The World Has Gone Crazy

Lord, I want Your will in my life. Because at times I think the world has gone crazy. It seems that everything has gone upside down from what it should be. And I am confused about many things.

Child, as you put it, the world has gone crazy. But nothing has really changed. For it has always been so, since Adam. But I have come to offer hope. For I AM hope, I am deliverance, I am freedom, and I am salvation. Therefore I AM all you need.

Adam and Eve in the Garden

Lord, my attention is so easily distracted on so many different things. Sometimes I choose to turn on the television, or radio, just to get the news of what is going on in my world. I’ve been seeking the other sources besides You. Forgive me.

Lord, I want You as my first love. And I want to keep You first in my life. Help me to stay focused on You.

Child, you can’t build success without Me. If you depend on Me to lead you, I will help you. Make Me the boss of your life.

Do you remember last May when you were going through that difficult time at work? Remember when you declared that I was your boss. Therefore you worked for Me and no other. Remember how I helped you each day?

Yes Sir.

Child, I am still your boss. So come to Me with all your concerns. Then I will lead you and direct all your steps, even your words.

Lord, I went to the grocery store today. But I didn’t think to ask for your guidance about what to purchase for our food preparations. Help me remember to seek Your wisdom. Forgive me for not consulting You first, for You know what is best for our bodies, and what is best for my pocketbook.

Child, put My words in your car, on your desk, and in your kitchen.

-I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalms 32:8 NKJV

Thank you Lord for the assurance from that verse that You will guide me and teach me as I go forth.

Lord, guide all my actions, words, and even my thoughts. Help me to do Your will in all things. Overall Lord, help me to do Your will, say Your will and even think Your will in all my ways. Amen

It Pleases Me, So Seek Me

Child, when you cry out to Me for wisdom, direction, forgiveness, or for instruction, it pleases Me. Every time you come to My Presence, and express your love for me, it pleases Me. And every time you reach out to another in love and concern, it pleases Me. Also every time you give to others out of a desire to genuinely help, it pleases Me.

It pleases Me, so seek Me.
It pleases Me, so seek Me.

As long as you come to Me with your needs, your desires, your concerns, it pleases Me. And yes, when you tell Me about your joys, your pleasures, and your excitement too, it pleases Me.

I want to be your confidant, your friend, and your God. Because I want your love and consideration, I’m reaching out to you. Overall, I  want to be the largest part of your life. I want you to involve Me with every concern you have. and I want to be included in your celebrations over your victories too. 

Lord, forgive me for gripping and blaming others for my mess-ups and misunderstandings. Help me to learn and do what pleases You. Forgive my many failures. Help me not complain, or seek the voice of others instead of seeking Your voice. Help me look to You for hope instead of others. Lord, forgive me for judging others, instead of bringing them to You.

Child, I have many plans for the the future, even your future. So look up. Quit looking around at what you see and getting so discouraged. Instead look up at me. See what I have done. Quit focusing on what evil is doing and focus instead on what I am doing.

Look for the good. It’s so easy to see the bad, for it always stands in front of your so-called news. But I want you to look for the good I am bringing forth. Seek My will in all things. Then you’ll see what I will do. It please Me, so seek My Presence.

Fight the good fight. Don’t give up. So you fell down and messed up. Now get up,  brush yourself off, and go forth again. Keep on going forth and keep your eyes on Me. Keep seeking My Presence and I will lead you to your victory. 

By the way, each one has their own individual victory. Just as you used to create individual plans for your students, I also create individual plans of victory for each one. What is victory for one is not necessarily victory for another. But know this, each and every one of My children have a plan of victory for their lives.

It pleases Me, so seek My Presence.
It pleases Me, so seek My Presence.

Each individual has a  different plan just as each snowflake is different and just as each fingerprint is different. Know each plan is created for each specific individual. And I have planned a specific victory for each and every one.

At this time fear wants to rule. But I have overcome fear. I rule over all.  Fear will never win for I am victory. 

Now look up . Look up to Me, to My glory, for I am victory. And I work out all things for the good those who are Mine. Even what you perceive as bad, I will  turn around for the good of those who love me. 

It pleases Me, so seek My Presence.

Lord, I want You and I want to seek You. I want to please You in all things. Help me.

But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


Lord, did I mess up by weighing myself last night?

No, My Child, but look to Me for your rewards of obedience, not that box you stand on. Also don’t get so full of yourself, self piety, in how spiritual you are.

Yes Sir. I see my failures for they are obvious to me. I did get knocked down by frustration and disappointment. Help me to please You in all I do, say, and think.

Child, I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8

It pleases Me, so seek Me.


Lord, What do You Want?

So Lord, what do You want with me?

I want your love. Not your performance, just your love.

Lord, am I sidetracked?

You have been.

So what do I do now?

Come to Me and listen.

Okay Lord, here I am. Now Lord, what do You want with me? What do You say?

I love you and I died for you. In fact, I’m here to help you. Come to Me. Bring all of you, all that you are, and all your dreams to Me. Allow Me to fill you with Myself, My Holy Spirit.

Fill me Lord, fill me. Lead me, guide me. Because I want to do Your will.

The Sovereign Lord has given me His words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will. Isaiah 50: 4 NLT


Lord, what do You want with me? I don’t feel like I have enough time. So what can I do? I want to be there for my family. I want to write books and I want my house clean too.  In addition to all else, I want to help others. There just isn’t enough time for me to do it all.

Child, if you look to Me as you go through each day, I will lead you with every step. I will guide you with My eye. Now give Me a tithe of your time. Then you will see an increase of your time.

Alright Lord, how do I give you a time tithe. How do I give You this?

(24 hours a day x 7 days = 168 hours weekly.  168 divided by ten = 16.8. Rounded to 17 hours weekly.  Tithe of 17 hours weekly minus 4 hours each Sunday at church & 1 hour on Wednesday for choir = 12 hours divided by 6 = 2 hours daily. )

So Lord, how do I give You two hours a day? Help me.

Child, I want to be with you all throughout your day. I want you aware of My Presence all throughout your day. In fact, I want to be with you in everything you do. 

Lord, help me.

Child, as you go throughout your day, sing just for the joy of it. During the shutdown last year, you quit singing for joy. You had no joy.  Now I want you to sing again. So sing when you work and when you’re by yourself. 

For now quit seeking the words of others and seek Me. Overall seek My Presence and I will fill your steps with joy and peace. 

Spend your precious time with Me first and I will increase your time.  Since I am God and I can do anything including multiply your time, come to Me first. 

No, you don’t have to give up sleep to get more time in your day. Because I will enable you to accomplish twice a much in your earthy hours. Remember I created the earth and I created time. Therefore I am the God of  all eternity. So do you think time limits Me? I say not. 

So come to Me first with your day. Then watch and see what I do with your time. 

Yes Sir.

So come to Me and I will give you rest.


Help Me Listen More

Help me listen more to You, Lord. Help me listen more to what You say about me versus what others say. But especially, help me listen more to You versus what I say about myself, words of self-criticism, self- condemnation, and words of “should’ve done this” or “should’ve not done that.”

Continue reading Help Me Listen More

Seek My Presence

Seek My Presence
Seek My Presence

My Child, seek My Presence, rest in My love. Know I’m not a performance-based God. No, instead it’s My desire for you to seek and enjoy My Presence. So cease from your striving for perfection and enjoy My company, My Presence. 

You can never achieve even your own performance standards. So let go and just enjoy My Presence. For My Presence is sweetness for your soul. My Presence will fill you with peace and joy unspeakable. 

My love for you is not based off what you do. Instead My love for you is based off what I’ve done. You can’t earn My love by your so-called good performance. My love is freely given to you for no reason except I want to give it. I want to give you My love- not a “to do” list. I just want to love My people  and help them to know my love deep within their hearts.Seek My Presence

This is My focus- to exchange love with My people. I love them and I long for them to love Me. They’re not to strive to earn My love. After all it can’t be earned for the price is too high and no one can pay it, no matter how rich they are. But I freely give My love to each and everyone, no matter their walk in life. I am concerned over each individual. And I reach out in My love to all, to each and every single one.

People have been so beat up with all their man-created religious rules. They beat up on each other, full of judgements and accusations. Then they compare themselves to each other to measure their own performance standards. And all I want to do is love them. 

But Lord, what about all those rules You gave to Moses and all those rules in Leviticus?

Child, each one of those rules were to make their lives better and easier. Living by those rules will bring you a better life versus the concept of “do whatever you want to”. If you look at those who follow the philosophy of “do whatever makes you happy”, they are miserable.

Your victory is assured
Because of Me, your victory is assured.

Selfishness causes much heartache. The rules I gave help bring order and peace. When people do whatever makes them happy by living for their own selfish desires, it causes much pain and heartache. I knew selfishness caused misery, so I gave My rules as a gift of wisdom. 

People think if they only please themselves then they would be free to enjoy their lives in their own pleasure. But it doesn’t work that way. 

It’s only living a life in My Presence that brings true peace, joy, love, and deliverance. It’s only My love that sets people free to truly enjoy their lives.

These rules are to guide them until they come to know My love. When My Presence and My love rule over their hearts, then they won’t need to be concerned with rules, for I will lead them and guide them to an abundant free life, full of joy and peace. My love is the answer for all their questions.

I do not expect perfection from My children, for I know they are weak and frail humans. But I do long for their love.

Seek His Presence

But seek first the kingdom God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Seek the Lord while He may be found , call upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6

But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works. Psalm 73:28

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of god, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9

All Is Well, Trust Me

Trust Me.

Child, all is well. Trust Me for I have it all in My hands.

But Lord, what about those being persecuted in other countries? Do You see those children who are abused or killed throughout the world? Starvation, murder, so many suffering from disease, or wars, what about all that?

Trust Me, Child
Trust Me, Child

Child, all of that will end soon, and very soon. I know about it all, and yes I cry. My tears are the only tears in heaven. “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35) I do weep, I do cry. My Spirit is grieved at much of what I see.

Trust Me

But then I see – -revival, people’s hearts seeking My love. I see kindness and people giving to one another. People are showing forth My love to each other and that makes Me smile. I see the love in a mother’s or father’s eye as they look at their newborn child and I smile. I see the aged and weary couple holding hands. As they smile at on another, I smile on them.

Yes, there’s much suffering in this world, but there’s just as much love in the world, even more so. It’s because I spread My love from one to another. 

When you look and behold My creation in nature, you’ll see how I create beauty out of rocks. Yes, I can take all the rocks and hard places of life, both yours and those of others, and turn them into great reflections of My beauty.Trust Me

Thank you Lord for hope. If I didn’t have You, I’d have no hope.

Child, I am your hope, I am your love, and I am your future. Remember, keep your eyes on Me, not what you see. 

Lord, help me to have the right attitude within my heart.

Child, seek Me, seek My Presence. Then you will have true peace. You can say, “It is well with my soul.” Seeking the peace of MY Presence should be your priority. As you yield your heart, your mind, and your soul to Me, I’ll fill you with a calm, peaceful spirit versus your frustrations now. 

Rejoice in the little things, for it’s the little things you’re allowing to frustrate you. Let go and trust Me. Trust Me

Yes, rejoice even when your aches and the pains of age are catching up with you. Rejoice in your frustrations for they cause you to cry out to Me. Even though it seems to you things are bad, I will turn all things around and create good out of it. 

That is My specialty, taking the bad and turning it into good. Satan is the one who want to kill, steal, and destroy. I come to bring life, bless, and build up My children into new life. 

My specialty is turning  bad into good. Therefore Satan never wins for I take the bad he caused and I turn it around to make good out of it. So trust Me to work all things out.

Trust Me, My Child

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMP

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5,6 

It’s Just A Tool

Child, it’s not the answer for I AM the answer. It’s just a tool.

Lord, I don’t know what to do. I’m so tired of this struggle. You helped me lose 90 back in 2015-. And it seemed so easy then. At that time I was so full of Your Presence.

Its' Just a Tool
This is how I looked on May 23, 2013, weighing 240 pounds.

Continue reading It’s Just A Tool