I Deserve More, You Deserve More.

IMG_2936Seeing this sign made me angry. My first thought was “No, I deserve more ‘life’ than a cookie.” The advertiser implied that because I’m good I deserve a cookie. I differ in opinion; I am incapable of ‘being good’ enough. Also, it was too many cookies, and other excesses, that took away the quality of my life, my relationship with God, and stole my victory.

But God had a better plan for my life, more than cookies. I don’t deserve His love, He loves me anyway. I don’t deserve His blessings, but He chooses to bless me with the reward of His love. Cookies don’t give us life, God does. Without Him, I am nothing.

God has a better plan for your life too, more than cookies. That’s for sure. You deserve more than cookies. See the truth, hear the whispers of His love calling unto you.

My child, I do have plans for your life, plans for a hope and a future. Come to Me, seek My face for I have more sweets waiting for you than what you’ll find in a cookie jar. I plan on filling you with the sweetness of My love and My forgiveness. As you look to Me, I will direct your steps to your personal victory, the one I have planned for you alone. Today, seek My instructions and follow them with each step you take. Know that I have victory waiting for you. Cookies cannot bring you peace, strength, wisdom, comfort, and certainty not victory. Taste the sweetness of My love, for only I hold your victory in My hand. Come to Me and receive what I have for you, the free unmerited favor of My love.

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures evermore. Psalm 16:11

For whoever find Me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 8:35




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