Healing Begins Today

Healing begins today, Child. In fact, I’m going to use all the destruction and death you see now, even wrongful death, to bring about My healing for this land. And it begins today.Healing Begins Today

Lord, we all need You. So can You turn all this around? To begin with, we need revival. Specifically, we need a great move of Your Holy Spirit across this land.

Today, my own son plans to complete a prayer walk around his city’s courthouse. Likewise, maybe we all should do a prayer walk around our cities and throughout our land.


         He is the living God, and steadfast forever, and His kingdom which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall be even unto the end. Daniel 6:26


 To begin with Child, no matter what you see, My kingdom will never be destroyed. And My dominion will be for eternity. 

So Lord, can You turn all this around?

Yes Child, I can turn all things around and I will. Now watch and you’ll see what I will do. 


And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMP


Again Child, I tell you I’m going to use all this destruction and death, even wrongful death, to bring about healing to this land. Yes, healing begins today.

Healing Begins Today

Thank you Lord.

Yes Child, healing begins today. 

Also, I did not cause all this strife and heartache. No, Satan did for He is the cause of all destruction and death. His desire is to kill, steal, and destroy. But I am going to turn all things around. 

Lord, You’re our only hope. Only You can bring healing to hearts, broken hearts, grieving hearts, and even sick hearts.

Child, soon you will hear testimonies of those who once looted and destroyed with hearts full of anger and hate. Soon you will hear them say, “But God. But God intervened and changed my heart. Now I want to serve Him and spread forth the message of His love for mankind.”

Today healing begins. 

Lord, I look forward to hearing these testimonies. We all need to hear a good report of some kind.

First, we had CV-19. Then we witnessed unmerciful death. And then we witnessed riots full of destruction with more unmerciful deaths. Lord, it all looks hopeless.

Stay Home

But My child, wait until you see what I now will do across this land. Watch and see what I do. 

Look throughout My Word. Every time things looked hopeless for My people, I stepped in and brought  forth My victory. Every time.

So from now on, every time things look hopeless, look to Me. Remember what I’ve told you many times. “Don’t look at what you see. Instead look at Me.”

Look to Me, for I am peace and joy. I am real love, love that can’t be explained. Never look to mankind for true love. They are incapable. But always look to Me, for I AM LOVE. 

When My love enters a heart completely, then a life can be changed, truly changed. 

So keep your eyes on Me and what I do. You are going to see and hear of many miracles of changed lives. Watch and see what I do.


He is the living God, world without end. His kingdom never fails. His rule continues eternally. He is a Savior and a Rescuer. He performs astonishing miracles in heaven and on earth. . .  Daniel 6:26 MSG


Child, no matter what you see, know this. I WIN. In fact I always win. So trust Me for I always win. And I am victory indeed. 


I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NIV


Yes Child, I win. Because I always win the victory. Indeed I have already won.

God's mercy

Chaos Everywhere

Lord, it seems the world has gone crazy, chaos everywhere, heartache, suffering, sickness, death, confusion, people attacking one another without even thinking about it. Hatred, it seems abounds throughout. Sometimes I think, “Jesus, come take me out of this mess.”Chaos Everywhere

But then I remember all those who are lost. Some were never taught about You or Your love for them. Therefore they never had a chance to know Your love. So what can I expect from them except hatred?

Chaos Everywhere

They look at this world’s situation too. They see the chaos everywhere and they have no hope. Lord, send someone into their lives that will share Your love with them.

And Lord, I ask for forgiveness because sometimes I respond in anger to these haters, especially on social media. I forget they don’t know You.

How can I show Your love for them if I respond in hatred back at them? So what am I to do?

Child, pray before you respond to others. Up to now you’ve just responded without thoughtful consideration. In fact, you responded through your emotions many times.

Yes Sir. (Hanging my head in embarrassment)

Now Child, I’m instructing you to pray and seek My guidance before you open your mouth in response to others. Pray before you speak, type a word, or even before you “share” the thoughts of others.

God help me.

I want all My children to be witnesses of My love and not respond to others out of hatred. So pray before responding. Take a minute of your time before you respond to anyone. No more immediate responses. Seek My wisdom first.

Lord, help me. A while back, I saw a sign that said, “Lord, put Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth.” I need this. Help me.

Child, if you seek My wisdom before you respond, then I will grant you words of wisdom to share. I will put My Word in your mouth. I will lead you and I will guide you. 

Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.Chaos Everywhere

Lord, it’s going to be hard. This is a year of politics. You know my feelings.

Yes Child. That’s why I’m giving you instructions. This year is going to be a war of words and chaos everywhere. But it’s always been that way since sin first entered Eden.

So remember to pray first before responding to others. Keep your focus to seek My wisdom before you speak.

Also, follow these same instructions before you eat too. Pray first. Then seek My wisdom. Do this before opening  your mouth either to speak or to eat. Then you will have victory.

Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.

Lord, I also ask that Your love wash over this land and all people groups. Fill all of us with Your love and mercy. Help us to show Your love and mercy to each other. You are our only hope. Thank you for hearing our prayers.

Words of Wisdom

Be ANGRY [at sin-at immorality,, at injustice, at ungodly behavior],  YET DO NOT SIN; do not let your anger [cause you shame ,nor allow it to] last until the sun goes down. Ephesians 4:26 AMP

God, give me grace to guard my lips from speaking what is wrong. Guide me away from temptation and doing evil. Save me from sinful habits and from keeping company with those who are experts in evil. Help me not to share in their sin in any way, Psalm 141: 3-4 TPT

I leave the gift of peace with you-My peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but My perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts- instead, be courageous! John 14:27 TPT

Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything! Romans 8:37 TPT


Turnaround Victory

Turnaround victory

“Turnaround victory”

Child, remember those words I spoke to your heart?

Yes Lord, You said I’d have a turnaround victory. Then You instructed me to complete 40 days of semi-fasting. But I don’t think I can do it.

Child, know you can do all things with My help. My instructions are simple. Complete 40 days of just three meals a day, half portions, and no snacks. You’ve fasted in prayer before. So now consider this a 40 day fast.

You can do this. For I am with you and I am on your side.

Lord, there’s so many suffering now with so much heartache. And yet, here I am talking to You about food.

Child, when you give up extra food and eat half servings it’ll be a form of fasting. This’ll increase the power of your prayers. Just think how powerful your prayers would be for those suffering. Your prayers could bring a turnaround victory in your life and all those you intercede for.

I’m calling you to life of submission before Me. The real question is . . . are you willing to give up your food pleasure in exchange of an increase of My Presence within you?

Instead of being sedated, drugged, or sleepy due to overeating, you’d have an increased alertness of My Holy Spirit within you. This’ll increase your strength and power to pray without ceasing. Then your eyes and your ears would open to see My power working throughout the earth and to hear My voice speaking within your heart.

So what do you want, a life of sedated apathy or a life of alertness with excitement? If you’re looking for excitement, then live in My Presence with your life yielded to My Holy Spirit. That’s excitement indeed. Everyday is full of joy, peace, and miracles. An open heart sees many miracles of turnaround victory.

Fasting, even semi-fasting increases your ability to pray without ceasing. This doesn’t mean constantly praying your requests. Yes, I want your requests. But to pray without ceasing means constant communication with Me, not just during your so-called quiet time.

You’ll be aware of My Holy Spirit every moment of your day, guiding you every step you take and with every word you say. Eating in submission helps you focus on real life, not sedated life. As a result you’ll have turnaround victory.

So Child, what do you want?

Oh Lord, I want a life full of Your Presence.

Then you must surrender your life, along with your eating, to Me. I’m calling you to a full, exciting, fulfilled life, not a sedated life full of apathy. I’m calling you to a life on fire with excitement, peace, and joy. So what do you choose?

Lord, I want You. But I’m so weak and defeated.

Child, let the weak say I am strong.

How many people in the Bible were weak? But I used them in great and mighty ways to bring about turnaround victory. Just think, if all the weak people yielded themselves completely, I could fill them all with My Holy Spirit power. Now that would be a true turnaround victory.

Turnaround Victory

If only they knew the victories I have planned for them. . . If only they knew.

Child, I want you to live a life of victory, not defeat. I want all My children to live in complete victory, not defeat. That’s what I offer, turnaround and victory.

I long for My people to wake up and walk in victory, the victory I have planned for each one. They don’t have to trudge through this life of clay, instead they can walk through an exciting life of victory. And they get to choose.

Now Child, what do you choose? Choose well, My child. Choose well.

New Victory

God's mercy

I Can Do The Impossible

I can do the impossilble
I Can Do The Impossible

I can do the impossible. You know why? Because My Lord told me so. Here’s how the conversation went:


Lord, here I am today. Overall, yesterday was awesome. Thank you.

To begin with, thank you for the weight loss. That’s a huge surprise considering what I ate yesterday. Amazing.

Child, if only you had followed My will for your eating. Then you would have seen more weight loss.

Well Lord, what do You want me to eat today? Or do I fast today, given what all I ate yesterday?

But . . .  can I have ice cream for breakfast first?

Yes, a measured amount.

Can I have it now?

So you want to have ice cream before our time together?

How about during our time together?

Yes, you can have your way. But realize what you are choosing – ice cream – ahead of Me. 

Oh Lord, I’m sorry. Help me choose You.

In fact Child, I’m trying to help you. But first, you must believe and you must change your self-talk. How many times a day do you say to yourself, “I can’t”?

A  lot.

Faith Comes By Hearing –

So haven’t you heard, “Can’t never could.”? To begin with, change your self-talk to “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Then repeat that to yourself several times a day.

Faith comes by hearing. Change your self-talk and then listen. First of all, say to yourself, “I can do all things through Christ.” Then you can resist the stronghold of ice cream before Me.

Lord, help my unbelief.

Child, I am here for you. And yes, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. For I am the Almighty, Most Powerful God of All, of everything. And I AM on your side helping you. Consider that. Think about that. 

Yes Lord, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.


I can do the impossible
This has always been a stronghold all my life. But no more, for I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Now I can do the impossible.

I Can Do The Impossible

. . . From where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121: 1-2 AMP

For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible. Luke 1:37 AMP

But He answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and My power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ moving in me. 2Corinthinans 12:9 TPT

I just want to obey all You ask of me. So teach me, Lord, for You are my God. Your gracious Spirit is all I need, so lead me on good paths that are pleasing to You, my one and only God! Psalm 143:10 TPT

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


Peace of Heart and Peace of Mind

God is your victory
The Presence of God is your victory.

Peace of heart and peace of mind is the greatest prosperity there is. And My plans are to give My people a hope and a future, not to harm them, but to prosper them.

So come to Me. For I am always here for you . Yes, I know all about the needs, and heartaches throughout the world. And I am concerned over each individual right where they are. Each story is different and each life is different. But I am concerned over every minute detail of each and every life. 

I am immediately by the side of all who cry out to Me – to provide comfort, strength, knowledge, and yes, even healing.

I am not a God who chooses which person to go to. No, instead each person chooses whether to invite Me to come be with them or not.

I do not go where I am not invited. But I am the Almighty All and everything to those who do invite Me to be in their life. I bring hope where there is no hope. I bring comfort where their is no comfort. And I bring love where there is no love. Above all, I bring peace. Peace of heart, Peace of Mind

Some people can’t forgive themselves. Therefore they resent Me and blame Me for the way their life turned out. But I offer complete forgiveness and a new beginning to all who invite Me into their life. 

Yes, the world is in trouble. But I have come to bring peace, true peace to hearts and true peace to minds. If only they would invite Me in, then I could bring them peace within the storm.

Lord, there is so much hate.

Child, there is always hate and there will be until I bring forth the new heaven and the new earth. 

Although, . . . hate  can be destroyed one heart at a time.

As they open their hearts to Me to receive My Presence, I will remove their hate and replace it with My love. 

But it takes an invitation and a yielded heart before I will enter in with My Presence. Otherwise, I do not go where I am not invited. 

God gives true peace
God gives true peace.

I am not a God who forces Himself on individuals. Instead I am a God who waits to be invited in. But to those who invite Me in, I am everything they need. 

Mainly I am peace, peace of mind and peace of heart. I am peace, strength, courage, and most of all I am love, not hate.

When you see hate, know that I am not there. 

There is a war happening now, a war over minds and a war over hearts. But know this – I will win! I always win for I am the Almighty!

And My plans are to give My people a hope and a future, not to harm them, but to prosper them. The greatest prosperity is peace, peace of heart and peace of mind. 

Now come to Me. Then you can watch and see what I will do within your life. Look for Me. As you open your eyes, you will see My love for you. I AM your Victory!

Peace of Mind and Peace of Heart

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefor we will not fear, . . . Psalm 46:1-2

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

God’s Mercy – We All Need It

God’s mercy, we all need it, worldwide. At times, it seems as though the world has gone crazy. I don’t understand any of it. Do you?

God's Mercy

All I do know is that we all need God’s mercy. So I’m posting a prayer for all of us. Why not join me in prayer where you are now. Let’s pray together for our world.

Our Prayer:

‭‭‬‬Lord, we need Your mercy.

Provide healing for those who are sick. Also provide comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. Bring Your healing power to our lands.

Grant provision for those who have lost jobs due to this CV-19.

In fact Lord, we need Your help, strength, and peace just to get through our daily lives. Everything seems so fearful or despondent for now due to the influence of CV-19.

We hear reports of those who sacrificed unselfishly of themselves to help others. They served in hospitals, or as first responders, or truck drivers to bring our supplies, or as store employees so we could purchase our needs. They are real heroes of this time.

Help the rest of us, who still have our health and homes to get off our duffs and out of the refrigerator. Let us be filled with hope and reach for Your love instead of our cookies and chips.

Help us to reach out to others in need and show them love. Lord, help us to love one another no matter our differences. Help us to forgive each other and forgive ourselves too.

We all need healing.

Lord, we praise you for You are our source for all we need. Cover our lands with healing, hope, and Your love. Lord we all need healing of some kind, either from physical sickness, or emotional despondency.

Our lands need healing. We need leaders who will seek and follow Your will versus their pocketbook. We need leaders who will follow Your agenda versus their own.

Lord we need revival across our lands. But mostly, we need revival in our hearts. Overall, we need Your love and Your forgiveness for our many failures.

Again Lord, we need You and Your mercy. Help us, for we are a stubborn, foolish, and needy people.

Without You, there is no hope. So Lord, fill all of us with Your love so we can minister to one another in love . Thank you for Your mercy and helping us cope with this day.

We praise You for the victory we know You’ve already planned and provided for us. Amen

God's Mercy Feed on God’s Word

Let Us Feed On His Word

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭NLT

. . . Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. . . Matthew 6: 9,10 NKJV

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Psalm 91:1,2 

We all need God’s mercy.  God has the whole world in His hands. And we can trust HIM.

Our Coronavirus Experience

Thought I’d share our coronavirus experience. It’s not over yet, but what a month it’s been. Hope this never happens again.

"Stay Home"
Stay Home

Overall we do have a lot to be thankful for. To begin with, we’ve escaped getting the virus. Although a friend went to the hospital for emergency stomach surgery, he didn’t get CV-19. Although a sister-in-law went to the hospital for emergency surgery due to a kidney stone, she didn’t get CV-19. To me, the worst part of their hospital stay for over a week was that they could not have any family with them. Both are safely home now. Thank you Lord.

At this time, our city has the highest number of cases in our state. But no one I personally know has gotten the virus. It seems the greatest number of cases are in the rest homes. (Lord, bring Your healing power to these precious elders.)

Hubby’s niece works as a speech therapist in a quality rest home. Although the report is they now have 45 cases, she has not gotten the virus. For this we are thankful. She has two small children to care for. (But Lord, please intervene in behalf of these elders who have served others throughout their lives.)

To begin our coronavirus experience story, we must begin at the grocery store. At the beginning of our story I was still working part time. So I wasn’t able to go grocery shopping at that time. But when I did go, was I ever surprised. I’ve never seen the shelves this empty in all my life, not even when a hurricane was coming.

Coronavirus Experience
The milk case- Almost no milk

I was shocked. It took seven trips to purchase what I thought we might need. What if we were quarantined in our house for two weeks and couldn’t even leave for groceries? Getting sick didn’t make me panic  or fearful, but seeing empty food shelves did.

Coronavirus Experience
The lunchmeat and sliced cheese case.
The orange juice case-
The boxed goods case

And you couldn’t find toilet paper anywhere. Why? There were no extra rolls at my house. So I bought boxes of Kleenex. It was all I could find and I felt lucky to find that.

One afternoon, Hubby came in and said he had a gift for me. Then he handed me this package of toilet paper. I was so thrilled, you’ve thought he gave me diamonds.


For me, one of the worst parts was not being able to see my grandchildren. We did use facetime, but it just wasn’t the same. I like hugs from my grandbabies.

Watching her jump on her trampoline via facetime.

And we weren’t able to be there to help granddaughters celebrate their birthdays. So we made a video for each one on their birthday.




Happy Birthday

We  watched as the Stock Market crashed. Goodbye Hubby’s IRA, 25 years of his life savings disappearing daily.

But overall, the saddest event of our coronavirus experience was the death of Hubby’s brother. No, he didn’t have CV-19. He was cutting limbs out of an oak tree at his church. Somehow he fell off the ladder. We suppose he hit his head on some landscaping rocks. Even though they rushed him by helicopter he passed away on the way.

At his funeral we could only have 10 people and we had to social distance one another. In the chapel, we had to sit on every other pew. They did livestream the service for others to watch. So sad and so surreal.

After the funeral we ate a family meal together and hugged each other in his home. To heck with social distancing. We were grieving and didn’t care about social distancing at all.

Later that night I developed a fever of 100.6. I cried myself to sleep thinking that I had exposed the entire family to CV-19. It turned out to be a bad tooth. Thank God and antibiotics, it quit hurting. But I’m still waiting to see a dentist.

Drive-up church

One of my favorite holidays is Easter. But this year was the saddest Easter ever. Two days after the funeral.  It felt so strange, having no grandchildren to give a basket too. No dressing up for church, no singing in the choir, and no family celebration.

We did go to drive-up church which was nice, but it just wasn’t the same as having Resurrection Sunday celebration in the sanctuary.

Now media has been talking about a possible food shortage due to CV-19. After hearing that a full-fledge panic set in. After all, I am a Foodie. But then I had to remember- faith. God provided manna. So I need to keep the faith.

Regardless of all, God is still good. There’s no reason to fear for God has promised to be with us. We can trust Him, no matter what.


And we know that all things work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust. Psalm 91: 1,2 

The red ribbon represents praying for our USA and all CV-!9 sufferers.

“Stay Home”- Victory Plan

Here’s part of my Victory Plan journal for the “Stay Home” order. Due to this mandate, for several weeks I’ve mostly ate and watched TV. So now I’ve gained over 10 pounds. How depressing.

Then last week God gave me a dream- I was in my classroom, my students were acting crazy, I had no lesson plan, and the principal walks in to observe me. I panicked. What am I going to do?- Then when I woke up and God spoke to my heart, “You need discipline and a plan.” (Note: I am a retired teacher.)

So I’m sharing my Victory Plan Journal for your “Stay Home” mandate. Hope it helps you as well. It’s free for you to print and use for yourself.

My goal is 40 days of victory, in eating and in life general. So here’s my plan, to work through this journal for 40 days. Presently I’m working on Day 5 and I’ve already lost 2 pounds. Yay!

I’ll post more Victory Plans next week. Hopefully this’ll help you begin 40 days of victory for your “Stay Home” mandate. I’m hoping soon we’ll be released from this order soon. Some states are opening up slowly and some states are extending their stay at home order. Hopefully soon, we can return to our so-called normal lives again. What is normal, anyway? What is our new normal?

May God bless you and keep you safe. May you experience success from this day forward. Let me know what you think.

Lord, help them prosper in all their endeavors. Keep all well and safe.




Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home

Count your blessings



God can turn our mess into a miracle

“Stop Eating And Pray”

“Stop eating and pray.” Yep, that’s how my morning time with the Lord was.v

To explain, we now have a ‘Stay home’ order because of coronavirus. Due to staying home, I’ve been eating a lot of comfort food. Lots of comfort food.

So this morning I prayed, “Lord, forgive me for I have been eating and eating everything. And now I’ve gained more weight. Lord, help me.”

Then I flipped over my daily scripture calendar, and saw this-

God declares us “not guilty” offending Him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in His kindness freely takes away our sins. Romans 3:24 TLB

We’ve been staying home for the past couple of weeks due to the coronavirus. And I’ve been eating and eating more, wasting time either watching TV, or zoning out on social media. But my greatest sin was none of these. No. it was my failure to pray.

“Lord forgive me. Help me to pray for those needing You. I can’t send medical supplies, or food to those in the hardest hit areas. But what I can do is pray.

Yes, I can pray and also reach out to those You placed in my life. I might not be able to be with them in person, but I can talk on the phone or use social media to stay in contact. Help me to help encourage others.”

We’re all stuck at home. All our lives have changed. We’re overwhelmed by all the reports of sickness and death. Maybe we’ve become fearful as we go to the grocery store. What if they come in my personal space and have the virus? And we’re real careful not to breathe on anyone because what if we have it?

Funny note: I’m at the store standing close to the checkout counter hesitating . This lady looks at me. So I say, “I’m debating on buying ice cream.”To which she replies, “Buy it.” Then a man standing close by, looks at me and says, “Buy it,” So I take that as a sign and go get ice cream. When I told Hubby about it, He said, “When did you start taking advice from strangers?”

When I compare the time I’ve spent eating, cooking, discussing menus, or grocery lists to the time I spent praying, guess which one got the most time during my stay at home day? Yep. Busted. It was food and more food. So I need to stop eating and pray.

A friend once told me the highest prayer you could pray is “Lord, Your will be done.” See Matthew 6 for “The Lord’s Prayer”.

So here’s today’s challenge. Let’s get out of our chairs, turn off the TV, turn off social media, and start praying for others. They need our prayers. This USA needs our prayers. The World needs our prayers. So lets stop eating and pray.

Our leaders need our prayers, truck drivers, store employees, medical staff, first responders, people still working, people not working, families with children out of school, the children themselves, those who are by themselves, and those who are contained with others. We also need to pray for our spiritual leaders and those who believe in Jesus that their faith will hold strong. And especially pray for those who don’t believe in Jesus that they will come to know Him.

Now I’m thinking of those leaders whom I don’t like and wish I could throw rocks at them. Is this part of “Turn the other cheek?” Guess they need prayer too. That may be what the scripture meant when it instructed us to pray for our leaders so that we may have peace in our land.

Maybe we all need to repent. After all, 1 Chronicles 7:14 says-

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

So y’all. If you’ve been like me, lets stop eating and pray.


So Many Suffering

Lord, there’s so many suffering. Do You love them? (**See note at end.)

Yes, My Child. I do love them. They have even more grace and love toward them than they know- for I am by their side.

So Many Suffering
photo by AC

One does not have more of My love than another. But one may have a greater grace extended toward them  just to make it through the hard places in their life. 

Hard places are not necessarily the result of their sins or to show off My power as I deliver them out of their hard places. No, instead hard places are just life as it is on Earth. Satan rules throughout this Earth. But I rule over everything, including Satan. Remember that fact.

There’s only one thing I will not, can not rule over. That’s man’s “free will”.

At the beginning, I gave mankind power, the keys to Earth. Then mankind through disobedience chose to give his keys to Satan. So I stepped in, but the power of good and evil had already been released. 

There’s no knowledge of good without the knowledge of evil to contrast. When they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, the knowledge of good and evil brought forth the ability to choose, free will, death, and rebellion. In other words, the knowledge of good and evil brought forth sin.

Satan brought his rebellion, hatred, and revenge to Earth, along with death and destruction. So much suffering. There are so many innocent suffering along with the guilty. It grieves My Spirit. 

That’s why I came and poured out My blood. I came to cleanse and deliver, to set free from this curse of evil.

Satan is a liar. I AM the truth. In addition I provide the one true love and grace. My love and grace is sufficient to cover ALL sin.

Soon and very soon Satan will be destroyed and he knows it. Therefore he goes about destroying all he can, bringing forth destruction and death.

My time has come. Satan and the suffering he causes will be destroyed. I AM bringing forth new life, new freedom, and complete truth. I AM all. And I AM power. Therefore I AM. 

[**Note: Being overwhelmed by all the coronavirus news, I pulled out some of my old journals. Found this entry, written Feb. 9, 2019. Even though it was written last year, I think it fits the effects of our lives this year. God is more powerful than any virus! What do you think?]


He predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to Himself as [His own] children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of His will- to the praise of His glorious grace and favor, which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved [His Son, Jesus Christ]. Ephesians 1:5-6 AMP

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3: 16,17 NKJV