IMG_9689     Lord, I got so frustrated yesterday! I got restless, felt trapped, I just longed to go out to eat somewhere, but due to being a homebound caregiver I had to stay home. Oh Lord, I guess I was just having a “pity party”!

Then I just looked at all the cakes, pie, and the casserole at my house that was either made by me or brought in by others as a gift for the “homebound one”.  Lord, I just knew that I could put my face in first one, then another and continue eating until I was sick! Oh man, they all looked so inviting, appealing, and wonderful! I could just taste them in my mouth, oh, how I wanted them!

Lord, all I can say is  “Thank you, thank you”!  You helped me!  Instead of eating as much as I could, I just laid down on the sofa and went to sleep. Lord, I guess You knew that I needed that sleep more than the sweets. I must have slept almost two hours before they woke me up to go to bed. Then once I was in bed, I went back to sleep immediately and slept all night. I guess when I was so tempted by all those sweets, I was just really tired and You knew it. So You just let me sleep the temptation away! Thank you Lord!

I have heard others say, “Well, I eat so much because I have to stay home. It is so boring, there is nothing to do there except to eat!” Lord, it would have been so easy for me to say this because I did get bored yesterday. But thank you Lord, for being there for me. Thank you for saving me from myself and these sweets that are so abundant in my house now.

(My child, I am here for you! Turn to Me in times of weakness for I AM your strength. Turn to Me in your times of boredom for I will inspire you with “new life” and life more abundantly. Turn to Me with your longings for I AM your supply. Turn to Me in your self-pity for I will fill you with love for others.)

Lord, what if I want my self-pity?

(Then I will let you have it. But you will find that your misery will increase in self-pity. The only way to escape entrapment of self-pity is to focus on the needs of another.)

Okay Lord, I see. Help me to focus on You and the others that You have placed in my life. Uh, . . .Lord, my stomach is so big and so soft! I hope I am losing weight and I am so tempted to weigh myself now, but I am waiting until the appointed time per Your instructions. This is driving me nuts!!!

[ I sense laughter from the Lord.]

(My child, trust Me! I know what I am doing!)

Me:  Ahhhh!

[More laughter from the Lord]

Lord, are You laughing at me?

(My child, you have no idea at what joy I receive from My own children! When they come to Me with each detail of their life, it brings Me such joy! For only then can I intervene for them, only then can I be the supply for their need.)

— for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.       Philippians 2:13 NKJV

— “But seek the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you. Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”.                          Luke 12:31 NKJV

— And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.                         Matthew 21:22 NKJV

— But He said, “More than that, blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.”     Luke 11:28 NKJV

. . .  I have come they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.             John 10:10 NKJV

(Oh, . . . My child, you expressed concern about the “fluffiness” and size of your stomach. Today, your focus will be to concentrate on holding your stomach in. That is just one of those “shrinking stomach” secrets. Just hold it in, and hold your shoulders back too! Good soldiers in marching form always hold in their stomachs and hold back their shoulders.)

Yes Sir!

-around 8:45am-    (Also My child, you will receive a “weight loss” compliment from your husband today. You will see.)

Okay Lord, I ask for that compliment, I would love to receive  a compliment from him! Thank you Jesus! Praise you Lord!

[I sensed a smile from my Lord.]

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