Feeling Attacked, Ending in Victory

  • Notice: Please read important message at the end. Thank you.



Router died. Called AT&T. New router arriving in four days. No internet. Bad tech day. I’m going to scream! Lord, help me.

Memorial Day family cookout with hot dogs, hamburgers, corn on the cob, baked beans, salad, and peach cobbler. Lord, I want to eat everything, especially dessert in frustration over dead router. But I’m too busy preparing food and serving others.  I don’t have time to overeat. This is a weight loss blog, I can’t overeat.  Thank you Lord for helping me resist temptation. Good victory day.

Out of town son and his family visiting. Aunt, Uncle, and two elderly Dads (81 & 95) here too. Five grandchildren running around. Dog happy. Everyone having a great time. Good family day.


Router arrived. Yea! Too busy to look at it now. Getting ready for yard sale. We need $450 to send three granddaughters to church summer camp.

Family responded to the call for help and sent donations. They sent exercise equipment, bar stools, dorm refrigerator, a vacuum, strollers, assorted QVC purchases from an elderly aunt, antique ladder back chairs, clothes, and other stuff too. Thank you Lord. Good family support day.

(Friday-First day of garage sale)

  Wow! Hubby put signs out and I posted on FB. Granddaughters made this sign on the driveway with chalk. People came, lots of people. Deals were made.

Granddaughters set up a lemonade stand with brownies and water for sale. (I didn’t eat any. This is a weight loss blog.) Those cute little smiling girls told everyone about summer camp. They sold a bottle of cold water to the mailman. Poor man. They did give him a free lemonade. Those girls cleared $33 in sales and donations. Wish I’d got a picture of them sitting under the umbrella with their lemonade stand and brownies.


This was all we had left. It rained overnight. Even though we put tarps over everything, some things got wet. Then it started sprinkling on us. Sigh. Bad weather day.

I started offering awesome deals to shoppers. Finally I said, “All you can put in a bag for a dollar.” Why not. People got excited and packed their bags full. They even bought wet clothes. Yep, that meant I didn’t have to bag it all up.

Praise God. He does answer prayer! By lunchtime Saturday we had cleared over $600, enough to pay for church summer camp for girls and other church activities too. They can now go skating, horseback riding with a hayride and cookout,  to a Museum, and sailing, all included lunch. Those girls are going to have a great summer together! Great victory day! Thank you Lord for answered prayers.

(Saturday evening)

Tried to set up router. Called AT&T for support. Can’t find the book with passwords written in it. Think it fell down inside the lazy boy. Need new password. No internet to change it. Automated AT&T said, “If you have more than one computer go to Home Networking System Support.” Automatically connected, good. Then, “Call back during regular business hours.” What? This is Saturday and now I have to wait until Monday. I want to eat everything in the kitchen, but I’m not. This is a weight loss blog. Sigh. Bad tech day.

(Sunday night – Monday)

Stomach virus/ food poisoning/ whatever it was attacked me full force. Yuck. Too sick to care about router. What’s that? Bad bug day. Bad tech day.


Yea! Internet again! Victory! Got router connected. Only took one hour with both Hubby and myself talking to AT&T support (during regular business hours). I can breathe! I can LIVE again! Freedom! Oh, let me read email, let me look at FB, and let me check this blog. Hallelujah! Lord, I hope You don’t think I’m being disrespectful being so joyful over internet. Thank you for answered prayers, even over simple things like internet and the garage sale too! Thank you that I didn’t overeat. After all, this is a weight loss blog. Is that laughter I hear?

My child, I do hear and answer prayers. I take pleasure in the joy of My children, especially joy over simple things. (Laughter.)


And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans. Romans 8:28 TLB

Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.    Psalm 37:3-5NLT



(Written May 28- before dead router.)

I’ve changed blog hosts and it’s created many tech issues for me. On bad tech days, I feel punished. Guess I shouldn’t take it personal. On good tech days, I’m grateful.

 At the present time, I’m working on three drafts from my cell, going from one to another draft as ideas flow while sitting by a pool watching grandchildren play. Good tech day.

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