I trust You.

  Do you think the world will survive without you watching every event on your television?

My child, I’ve already told you who will be the winner of this election- I AM. It doesn’t matter who sits in that chair, I am the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am the Winner. I am the One in charge.


O, Lord, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 1 Chronicles 17:20

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:33,34

  Trust in the Lord,  and do good; dwell in the land, and fee on His faithfulness. Psalm 37: 3


Faith, Losing Weight, Instructions for Life

Faith, Losing Weight, and Instructions for Life –

I found this framed plague,  “God’s Little Instructions” at a garage sale for 1$ and couldn’t resist buying it. It’s full of scripture and wisdom for life.

Let me know if you’d like to buy it- maybe we can work out a deal.


God’s Little Instructions

Continue reading Faith, Losing Weight, Instructions for Life

Faith, Losing weight, and Life Instructions

Faith, losing weight, and life; found this framed plague of  “God’s Little Instructions” at a garage sale for 1$. I couldn’t resist. It’s full of scripture and wisdom for life.


God’s Little Instructions

Life is not a problem to be solved,but a gift to be enjoyed.                                       This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 NIV

If at first you don’t succeed, try reading the instructions.                                 Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.          Proverbs 4:13

The measure of a man is not how great his faith is, but how great his love is.      And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.  1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV

Humor is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles.                                         A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22

People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do.        The tree is known and recognized and judged by its fruit.                                  Matthew 12:33 AMP

Life can only be understood by looking backward, but it must be lived by looking forward.                                                                                                                                  And Jesus said unto him, “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. Luke 9:62

What a big difference there is between giving advice and lending a hand.        Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions.  1 John 3:18 TLB

Take care of your character and your reputation will take care of itself.                 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. Proverbs 22:1

Your companions are like the buttons on an elevator- they will either take you up or they will take you down.                                                                                                He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20

A man is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.                 There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches. Proverbs 13:7



Election- The Lord Reveals The Winner

Election- The Lord Reveals The Winner

This post is not about weight loss, unless election stress and worry causes you to stress eat. We need to replace our political worries with prayers of intercession.

This election had me so worried about the future of our country. So I decided to ask the Lord about it during my prayer time. This is what He spoke to my heart.


You asked Me about what I think of your election. I’ll tell you My thoughts-

I laugh at them. Why do you worry so about so many details of he say-she say? Don’t you know yet that I am in charge and I will rule.  Trust Me, My child, not the one in a political seat, for I am the One who holds your future in My hand. My will- will prevail no matter what your eyes see.

Don’t Look At What You See- When I saw this truck, I thought, “The scenery painted on the side is so pretty.”
How many times do I have to tell you, “Don’t look at what you see, instead look at Me?” Know that I am the King, the Ruler, the Head and not the tail.

Evil may think it is winning, but I hold the victory in My hand. I want you to rejoice over My victory in this election for I will rule over this land. It is My land, forever Mine no matter who holds the political seat of government. I govern over all and I assure you I will have the victory.

I hold the victory over death, do you think your measly little puppeteers are in charge? No My child, for I hold their strings in My hand.



The Truth- It was a flat bed truck parked next to a fence with greenery grown over it. A prime example of “Don’t Look At What You See.”
Don’t look at what you see, instead look at Me. Vote for Me as your ruler and your king for I am victorious over all. Praise Me for I am victory.

Your political  players are roosters in My eyes getting ready for the cock fight, but I am in charge of the game. What they don’t know is that I have already declared Myself the winner. . . I win.


Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. . . . John 18:36

. . .  Jesus answered,  “You say rightly that I am a king, for this cause I have I have come into the world that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice. John 18:37

The righteous will never be uprooted but the wicked will not remain in the land. Proverbs 10:30


 My child, no matter what your eyes see, I AM in control of all.


Listen Carefully


Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good. And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Isaiah55:2NKJV


Lord, I didn’t listen very well last night. You know it and I know it. Technically I did follow Your directions. Do I get credit for that?

It happened just as I finished my meal. The ladies at the church pot luck were cleaning the tables. They asked if anyone wanted the last bit of leftover pasta salad. If not, they’d throw it away. I thought, “That’s too good to throw away. It’s has bacon in it, it’s just one serving.” So I stood by the garbage can and ate it out of the pan using a plastic spoon.  Should’ve let them throw it away.

The story of Saul teaches us about partial obedience, which is really no obedience. Yes, I resisted all those yummy desserts at the pot luck, didn’t eat any of it. Does that count for something? IMG_1206

Lord, You stirred in my heart to throw away the leftover pasta salad. But did I listen? No, I finished it off. Saul didn’t listen, and neither did I.

Here I am now with a bloated belly and weight gain. I’ve gone 40 days without desserts or southern fried foods. Then on day 40 I mess up, not with desserts or fried foods, but leftover pasta salad. Do You think we could count that as a salad? Would that work? Sigh. Probably not.

Lord, it’s my heart that loves and desires abundant food. Remove this love of food from my heart. Help me to love You more than anything. Help me to listen.

I won’t blame You if You don’t talk to me anymore for I am undeserving of Your voice. I’m supposed to help others and look at me with my face in the pasta bowl. img_0601

Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live. And I will make an everlasting covenant with you.   Isaiah 55:3

Lord, I want Your Presence. Help me to turn away from even my necessary food. Help me  to seek Your will for every bite, every action, every word, and even every thought.

My thinking has been stinking lately. Renew my mind, make it seek after You and Your will above all.

Lord, what can I do?

Nothing My child, just seek Me first. Your eating has become automatic. In the beginning you were aware and sought Me continuously. Now you mostly eat on automatic.

Lord, I feel as though I’m on the fence teetering about to fall.

My child, you are straddling the fence.

What do I do now? How can I change my life to please You more? How can I walk in the shadow of Your Presence? I can’t help others if I’m standing in the mud. I feel as though I’m at a new bottom covered in mud, confused about which direction to take.

Lord, where am I?

img_0617My child, you’re standing at the end of the middle. Success isn’t found in the middle, hence your confusion, not knowing which way  to go. 

But Lord, where do You want me?  Do I stand here waiting not moving until I know that I know?

My child, first you have to listen. Then obey Me in the small things. I need to know I can trust you in the small things before I trust you with the big tasks. For instance, you knew to throw away that pasta. David emptied out the water as a sacrifice. You could have emptied out that leftover pasta. You made your choice, disobedience and consequences. img_8833

Lord, I’m sorry I let You down.

 My child, choose obedience to Me over all and I will never lead you wrong. Trust img_0300.jpgMe to guide your steps and you will have victory. It may not be the same victory of others, but it will be the victory I have designed just for you. Will you trust Me?

Lord, You know I trust You.

My child, will you trust Me even when you are holding leftover pasta in your hand? Will you be willing to let it go?

Oh Lord, I wish I could go back and relive that moment. I would throw it away.

My child, you can never go back. What is done is done. Now I have to adjust My plans according to your actions for I will never go against one’s will. All are free to choose their way, their choice. You chose the pasta versus My will.

Yes Lord, punish me. I deserve it.

Yes, My child, you do deserve it. But I’m not going to punish you for I have already taken the punishment for you. I have already set you free. I have already prepared your victory over sin. My child, all you have to do is look at Me, seek Me for I will never lead you wrong. And no, You’re not getting by. Natural consequences will come. They always come. I won’t go against the laws of nature that I set in motion so long ago. You see, I am hindered by your will.IMG_2463

Lord, what do I do?

Focus on Me, look to Me, listen, and obey what I tell you. Don’t argue with me. You know you argue. You tell me deep within your spirit that this time it’s okay. My child, disobedience is never okay. No matter how minor you perceive it.

Lord, I’m sorry. Now what do I do?

You can’t go back to undo what is done.IMG_2338

I know, so what do I do now?

Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you. . .  Isaiah 55:3

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55: 6-9



My child, take each day as it comes.



Husbands . . .

He’s wearing my sunglasses.

Husbands. . . Lord, I’m thankful for this one You gave me. But earlier this week  I was gritting my teeth. You told me to be thankful in all things. He’s pushing the limit.

He said, “Get off that computer and do something physical. Come help me wash your car.”

What? . . . Lord, it’s nice having a clean car, but it’s not what I wanted to do. What did I want to do? . . Hmmm, let’s see. . . Hmmm. . . Not sure. . .   

I know I didn’t want to wash my car. The computer and I were having a great time. Do other husbands act like this?

He said, “Get on your bathing suit and come outside. You need a tan. It would help those legs of yours look better if they were tan.”

Grrrrrr . . . Lord, help me not scream at that man.

Dug out the bathing suits, new and old, selected an old one and put it on.  Hmmm . . . this is the one I had my picture taken in 2013. (My eyes only.) Don’t look too bad, just the arms and legs. My waist is so much smaller now. Hmmm . . . not so bad. I need a picture of now to compare with then.

Went outside in my black bathing suit.  He said, “You don’t want to do this, just go back in.”

What? . . . Think I’m going to kill him. Lord, are other husbands like this or is it just him?

I’m outside exposed in a bathing suit for all the neighbors to see. It’s the first time I’ve put on a bathing suit this summer and I’m standing in the driveway, not the beach. 

Lord, help me not kill him .

He looked at me, “You need to get those legs outside more. Wear some shorts. Get some tan. That’ll make them look better. Yep, and you need to start walking more. That would make them look better too, firm them up. But you don’t want to do this, so go back inside.”

Grrrr . . . Lord, help me not kill him in this driveway with the neighbors as witnesses.

“No, I’m out here now in my bathing  suit. I’ll help you wash the car. But I need to leave in time to pick up grandchildren from school.”

Lord, help me deal with this man.

My child, its opposite world. You’re looking at what you see . Look through My eyes. See what I see. See his goodness, tenderness, love , and the favor I have given him for you. After all, it was your car he wanted to wash.  What you give out, you will receive. What you plant will determine your harvest.

img_0593Earlier today you opened the door for strife to enter in when you spoke negative of him with the neighbor. Speak good and good will come. Speak criticism and criticism will come. Whatever seed you plant will determine your harvest. If you want good, then plant good with your words. Your words are seeds to your harvest.

Lord, do you remember when I used to say he drove me to eat. Remember the old saying, “Make love, not war.” I used to make food treats and would eat them instead of argue. Comfort food was better than confrontation.

Do You remember back in the 80’s when I left him over that candy bar and You told me what I was doing was wrong? I had taken $200 out of the bank to get me a hotel room at the beach. (Couldn’t get a room for that now.) I wasn’t leaving him for another man, I was leaving him over a candy bar. Crazy.

My child, when two objects are rubbed together, they make heat. Sometimes the heat is good. Sometimes the heat causes friction, but when oil is applied the objects can work together as one. For example, a car engine has many parts that without oil will cause engine failure, with oil they run smoothly.

My Holy Spirit is the oil of My love. When applied, it will bless your union. The result is an example of how I join two into one.

I’m going to help you love this man I gave you. My love within you will grow and blossom in your relationship with this one, My earthly son and also with Him, My  firstborn Son.

Now don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me.


You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. I John 4:12 NKJV

 Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God. Ephesians 5:20,21

This verse is on my bathroom mirror reminding me “In all things, give thanks.” (1Thess.  5:18) especially husbands.


Celebrating 43 years of marriage earlier this year.

Yes Sir, You’re in Control

IMG_0364My child, you worry too much. Don’t you yet know I’m in control of all things? Give Me your heart and your mind, allow Me to guide you and lead you. Seek My influence for I will never lead you wrong. I will always lead you correctly. No worries for I’ll even correct your errors. I’ll open doors you know not of. cropped-img_9103.jpg Continue reading Yes Sir, You’re in Control