Shockingly diverse kindergarten group in Paris
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     (My children, there are laws of eternity of which I spoke into existence. These laws are throughout eternity and cannot be changed or reversed for My word cannot return void. Once, spoken, My Word is forever. The enemy, shrew serpent that he is, knows this and he is taking advantage of the gift of free will given to mankind. He is using their free will to influence the choices of mankind in the transgression of My eternal laws. These transgressions will ultimately destroy all mankind.)

        Isaiah 45: 23 NKJV : I have sworn by Myself; the Word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return . . .

       (The enemy knows just how much I love mankind, therefore he knows that for every pain he causes mankind to suffer is a pain that he causes Me to suffer. I know the pain of My children. I suffer as they suffer. I hurt as they hurt.  I cry as they cry. But know this, My children, soon all sin and suffering will end for I have planned the defeat of the enemy. I have only  been waiting so that all of mankind will have the opportunity to choose to respond to My voice.

     Some have heard the voice of My calling more than once and yet they still follow the ways of the enemy. I long for all of My children to escape eternal death and that is why I have not already brought an end to this intense suffering. I am trying to save as many as will hear My voice. It is though a ship has sunk and many are in the waters of peril. I am calling in rescue trying to save as many as possible from the grave of eternal death. Even though I am calling and calling there are so many that have become so withdrawn into their own selfish desires that they choose to ignore My voice. 

     What breaks My heart even more is that they are influencing others to follow these selfish desires and more will be lost. I grieve over My children that will be lost. It has become so unbearable to Me that soon and very soon I will end this suffering of sin and death for I will victoriously destroy the enemy and those that choose to follow him. They made their choice. I called and called, yet they continued to close their ears to My voice; therefore, they made their choice. My spoken Word of victory over the enemy, the evil one, with all of his suffering, pain, and death will stand. For I have spoken his eternal defeat and My Word will not return void.)

     Psalm 95:7-8 NKJV : . . . .Today, if you will hear His voice: “Do  not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, . . . .

     Matthew 18:14 NKJV: “Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”

     (I can no longer bear the cries of the suffering innocents. I have heard enough of their cries. Pray for them, My children. There are so many, you have no idea just how much suffering is in this world for I have protected you from this knowledge. There is so much suffering that it is unbearable and the weight of this comprehension would destroy you. Pray for the victory of the suffering saints. Pray for the defeat of the enemy.)

     Ephesians 6:18 NKJV : Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplications for all the saints.