“Stay Home”- Victory Plan

Here’s part of my Victory Plan journal for the “Stay Home” order. Due to this mandate, for several weeks I’ve mostly ate and watched TV. So now I’ve gained over 10 pounds. How depressing.

Then last week God gave me a dream- I was in my classroom, my students were acting crazy, I had no lesson plan, and the principal walks in to observe me. I panicked. What am I going to do?- Then when I woke up and God spoke to my heart, “You need discipline and a plan.” (Note: I am a retired teacher.)

So I’m sharing my Victory Plan Journal for your “Stay Home” mandate. Hope it helps you as well. It’s free for you to print and use for yourself.

My goal is 40 days of victory, in eating and in life general. So here’s my plan, to work through this journal for 40 days. Presently I’m working on Day 5 and I’ve already lost 2 pounds. Yay!

I’ll post more Victory Plans next week. Hopefully this’ll help you begin 40 days of victory for your “Stay Home” mandate. I’m hoping soon we’ll be released from this order soon. Some states are opening up slowly and some states are extending their stay at home order. Hopefully soon, we can return to our so-called normal lives again. What is normal, anyway? What is our new normal?

May God bless you and keep you safe. May you experience success from this day forward. Let me know what you think.

Lord, help them prosper in all their endeavors. Keep all well and safe.




Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home


Stay Home

Count your blessings



God can turn our mess into a miracle