Day 2 Blessings:
1. Having granddaughters with me in church. They sat quietly too. 2. I was able to precook lunch, get myself and two little girls ready for church, and arrived on time. Wow! Miracles happen everyday. 3. Watching Hubby play his guitar on stage with church orchestra. 4. It threatened to rain out church event at the park, but it only sprinkled a little. 5. Watching granddaughters play at the park. 6.Visiting with friends and family.
Thank you Lord for the beautiful rainbow.
ASK Food Plan:
Breakfast – Half bowl Cheerios with milk.
Lunch – Salad with 1 T. cheese, 2 T. croutons, and 1 T. dressing , cup of chicken with rice, 2 T. pink-eyed purple hull peas, 1/4 slice of cornbread, 1 pear half with mayo & cheese. (We call that pear salad. Really it’s a desert.)
Lord, we’re going to a church picnic. The main course is hot dogs. How can I lose weight with all this picnic food? Help me eat according to Your will. Thanks, amen
Supper at church picnic: One burnt wiener. (I like them that way.) carrots, small peach, rice cake, 9 small Cheese crackers, 2 oz. boiled chicken. Water.
Day 3- Blessings:
1. Watching granddaughters play together.
2. Both our elder Dads (ages 81 & 95) eating lunch with our family.
3. Extended family visiting. 4. Laughter when Dad’s big English bulldog came in and I had to drag him out from under the kitchen table. Everyone thought it was funny to watch me dragging a 70 pound dog. dog. He needs to lose weight. He used to eat half-servings, but now he eats it all. 5. Realizing that God still loves me even when I mess up and eat it all. (Priceless. Amazing love.)
ASK Food Plan
Breakfast: Half bowl of Cheerios with milk. Half apple with 2 T. peanut butter.
Lunch: One wiener, no bun, half beef patty, grilled squash with onions, salad with croutons and 1 T. dressing. Two bites watermelon. Two spoonful’s vanilla ice cream with 2 spoonful’s peach cobbler. (Uh-oh.)
Supper- Salad with croutons and 1 T. dressing. Half beef patty.
(Uh-oh. As I go back and read this. I realized I ate desserts. Just two days ago I made a commitment to eat no desert for 40 days. This is no way to lose weight and I broke my promise to You Lord. Please forgive me.
Yes, I guess You’re right. I am eating on automatic. I wasn’t even thinking, just ate it. Guess I have to start over again tomorrow. Thank you for being the God of second chances. Thank you Lord for giving me a million, trillion second chances. Sigh.)
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