Feeling Attacked, Ending in Victory

  • Notice: Please read important message at the end. Thank you.



Router died. Called AT&T. New router arriving in four days. No internet. Bad tech day. I’m going to scream! Lord, help me.

Memorial Day family cookout with hot dogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob, baked beans, salad, and peach cobbler. Lord, I want to eat everything, especially dessert in frustration over dead router. But I’m too busy preparing food and serving others.  I don’t have time to overeat. This is a weight loss blog, I can’t overeat.  Thank you Lord for helping me resist temptation. Good victory day. Continue reading Feeling Attacked, Ending in Victory

Praying Over A Broken Blog (Still Under Construction)

Driving down the dark country road following GPS directions, I wondered . . .

It’s almost 8:30 and too late for supper. Do I stop at a fast food place down the highway? I’m not hungry, but I do need to eat something.  Earlier I considered fasting this meal? Hmmm . . . It might help me lose some weight. Lord, what do I do?

(8:23 p.m. Yes, I checked. ) Cell phone rings.

Continue reading Praying Over A Broken Blog (Still Under Construction)

Yep, I Feel Like A Turtle. (Blog Award)

Yep, I Feel  like  a turtle . . .

I’ll call this my Turtle Award


I unknowingly posted about a “Spirit Animal” Blog Award. My dear friend, Rachel informed me, “There is no such thing as a spirit animal. Only the Holy Spirit can abide in us if we ask him too. He is all the wisdom we need.:)”

So true Rachel. Thank you for the reminder. I went back and made the necessary changes. The Holy Spirit (Lord) is what delivered me from obesity (over 90 pounds) and I don’t want to hurt His feelings. I owe all that I am to the Lord, Holy Spirit. I appreciate Rachel helping me realize my error. Isn’t that what true friends are for, to help us along the way.

Chape at  http://chapeblog.wordpress.com sent me the Spirit Animal award. She’s a personal trainer who encourages you to get up off the sofa and do something, anything. She has a playlist of music to move your body. Wow! How did she do that? Check out her blog for more inspiration. Very motivating.

She asked,  “If you could be an animal, which would you be?” Continue reading Yep, I Feel Like A Turtle. (Blog Award)

Go Ahead, Laugh

Sometimes life’s just too funny. So go ahead, laugh. You know God has a sense of humor. Sometimes I think I hear Him laughing, not at me, but with me. Since He has plans for our lives and works out all things for our good, maybe He knew I needed to laugh more. Maybe you do too. So go ahead, laugh. Continue reading Go Ahead, Laugh

Awards For Ya’ll- Free

Several blog friends have sent me different awards over the last few months and I’ve been very slow in responding. Dear friends, I treasure each award. You honor me and I appreciate your love. I humbly ask your forgiveness.

Now I wIMG_4449ant to grant each and every one of you an award with some kisses too. But I’m changing the rules. . .

If you read my blog, thank you. If you make comments, I appreciate it. If you share or re-blog my posts,  I think I love you.

So help yourself to an award too. Just mention my blog link as a favor. You may answer the award questions if you wish. If your schedule is full like mine, just help yourself to the award without answering questions. Enjoy the fact that you are loved and I want to award you.


Continue reading Awards For Ya’ll- Free

Catfish With A Kiss

img_8713It’s after 7p.m. I’m starving. Eating a half tuna wrap for lunch just wasn’t enough. We’ve been visiting out-of-town all day, left for home late, and now he wants to eat supper at this “all you can eat” catfish house on the way. I’m looking at this menu. Lord, help me. Continue reading Catfish With A Kiss