Oil of Gilead (Fat-free, Calorie-free and Sweet)


IMG_0441Lord, where are You?

I’m here, waiting for you.

I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do, think, or what to say. What’s wrong with me?IMG_6229

My child, you need more of Me. Come here and sit at My knee. You feel lost because you’ve wandered off the chosen path. Return to My way and walk in the path I have designed just for you.

How many times have I told you, “Don’t look at what you see, instead look at Me”? You’ve looked at others and listened to them. You allowed them to tell you what to do. But you should have asked Me first.

My child, that’s why you’re so confused. You’ve listened to many others, all telling you go this way or that way. If you had listened to Me, I would have led you correctly. I’ll lead you and teach you. Don’t look to others for your guidance or directions. Look to Me.

I’ve come to bring you peace. Now come here My child. Allow Me to lay My hand on your shoulder and be full of My Presence.

IMG_6225  Lord, I’ve said the ice cream and sweets I ate when stressed or when others hurt me kept me from acting ugly. The sweets quietened my anger and ice cream soothed my hurts. Now I can’t run to food for comfort and I’ve been rude to them. This behavior surprises even me.  What can I do? IMG_6113

My child, run to Me. Instead of you saying regretful words to them, I would give you peace. Instead of sitting there with a resentful heart, I would fill you with a calm loving spirit. Instead of whining and complaining about your circumstances, you would have blessed assurance that your walking in the path I chose for you.

Don’t you know yet that My will is the safest place for you? You don’t need ice cream, or other sweets to sooth your heart cries. You need more of Me, My peace and My joy unspeakable. True joy is found in My Presence.

When I told you I’ve come to set you free, I wasn’t just talking about your bondage to food. I was talking about all your bondages, to people pleasing,  false humility,  self-pride, self-pity, resentment, and greed. Your greed caused this overeating.

IMG_3802But Lord, . . . when did this start?

As a child with every “No”, your greed said, “Yes”.  With every “No” you replied in your heart, “I want more.” You used food pleasure to console your hurt feelings as a child.

 I’ve been by your side, always waiting for your gaze to turn in My direction.

See what I have for you. See this brightness, see this joy. Be filled with My joy instead of your food pleasures. Every step you take , every word you say will reflect My Spirit. Seek Me and live full of My joy.

Lord, these people . . . I want to run away because of all these demands.20131009-062603.jpg

Things will not always be as you want. That’s just part of living on Earth. But I have come to set you free and fill you with My heavenly power to touch lives with My love, to bring joy to those around you, and to share what you have. I’ll give you power to love in spite of what you see. This power has the faith to move mountains.

 Your heart has been full of many questions. It is not for you to question. It is for you to love, to love Me and love others. Now be filled with My love.

Are You saying I’m full of self?

As you become full of Me, your self-will decrease. As self decreases, My Spirit increases. I intend to fill you with My Spirit.

Lord, here I am. Fill me, fill my cup, fill me to overflowing, fill me with Your Holy joy, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.IMG_2809

  My child, I want you to dance. Dance before Me. As you dance, your joy will increase. Now go forth in My joy for I have spoken to your heart of My grace and My love.

Lord, what do I tell the others?

IMG_2527Tell them to eat of Me for then  they will become full and never be empty again.

Lord, how can I convince them of Your love?

Just share what I give you. As you share they’ll become full.  Just as the five loaves and few fish were shared that many became full with plenty left over.

True freedom is only found in Me. Fill yourself with My Presence. You have been so preoccupied with your stuff. Fill yourself with My Presence. Become preoccupied with My will and your joy will be full. Don’t look to others for your confirmation, look to Me.

Lord, take me, do with me as You will. I give myself to Thee. Here I am. Is it wrong to ask for a fresh new anointing?

No, that’s why I’m here, to fill you and anoint you with My oil of Gilead. Bring all that you have, are, and will be for My oil never runs dry. It never dries up.


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The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears. Psalm 34:17 NKJV

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye. Psalm 32:8 NKJV

Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts. Jeremiah 15:16 NKJV

Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him. Psalm 34:8 NKJV

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