Miracles Happen In Spite Of-

Miracles still happen. Yes, in spite of my stupidity, miracles still happen. For those enquiring minds who want to know, from March 19th to March 25, I’ve lost 4 1/2 pounds. Wow! Yes, God still works miracles today. Ya’ll hear me? He still works miracles.

What follows now is a my eating record. Overall it’s boring, yet at the same time it’s amazing how God has showed me grace and forgiveness. To all you who focus on healthy eating, please accept my apology. Once you read this, you’ll realize if I can lose weight in spite of all these mess-ups, surely you can lose weight too. You’ll see. After all, you’ll be amazed at the amount of grace God has, both for me and you too.

Beginning 3/19, MONDAY: Lord, what do I eat for breakfast today? (Ate- wheat toast with butter, 1/2 cup apple juice, & 1 tablespoon chicken salad.) Lord, can I have two tablespoons chicken salad? – [No]  – Lord, can I have a pear half with mayo & cheese? [Yes, you may. But choose the smallest one.]

Mid-morning: Lord, I have such severe indigestion. Can I have one no sugar added fudgsicle? (Ate one. Granted it helped, but I didn’t wait for an answer.)

Lunch: Lord, can I have more chicken salad? [Yes, but only two spoonfuls. No more.]

Later afternoon: Lord, this indigestion is awful. Since the first one helped, can I have another fudgsicle? (Ate two. Granted they helped my indigestion.  But again,  I didn’t wait for an answer.)

Supper: (Ate 1 bowl of corned beef and cabbage, 1/2 piece cornbread, & 1 roasted chicken leg.)

3/20, TUESDAY: Lord, lead me today concerning Your will, what I am to eat, not eat, cook, not cook, do, not do, think, not thin, and say, not say.

Breakfast: Lord, what do I eat now? [Are you hungry?] –No. – [Then wait until you’re hungry.]

After 8:15 am : Lord, this indigestion is horrible. Because of this, may I have a fudgsicle for breakfast to calm my stomach down? [Yes.] I think it’s the Vitamin D pill the doctor prescribed. Finally, I checked Google for side-effects. However indigestion as a side effect was not listed. (Since they do calm my stomach, I ate one fudgsicle.)

9 am: (Still had indigestion. Therefore I ate another fudgsicle.)

11am: Lord, what do I eat for lunch? (Ate leftover corned beef & cabbage with small piece of cornbread.)

45 mins. after lunch: (Ate 1 small roasted chicken leg.) Lord, could I have some chicken salad? [No.]

1 pm.: (There was leftover chocolate cake from Dad’s birthday on the table.) Lord I want some chocolate cake. – [No.]

Supper: (I didn’t write it down. Now I’ve forgotten. Sorry.)

Just before bed: Lord, I just ate two more fudgsicles. I didn’t care, didn’t ask, just ate them. Forgive me. Lord, make my heart want You more than anything.

3/21, WEDNESDAY: Lord, do I weigh myself this morning? [No, trust Me.] Lord, this is hard. [Trust Me Child.]

Breakfast: 2 tablespoons chicken salad, 3 apple slices.

9:45am.- I’m hungry with slight indigestion. (Drank one bottle of water.)

10:30am. -(Ate another fudgsicle.)

Lunch: (Two tablespoons chicken salad, 1 pear half with mayo & cheese.)

Supper: (Lettuce, tomato, & carrots with Ranch dressing, 1/2 hamburger patty, and handful of fried okra.)

3/22 THURSDAY: 6:45 am. -Lord, I’m hungry. What do I eat for breakfast? When do I eat? (Ate nothing, got busy, sidetracked.)

11:13am.- Lord, is it okay to leftover corned beef & cabbage? How about more chicken salad? [Yes on corned beef & cabbage, but only 1 tablespoon chicken salad and nothing else.] – – ( Ate corned beef & cabbage, 1 tablespoon chicken salad, and a little piece of cornbread.)

Supper: (Ate piece of roasted chicken, stir-fry vegetables, & salad with Ranch dressing.) Lord, I really want a piece of that pecan pie. (To begin with I resisted it. Then I ate a small pie of pecan pie. Afterwards, I wanted more pie, so I got a fudgsicle. Then I threw half of it away after feeling convicted.)

3/23 FRIDAY: Breakfast (Ate 1 tablespoon of chicken salad, 2 apple slices, 1/2 ham & cheese sandwich.)

Lunch: (Ate 1/2 bowl of pink eyed purple hulled peas, the best ever, 1/2 bowl of green beans & potatoes, and 2 slices apple.)

BINGE: (Ate 1/2 box of fudgsicles, and four or more pieces of Dad’s chocolate birthday cake. )

Supper: (Ate one fried chicken leg, new potatoes, and salad with Ranch dressing.)

While cleaning up the kitchen: (Ate right out of the pot, a lot of leftover potatoes.) Lord, forgive me.

3/24 SATURDAY: First thing, I started to weigh myself first to check for damage control. The Lord spoke to my heart, “Don’t weigh today, wait until Monday. Follow My eating plan for you. Trust Me and see what I will do.”

Breakfast: (2 slices apple, 2 tablespoons chicken salad.)

Lunch: (1 fried chicken leg, 1 tablespoon chicken salad, & 3 slices of apple. )

Supper: We had a family potluck. I followed my sister-in-law’s advice, “Just get only three spoonfuls of what you want.” So I had a little of everything including a spoonful of homemade cheesecake and peach cobbler. Okay, confession, I got more peach cobbler.

3/25 SUNDAY: First thing, I started to weigh myself. The Lord again spoke to my heart, ” Child, your weight is not important to Me. It’s your heart I’m interested in.”

Breakfast: (Ate 1/2 bowl Rice Chex with milk.)

Lunch: (Ate salad with Ranch dressing, and 3 bowls, yes 3 bowls, of baked steak, new potatoes, and carrots. ) Lord, forgive me, but it was so good.

Supper: I was still full from lunch, so I choose not to eat anything. After all, I’m going to weigh myself in the morning. Since I’m still full, I just won’t eat anything now.

After 9pm.- (Ate 4 fudgsicles. )

After 10pm. (Ate two bowls of leftover lima beans with ham.) Then I waddled off to bed shaking my head at myself.  I can’t believe I ate all this. Now how’s this going to affect those scales in the morning?

After all these mess-ups, when I weighed myself Monday morning, the scales said I had lost 4 1/2 pounds. Wow! Now you know why I said, “God is a God of miracles. If He did it for me, the champion of mess-ups, certainly He will work a miracle in your life too.


Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand. Psalm 37:24

. . . Mercy triumphs over judgement. James 2: 13

But I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has sealth bountifully with me. Psalm 13:5,6

I threw this cake in the garbage to remove the temptation.

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