Overeating- 21 Activities Instead

Behaviorists say to rid oneself of a bad behavior, you should replace it with a good behavior. You want to break the habit of overeating, so here’s a list of 21 things to do instead of overeating. Make your own list. Get creative. Ask God to lead you and guide you.  

1. Pray, either out loud or write a prayer. Ask God for strength to resist temptation. I have held on to the  kitchen sink praying out loud over food temptations.

2. Read your Bible or devotional. img_0408

3. Write inspiring scriptures on a note card. Put them on the refrigerator or carry them in your pocket. Read before eating.

4. Make a list of your blessings throughout the day. Blessings are more satisfying than snacks.

5. Write by hand a note expressing love to another family member in your house.  Place it on the refrigerator or their bathroom mirror.

6. img_9436-1Go for a walk outside. Take the dog out. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Breathe the air. Listen to the birds sing.

7. Encourage someone on social media. You’ll enjoy the break and encouraging others always make you feel good.

Uggie, my Dad’s dog slobbers everywhere. Yuck!

8. Pet your pet. If they have fur, the softness will be soothing. If they slobber, your hands will be too nasty to eat.

9. Make a phone call to encourage someone. Encouragement, given or received, always feels good.

10. Mail a note to encourage someone, especially to the children or elderly in your family. Snail mail is treasured today.  

11. Drink a glass of water. You could be thirsty instead of hungry. Sometimes we get the signals confused.

12. Clean your bathroom. You’ll be too grossed out to eat.

13. Clean out a drawer. We all have junk drawers. It feels good throwing out the junk.

14. Try on new clothes. Discovering you are a smaller size is a thrill. Then you don’t want to overeat.

Love these shoes! Wish my feet would let me wear them.

15. Go shoe shopping. All women love shoes. After handling your feet, you don’t want to handle food. Trying on shoes is fun and it’s a good use of time before your next meal.

16. Try on bathing suits. Either you’ll be grossed out or thrilled depending on where you are on your weight loss journey. Either way, you aren’t overeating while trying on bathing suits.

17. Vacuum the house. Floors get cleaned and you can’t eat while vacuuming. At least I don’t think so.

18. Mop the floors. Same reasons as 14.

19. Kiss or hug your husband. He’ll like it and ya’ll can play sports later. You can’t eat while playing, at least I don’t think so. 

20. If you can play a musical instrument, practice your music. If you aren’t that talented, then sing praise songs to the Lord.

21. IMG_4059Go for a walk on the beach. Wonderful. No beach? Find a lake or pond. Water is soothing and healing to your attitude.  


         I will instruct you and teach you in the way you  should go. I will guide you with My eye.      Psalm 32:8 NKJV

Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established, . . .  believe His prophets and you shall prosper. 2 Chronicles 20:20 NKJV

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:57 NKJV


Check out  this link to “Helpful Hints- What I Learned On My Weight Loss Journey” to losing weight.



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