IMG_946920131016-044541.jpg                                        Good morning Lord! Thank you Lord for a new day! Lord, I thought I heard You say, “Get up, go weigh yourself.” So I did, but the scales only went down 2 ounces. So Lord, why did You want me to weigh again this morning?

      (My child, I wanted to show you that the time you weigh, 4:30am, doesn’t matter. Here is a ‘new’ rule: You don’t weigh yourself until I tell you to! )

What? . . . But Lord, what if I get back into bondage to the scales again?

(My child, you are in bondage now! That is why your focus was on the scales yesterday. I want your focus on Me, not those scales! So therefore, you only weigh yourself when I tell you to. It could be monthly, it could be weekly, or even daily, but then again, it could be not at all! My child, My goal for you is to learn ‘trust’ and ‘total dependence’ on Me, not ‘numbers on a box’!)

Yes Sir!

(My child, ‘TRUST ME!)

— Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.                                                           Proverbs 3: 5-8 NKJV

Lord, thank you for speaking with me. Thank You for all the clothes that You have given me that I can fit into. Help me to let go of the ones that You want me to  – the bigger sizes – for I won’t wear them again. Thank you for this blessing. Lord, let me accomplish what You have planned for me. I praise You for You are a God of ‘order’ and You are helping me get ‘order’ in my life! Thank you for this victory! Amen.