Lord, I saw that girl, she is so skinny! She told us that she is now a size 6! Wow! The last time I saw her, a year ago, she was really pudgy. She had a gastric bypass.
Lord, I want a gastric bypass, but I do not want to go to a doctor for surgery. Lord, I want You, or rather I am asking You to perform a gastric bypass. Lord, would You be My doctor and perform a gastric bypass on me?
(My child, I AM the Great Physician! Do what all gastric bypass patients do first. Do your research. Research what the responsibilities of the patient are. Then come and talk to Me about this, after your research.
I am very good at taking out hearts of stone and replacing them with hearts of flesh. Would you like that surgery?)
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statues and you will keep My judgments and do them.” Ezekiel 36:26-27 NKJV
Lord, I will admit that I need a ‘new heart’, a heart for You instead of a heart for all this food. Lord, I am so embarrassed at how much I love this food, how much pleasure I get from eating it all! Lord, cut out this overwhelming, compulsive love for all this food from my heart and replace it with a love for You! Either way, it looks like I need surgery, a surgery that only You can do. Lord, You healed other physical needs, heal me! You delivered others from their strongholds and addictions, deliver me!
Lord, I know I am in a bondage of slavery to this food, this extra weight. I want freedom; gastric bypass or a new heart, it doesn’t really matter to me which. Lord, maybe I need both!
Lord, that girl, the size 6, was smiling because she knew she was so cute. And she ate that cake, she said it would take her 17 minutes to get over it.
(But My child, she only took two bites of her soup and no salad, then she ate only half her cake and gave the rest away. My child, are you willing to do that? She wanted the cake, that is what she came for. You wanted the soup, that is what you came for.)
Lord, to be honest, I didn’t know about the cake. Why can’t I eat it all and stay small?
(My child, I have set forth and established certain laws of nature. It just won’t happen, you will never be able to eat it all and stay small. It doesn’t even happen for those with hyperthyroidism, eventually it catches up with them too.
Alright My child, this is what I am going to do for you today. I will raise your metabolism and heal your hypothyroidism. I will give you a new heart, full of desire for My Presence and I will turn your heart away from this desire for food.
Now My child, you are to research gastric bypass just as any potential patient would to see if you qualify and to see if you are willing to make the sacrifices required. Then report back to Me your findings.)
Thank you Lord, I can’t do this by myself! I have tried everything! I have had accountability partners only to become unaccountable. Lord, I can’t do this without You! Thank you, amen.
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