Lord, what do You want me to eat today? While this past week I thought I was following Your directions . . . except for a few desserts. Since I gained 2 pounds, I’m at a loss. Lord, I want to give up and just eat everything. Why can’t I eat what I want now? And eat it all. Why can’t I?
Even though I want to eat everything, I know this won’t help my situation. So would You please help me with food selection? Now tell me, do I try to semi-fast for 40 days? Rather should I give up desserts since that’s my problem?
Child, you haven’t succeeded yet with fasting your social media or eating after supper. So what do you want? Do you want more instructions, or rather more rules? Rules that you know you won’t follow?
Oh Lord, I don’t know. All I do know is that I want my size 10 pants back. How do I get them back? What can I do to make these scales go down instead of up? Why can’t I have my size 10’s and eat everything I want? Why can’t I?
You have much to learn.
Lord, at my age, you’d think I would already know what I need to know.
Child, you are only beginning to learn. Now what do you want more, those size 10 pants, or My Presence?
Lord, I know what the correct answer should be. But I really want my size 10 pants back?
Ahhh, . . . what I have here is an honest child.
Lord, I might as well tell You the truth. You already know all things, so why lie to You? Can You help me? Will You help me?
Child, I’m going to do more than that. You watch and see.
There is more to come and more to come off too. And I’m not just talking about your weight. There is more to come off of you, My child, characteristics, habits, wrong thoughts, and bad attitudes, not to mention your selfishness. I am going to change you completely in all ways.
Lord, I’m scared. After all, I don’t like pain and this sounds painful.
Trust Me, My child. Doubt, that’s the first thing you are going to lose. Doubt.
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Roman 8: 5
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37
You see, every child of God overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world. So who are the conquerors, defeating its power? Those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 5: 4,5 The Passion Translation
Lord, I’m looking at theses scales and they aren’t going down. I know I’ve messed up a lot, but I’m not eating after supper. I don’t understand. Ahhhhh!
Child, you’re looking at what you see, . . numbers on your scales. I want you to look to Me, not what you see.
As you look to Me, you will be rewarded. As you learn, uh . . . relearn surrender and obedience, then you will be rewarded.
Don’t judge your victories by numbers you see on a box. How many times have I told you this before? As you surrender your will in obedience to Me, then you will be victorious.
It goes against all mankind’s logic that surrender and obedience would bring victory, but I am the Almighty. Mankind’s logic is nothing to Me. My knowledge is incomprehensible to humans.
Your job is to trust Me. “Trust and obey, for there is no other way” as the little song goes. There is much truth in children’s little songs. I value hearing the children sing to Me. I look on them with My heart full of love and pride just as their parents and grandparents, even more so.
Lord, what do You want me to do?
Trust Me. Hunger for Me and I will feed you.
Lord, show me how, what, when, and where. Direct me so that I please You and make You proud. Lord, I want to eat at Your table.
Child, you will.
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Luke 4:4
Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endured to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him. John 6:27
And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. John 6:35
Lord, those credit cards are traps of failure. Help me not use them today and to put You first in everything.
Seek HIs will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:6
I have failed You again Lord, and I’ve gotten caught up in so many distractions especially the “resale” business. I let it enslave me. Resale sites on my cell phone became first in my life above all else and all others. I’ve spent hours just looking and looking at pictures of things people were selling and I bought some unnecessary things too. I also listed stuff on these resale sites I wanted to sell. Never made much money, just enough to spend at the grocery store.
Then I spent the money on resale that I planned to use as a deposit on a missionary trip. Instead of using it for the trip, I bought a dining room table and a serving buffet that caught my eye. A credit card was used to buy all this. It was a compulsive buy and for a while my house was full of furniture. My dining room looked like a warehouse with two dining room tables, two serving buffets, and for a while 18 dining room chairs. Don’t even ask. Compulsive buying is worse than compulsive overeating. A credit card can rob you of many blessings. At least, that’s what I think.
Now my missionary trip is cancelled. Hubby, who puts up with my bad spending habits asked, “How are you going to get the money for that trip? You can’t put it on a charge card and I don’t agree with you going anyway.” So there you go, trip over. I can’t help but wonder, if I didn’t have this out standing debt would he had agreed for me to go?
Child, your victory is on the way.
Lord, how can I be a witness? Why am I not crying over this lost missionary trip? I have been so wrong about so much and sidetracked with so many things. My attention hasn’t been on seeking Your will. Now I’ve messed up and lost this opportunity. I do want to help others, but I don’t have the funds, especially now that I’ve spent money I don’t have buying what I don’t need. There has been so much confusion here. I’m confused. How can I be so messed up?
This is a hard lesson. I’ve been causing myself stress due to my compulsive purchases and overwhelming debt What is Your purpose in all this? I have missed Your will again.
Child, you are learning to seek Me in all things. That is My will.
Lord, how do I pay for this credit card expense of new furniture I didn’t need? I have grandchildren to buy gifts for and now look at My hand. It’s empty.
Child, look at My hand. What do you see?
Lord, I see nail prints.
Child, I lost it all but I gained everything. Do you trust Me?
Yes Sir. (Hanging my head in shame.)
Then stop trying to figure out how to provide for others and trust Me. Look to Me – for Me – not My hand, but look at Me. Seek My face for I am the supply for all your needs.Lord, I depend on You for You are my supplier, not those credit cards.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you. Psalm 32: 8-9 NKJV
For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from the world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever. I John 2: 15-17 NLT
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 NKJV
Lord, I want to bring You glory, not for me, but for You. Not only show me how, but also could You help me so that I could bring You honor and praise. , I want to ask You Also Lord, I want to ask if You would forgive me for returning back to my old ways of overeating consequently damaging the testimony of Your delivering power in my life.
And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer. Your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” Luke 8:48
Child, this verse applies to you as well. Not only am I watching over you, but also I know of your weaknesses. So now move forth toward your victory. No longer hold your head down, but look up instead for your victory is coming. In fact I’m giving you victory. Look up and be excited about life for it’s a wonderful gift I’ve given to you. Instead of extra food, I want you filled with excitement, be filled with optimism, and be filled with My Spirit. Rejoice My Child for victory is yours.
Thank you Lord for Your mercy. I can hear those chains of food bondage falling off now.
Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete honestly! . . . . . . I confessed all my sins to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, “I will confess my rebellion to the Lord.” And You forgave me! All my guilt is gone. . . . . . The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Psalms 32: 1,2, 5, 8. NLT
I’ve blotted out your sins; they are gone like morning mist at noon! Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free. Isaiah 44:22 TLB
Lord, thank you for setting me free. I hear the chains falling off.
Not My Car- But I like it. Don’t You?
I’ve decided to add advertisements to this blog. To begin with, if I published through a free site others would place their own advertisements here. Then we’d be subject to their choices even if we didn’t agree with their choices. So why should I allow others to advertise on this blog?
If I choose to monetize, then I get to choose the advertisements. Therefore I can choose advertisements I approve of and willing to purchase myself. If it doesn’t meet my standards, then you won’t see the advertisement.
A while back I use a free site for this blog and they advertised how Twinkies could help you through your rough times. See how letting others choose their advertisements won’t work for me. I’ll never advertise products to feed your or my food addiction.
I struggled with using advertisements. But after reading “The Parable of the Talents” in Matthew 25:14-30, I concluded that advertisements could help to support blog expenses. Please don’t feel obligated in any way to order from any of these advertisements unless you want to.
The first advertisement:
Yes, this is the book I wrote with God’s help. To order, just click on the book button and you’ll be redirected to Amazon.com. Then I’ll receive a small commission from them for my own book. Why not?
If you decide to order from any other advertisements posted on this blog, I’ll receive a small commission from that company. But rest assured, I’ll never use advertisements I don’t approve, or be willing to order myself. As a matter of fact, I plan on ordering this Amazon Prime after publishing this post so I can make commission from my own order. How’s that for a plan.
Check out these links.
Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial (This will save me postage when I order from Amazon. Sounds good to me. Maybe this one will pay for itself in postage alone.
Lord, help me to fast today, especially tonight after supper. That’s when the Gluttony Monster comes. I want to kill him!
Then Child, don’t feed him. I’ll tell what else you need to fast from, . . . your social media/cell phone. Fast from your cell phone tonight after your supper.
What? . . . Oh Lord, I’m not sure I can do that.
Your mind turns off when you are zoning out. Therefore when the Gluttony Monster shows up you’re already zoned out. That’s why you’re weak, your mind is zoned out. You’re allowing social media and the Gluttony Monster to control you. How can I renew your mind when you are zoned out?
It’s the same when you watch television with all those food commercials. The power of mind suggestion is a powerful thing. Satan knows how to use it to keep My children defeated. But no more, for I have defeated him with My Holy Spirit. As My children yield their wills to My guidance, I can lead them to victory.
But Lord, what will I do with myself at night after supper?
Well, let’s see. . . Maybe you could talk to your husband. Or maybe, you could go outside for a walk. Which by the way, you’ve become weak My child, physically, mentally, and yes, even spiritually.
Lord . . .
Yes My child. . . You could also feed yourself My Word. That’s really what you need to become stronger, more of Me.
If you’re sitting in the same room as your husband while he’s watching television, get your notebook and write notes to Me. You can talk with Me even while in a room with others and the television blaring. Do you think you can only talk to Me during your morning devotional time?
Not so, I want to be involved, rather included, in all areas of your life. Don’t shut Me out of your evenings just because the house is not quiet. Child, that’s one reason the Gluttony Monster can enter in. Because you shut Me out when you zoned out on that cell phone of yours. To repeat Myself, I want to be included in every area of your life, not just your morning quiet time.
Now I’m calling you to a fast. Yes, I want you to fast the time period after your evening meal. Give that time to Me. Whether the house is quiet or not, I want that time period of your day. You can include your family, but I want you to be aware of My Presence. So yes, I’m calling you to a fast. No food and no social media after your evening meal for 40 days.
But Lord, I usually eat my evening meal around 5 P.M. And that’s at least four hours before bedtime. What will I do with myself?
You’ll figure it out. It will end up being your favorite time of the day. Your evenings will become full of peace instead of food. How would you like that?
By the way, others have said that reading Psalms brought them peace. Why don’t you try that?
Or you could complete a craft project or write on your computer. Then you would be creating, My child. You’d be copying Me by creating something out of nothing. Humans were created in My image. That’s why it makes them happy to be creative, for they are creating just as I created. It is part of My nature, to create. Since humans are created in My image, it is part of their nature too.
You also could go for an evening walk and enjoy the nature around you. Nature is My creation, you know. Child, there is so much joy for you to experience. That’s why I want you to fast after your evening meal, both from food and social media. Not to take away your pleasure, but instead to fill you with My pleasure and find joy in My creation, both in your creation and in My creation.
Now what do you say? Are you willing to fast after your evening meals for 40 days, both from social media and unnecessary food?
Okay Lord, I’ll try.
Try nothing, you will. If you truly want the joy I’ll bring, then you will.
Yes Sir. I will. Thank you for talking to me.
Child, you were wondering how to break this bondage of gluttony. So, here’s another key to your freedom, fasting after your evening meal. Do this and you will see what I will do. Keep a record of the joys I bring to you each day. Your joy will increase and your victory will come back.
Another thing My child, lately you’ve been bringing that social media into our morning meeting place. Don’t do that anymore. I want your eyes on Me, not your social media.
Child, through this next 40 days of fasting, you’re going to gain strength, physically, mentally, and spiritually too. Just watch and see what I will do. Now I’m going to send Victory as your evening companion. Instead of the Gluttony Monster, you will have Victory coming in. All My children are winners, living in victory. Victory is yours to be had too. I’m sending Victory now to be your companion. Look for it.
Lord, thank you for talking to me. Thank you.
Child, you could also spend your evening time in intercession for those you are concerned about, those you love and those on your prayer list. Then you could watch and see what I do in their lives as well.
Yes Sir.
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37 NKJV
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:4 NKJV
Now give Me your broken heart so I may fill it with My love. Come to Me, My child. Allow Me to hold you and heal your broken heart. Yes, you can cry. Especially cry out your pain. Release it to Me and I will heal your brokenness.
But I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. Psalm 13:5
Lord , I can’t even believe what I did last night. I’m so ashamed. Even my friend questioned my lack of self-control. You know I have no self-control. In fact, I’ve never had self- control. So I guess I’m just an embarrassment to You. Lord, I really don’t want to be an embarrassment to You
Child, you aren’t an embarrassment. And you won’t be, for I have you covered by My Blood.
Child, I’m here to wash your feet.
Oh Lord, You know how dirty I am.
Child, I love you in spite of your dirty feet, dirty hands, and even your dirty face. What I long for is your heart. I want your heart. I want your desire to be more for Me rather than your sin pleasures. If only you could know the peace I could give you. After all, there is pleasure in a clean heart. Come, allow Me to cleanse your heart. Then once your heart is clean, your feet, your hands, ,and your face will follow.
Give Me your heart. Once you fall in love with Me, your eyes will not be so enticed with the pleasures of sin. You’ll only have eyes for Me. Love Me, My child, for only I can cleanse your heart of all your hurts, pains, and disappointments.Only I can heal what is broken. Only I can restore what has been stolen by the enemy.
Come to Me. Allow Me to hold you and heal your broken heart. Yes, you can cry now. Cry out your pain. Release it to Me and I will heal your brokenness.
You’ve been looking for love in others. Overall, they will always disappoint you. Look to Me for perfect love for I will never disappoint you. Seek My love and you will find the one true love you have always wanted. Given that humans are incapable of the love you desire. Only I can fill that need. Come to Me.
Lord, thank you for these words of comfort and love for me. They are indeed special to my heart. I’m so sorry I’ve embarrassed You. I do so want to make You proud. Please forgive me.
Lord, I don’t want to be an example of backsliding. Instead I want to be an example of Your victory.
My child, indeed you already are one of My victories. I love you.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, even our faith. Romans 8:37
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
You will show me the paths of life; in Your Presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11
No child, I don’t want you fasting for weight loss. Instead I want you to listen to Me. Eat when I say eat and fast when I say fast.
Last week I impressed upon your heart to fast one meal. But you didn’t listen. So your disobedience led to a binge. Several days later, I impressed upon you to wait until the next meal before eating. But again you didn’t wait. This led to another binge.
Then yesterday, after vowing to fast until supper with only three hours to wait, you picked up a fast food snack on the way home. You didn’t wait, but instead you rationized, “It’s a small snack.” This led to a three hour binge before supper. Don’t you know there’s no rationalizing disobedience.
Child, it’s not the fasting I’m looking for. No, it’s an obedient heart I’m looking for. I want you to learn to listen to Me. Listen and obey.
I want My children to walk in victory, not defeat. If you had listened to Me, yesterday would have turned out different. It would have been a day of victory for you. But instead, it was another day of defeat. My child, it’s not My will for you to walk in defeat. It is My will for you to walk in victory. I have victory planned for you. If only you will listen and obey, then victory is yours.
Today, I have already designed for you victory. Now you choose, walk in victory or defeat. You get to choose. Choose this day whom you will serve, your self or My will. After all, what did “self” ever do for you?
Remember this, spiritual fasting brings increased power to your prayers. If you look to Me, I will enable you to do this. I will fill you with increased power to resist temptation.
But you, My child, do not have enough willpower to fast for weight loss. Just trust Me to lead you. As you listen and obey, you will succeed. For I have already planned for you victory indeed.
But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” Psalms 31:4
Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore! Psalms 105:4
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
Miracles still happen. Yes, in spite of my stupidity, miracles still happen. For those enquiring minds who want to know, from March 19th to March 25, I’ve lost 4 1/2 pounds. Wow! Yes, God still works miracles today. Ya’ll hear me? He still works miracles.
What follows now is a my eating record. Overall it’s boring, yet at the same time it’s amazing how God has showed me grace and forgiveness. To all you who focus on healthy eating, please accept my apology. Once you read this, you’ll realize if I can lose weight in spite of all these mess-ups, surely you can lose weight too. You’ll see. After all, you’ll be amazed at the amount of grace God has, both for me and you too.
Beginning 3/19, MONDAY: Lord, what do I eat for breakfast today? (Ate- wheat toast with butter, 1/2 cup apple juice, & 1 tablespoon chicken salad.) Lord, can I have two tablespoons chicken salad? – [No] – Lord, can I have a pear half with mayo & cheese? [Yes, you may. But choose the smallest one.]
Mid-morning: Lord, I have such severe indigestion. Can I have one no sugar added fudgsicle? (Ate one. Granted it helped, but I didn’t wait for an answer.)
Lunch: Lord, can I have more chicken salad? [Yes, but only two spoonfuls. No more.]
Later afternoon: Lord, this indigestion is awful. Since the first one helped, can I have another fudgsicle? (Ate two. Granted they helped my indigestion. But again, I didn’t wait for an answer.)
Supper: (Ate 1 bowl of corned beef and cabbage, 1/2 piece cornbread, & 1 roasted chicken leg.)
3/20, TUESDAY: Lord, lead me today concerning Your will, what I am to eat, not eat, cook, not cook, do, not do, think, not thin, and say, not say.
Breakfast: Lord, what do I eat now? [Are you hungry?] –No. – [Then wait until you’re hungry.]
After 8:15 am : Lord, this indigestion is horrible. Because of this, may I have a fudgsicle for breakfast to calm my stomach down? [Yes.] I think it’s the Vitamin D pill the doctor prescribed. Finally, I checked Google for side-effects. However indigestion as a side effect was not listed. (Since they do calm my stomach, I ate one fudgsicle.)
9 am: (Still had indigestion. Therefore I ate another fudgsicle.)
11am: Lord, what do I eat for lunch? (Ate leftover corned beef & cabbage with small piece of cornbread.)
45 mins. after lunch: (Ate 1 small roasted chicken leg.) Lord, could I have some chicken salad? [No.]
1 pm.: (There was leftover chocolate cake from Dad’s birthday on the table.) Lord I want some chocolate cake. – [No.]
Supper: (I didn’t write it down. Now I’ve forgotten. Sorry.)
Just before bed: Lord, I just ate two more fudgsicles. I didn’t care, didn’t ask, just ate them. Forgive me. Lord, make my heart want You more than anything.
3/21, WEDNESDAY: Lord, do I weigh myself this morning? [No, trust Me.] Lord, this is hard. [Trust Me Child.]
Breakfast: 2 tablespoons chicken salad, 3 apple slices.
9:45am.- I’m hungry with slight indigestion. (Drank one bottle of water.)
10:30am. -(Ate another fudgsicle.)
Lunch: (Two tablespoons chicken salad, 1 pear half with mayo & cheese.)
Supper: (Lettuce, tomato, & carrots with Ranch dressing, 1/2 hamburger patty, and handful of fried okra.)
3/22 THURSDAY: 6:45 am. -Lord, I’m hungry. What do I eat for breakfast? When do I eat? (Ate nothing, got busy, sidetracked.)
11:13am.- Lord, is it okay to leftover corned beef & cabbage? How about more chicken salad? [Yes on corned beef & cabbage, but only 1 tablespoon chicken salad and nothing else.] – – ( Ate corned beef & cabbage, 1 tablespoon chicken salad, and a little piece of cornbread.)
Supper: (Ate piece of roasted chicken, stir-fry vegetables, & salad with Ranch dressing.) Lord, I really want a piece of that pecan pie. (To begin with I resisted it. Then I ate a small pie of pecan pie. Afterwards, I wanted more pie, so I got a fudgsicle. Then I threw half of it away after feeling convicted.)
3/23 FRIDAY: Breakfast (Ate 1 tablespoon of chicken salad, 2 apple slices, 1/2 ham & cheese sandwich.)
Lunch: (Ate 1/2 bowl of pink eyed purple hulled peas, the best ever, 1/2 bowl of green beans & potatoes, and 2 slices apple.)
BINGE: (Ate 1/2 box of fudgsicles, and four or more pieces of Dad’s chocolate birthday cake. )
Supper: (Ate one fried chicken leg, new potatoes, and salad with Ranch dressing.)
While cleaning up the kitchen: (Ate right out of the pot, a lot of leftover potatoes.) Lord, forgive me.
3/24 SATURDAY: First thing, I started to weigh myself first to check for damage control. The Lord spoke to my heart, “Don’t weigh today, wait until Monday. Follow My eating plan for you. Trust Me and see what I will do.”
Supper: We had a family potluck. I followed my sister-in-law’s advice, “Just get only three spoonfuls of what you want.” So I had a little of everything including a spoonful of homemade cheesecake and peach cobbler. Okay, confession, I got more peach cobbler.
3/25 SUNDAY: First thing, I started to weigh myself. The Lord again spoke to my heart, ” Child, your weight is not important to Me. It’s your heart I’m interested in.”
Breakfast: (Ate 1/2 bowl Rice Chex with milk.)
Lunch: (Ate salad with Ranch dressing, and 3 bowls, yes 3 bowls, of baked steak, new potatoes, and carrots. ) Lord, forgive me, but it was so good.
Supper: I was still full from lunch, so I choose not to eat anything. After all, I’m going to weigh myself in the morning. Since I’m still full, I just won’t eat anything now.
After 9pm.- (Ate 4 fudgsicles. )
After 10pm. (Ate two bowls of leftover lima beans with ham.) Then I waddled off to bed shaking my head at myself. I can’t believe I ate all this. Now how’s this going to affect those scales in the morning?
After all these mess-ups, when I weighed myself Monday morning, the scales said I had lost 4 1/2 pounds. Wow! Now you know why I said, “God is a God of miracles. If He did it for me, the champion of mess-ups, certainly He will work a miracle in your life too.
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand. Psalm 37:24
. . . Mercy triumphs over judgement. James 2: 13
But I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has sealth bountifully with me. Psalm 13:5,6
I threw this cake in the garbage to remove the temptation.
Miracles still happen in spite of my stupidity. It’s amazing to me that I can share with you, my accountability partners, I had a weight loss of 4 1/2 pounds this past week. Just know it wasn’t due to my efforts, but because of God’s grace and patience with me. It’s due to His wonderful love and forgiveness.
God has granted me miracles within this weight loss journey. And He’ll grant you miracles in your weight loss journey too. Because God has allowed me to start over a million, trillion times, I know He has a new beginning for you too. After all, He’s no respecter of persons, especially me. It seems I’m the champion of mess ups. Instead of being an example of obedience, I’m the example of what not to do and how not to eat. Yet God never gives up on me. He hasn’t given up on you either.
Yes, there’s been many stupid decisions on my part. As the saying goes, “Stupid is, stupid does.” For those who look at my story for your encouragement, I ask your forgiveness. My story is not one of easy or quick success. No, it’s one of constant setbacks, struggles, and lots of failures on my part. The only victory I can claim is the victory and miracle of Jesus Christ.
For those who look to my food plan as a pattern for healthy eating, I also ask your forgiveness. You’ll be horrified when you read my next post about how much and what I ate. Yet, I still lost weight. It’s an amazing miracle to me. I can only give credit to God’s mercy.
My original weight loss of 90+ pounds (a major miracle in my life) was not due to what is considered by experts to be a healthy diet plan. No, instead it was due to portion control. God knew after a lifetime of trying to follow assorted diets and failing each one, I needed something I could live with.
Therefore I don’t follow a structured food plan/ diet at all. Don’t look for a diet plan here. Every diet plan I’ve ever tried only resulted in more weight gain when I returned to my normal eating patterns. So God led me to eat in smaller portions. Thereby portion control.
After my gaining back 30 pounds due to stupid decisions on my part, God is now working to teach me to stop and seek His will before I eat. Really I should seek His will before all things. Also He’s working to increase my trust in Him. And He’s focusing on helping me learn obedience to Him. Listen, every time I make a decision to obey Him, it’s a miracle. If you really knew me, you would know this is true.
Next post will be about food issues. Yuck!
Jesus looked hard at them and said, “No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it.” Matthew 19:26MSG
Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6NKJV
For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13NKJV
Amazing love, how can it be? Why do You love me Lord? I certainly don’t deserve Your love. After all, we both know how I am.
I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently will find Me. Proverbs 8:17
Lord, above all else I need You in My life. Without You I’m nothing, but a mess. Would You guide me, lead me, and help me follow Your will for today? How about being in control of my whole life, all of me? I’ve been trying to handle these struggles of life on my own and I’m so tired.
Create in me a clean heart and a steadfast spirit. Psalm 51:10
Would You grant me a testimony of Your delivering power so others will know You can deliver them too. I want them all to know of Your amazing love. Then let each one of them also have their own testimony of Your delivering power, so we can help each other. Also I want my size 10 pants back.
Child, you will have those size 10 pants back. And you are a testimony of My love. I love you just as you are. After all you can’t earn My love for I freely give it to those who desire My love.
Thank you Lord for loving me. I know I don’t deserve it.
Child, I hear your prayers and your heart cries. I see. I know. All is well between us for My forgiveness is freely given , not earned. Don’t worry about trying to deserve or achieve My love for I freely give it without strings attached and without demanding repayment, or recompense. I repeat, there is nothing you can do to earn My love. It’s a free gift and I give it to those who seek it. Now I give it to you.
Thank you Lord.
Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6
Child of Mine, I always finish what I start no matter how many steps you take backwards. I still finish what I start, always, even My work in you.