Praying Over A Broken Blog (Still Under Construction)

Driving down the dark country road following GPS directions, I wondered . . .

It’s almost 8:30 and too late for supper. Do I stop at a fast food place down the highway? I’m not hungry, but I do need to eat something.  Earlier I considered fasting this meal? Hmmm . . . It might help me lose some weight. Lord, what do I do?

(8:23 p.m. Yes, I checked. ) Cell phone rings.

“Hello, this is the 700 Club. We want to thank you for being a contributor and to know if there’s anything you’d like us to pray with you about.”
“Hmmm, . . .  travel safety. I’m driving home from another state after a grandchild’s school event. I’m alone on this unfamiliar country road and it’s dark . . .

Wait . . . what I’d  really like prayer for is my blog. It’s broken. I don’t know if you understand or not, but I switched to self-hosted. Now my blog is broken and I don’t know how to fix it.”

“I understand about blogs.”

“I switched to a self-hosted site so I could create some type of income to help my grandchildren. Now I’ve lost all my subscribers and I don’t know how to get them back. I’ve tried and tried for hours but I can’t figure it out. I’m 63, tech challenged, and it’s so hard for me. I don’t know about  the mechanics of a blog, I just enjoy writing.”

Tears filled my eyes. Stop it . . . I can’t believe I’m crying over a blog. WAIT, what I’m really crying about are my lost friends, and my lost work, now lost in cyber space.

Continuing to explain, “I write a blog about losing weight using God as my weight loss counselor. He’s delivered me of over 90 pounds and I want to help others loss weight too.  I did ask a tech professional for blog help, but he hasn’t responded to my email. And yesterday, another blogger from the Middle East send me an email asking, ‘Where are you? I need your encouragement.’ ( ) Sir, my blog is broken, I don’t know how to fix it, and I need someone to help me.”

He replied, “Let’s pray. . .  Lord, protect her and grant travel safety as she goes home. We  also ask that You send her someone to help fix this blog and show her how to get her subscribers back. Thank you Lord for helping her. Amen”

Then I remembered my selfishness with a friend.

“Wait.  . . I need another prayer. A friend was sharing with  me about her personal struggles. I listened, but then I asked her to pray for me about this blog. Can’t believe I done that. I was more concerned over my blog than her hurts. I’m so ashamed, I didn’t listen to her and all I thought of was this blog. I need to realize that the people in my life are more important than a blog. My priorities are all messed up and I need to think more about people instead of a blog.”

Tears are now flowing nonstop.

He answered, “Wait. . . the devil is doing a number on you. You told me that you listened to your friend. Don’t let the enemy defeat you like this. Let’s pray again.”

Just passed the fast food place, guess I won’t get anything for supper after all. It’s too late to eat anyway. Maybe I’ll show a weight loss in the morning.

He prays, “Lord, help her to see that You do love her. Help her with the people You place in her life, and help her as she ministers to others through this blog. Send someone to help her fix it and find these subscribers.”

“Thank you for praying with me.”

“Just call us if you need prayer again. Bye now.”

“Yes, I will. Thank You again. Bye”

Further down, now on the highway, I stop at a gas station and buy a small bottle of milk. Guess this will be my supper. I was thinking about fasting anyway. Sigh. img_9427

Back on the highway, drinking the milk, I feel hope coming forth. “Lord, help me.”

Later at home, (10:15 p.m.) checked my messages and saw this, “I’m sorry about the late response. My son was sick and I just now saw your email. I’ve already made corrections and loaded your subscribers back. You’re now showing around 350. But the ones who followed you through the ‘Follow’ button on WordPress will have to go back and put in their emails to follow you.”

“So you mean I only have 350 instead of the 750 I had?”

“Yes, that’s why most blog writers keep an email list, in case something like this happens. But they’ll find you again.

Breathe. All that work- gone. Starting over again. Sigh.   


Thank You Lord, for answering my prayer about sending help with this blog. T

he 700 Club counselor and I prayed and now You’ve provided my help. Even though

 subscribers are missing, at least I still have some left. Help me rebuild and make this blog better. I want to help other people find more of You so they can lose their excess weight and find freedom. Lord, I know I can trust You to help me. Amen.

( I highly recommend Grayson Bell of  if you need help. He has been so gracious and had patience with my tech challenge too.)


— I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8NKJV 


Lord, I know You show no partiality. Other people are succeeding and making an income at this blog writing. Hubby says, “If any  other man can do it, I can too.” But this is so hard. 

Other bloggers told me I wouldn’t be able to make  income from my blog the way it was. Lord, I need funds to help my grandchildren. Their parents are working so hard to provide for them. I would love to help them. The grandchildren have so many needs, schooling, music lessons, medical needs, braces, and especially to participate in church activities in which they will learn more about You.  Summer camp- I would love to be able to pay for ALL my grandchildren to go to camp so they can be together and enjoy each other.

I’ve read of several blog writers that contributed abundant amounts to different ministries. I would love to donate and help others. Wouldn’t it  be wonderful if I could pay for other children to go to summer camp as well. Other children besides my grandchildren need to learn more about You too.

Lord, I need You to teach me how to make an income from this tool You have placed in my hand. This is so hard. You said if I asked for wisdom, You would grant it. Lord, I need wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.

My child, I will provide.                                 


For there is no partiality with God. Romans 2:11 NKJV 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 NKJV 

And we know that all things work together for good to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NKJV







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