I’m one of Abba Daddy’s children, but I’m one of His spoiled baby brats. All throughout my life, I’ve kept my blanket and my pacifier for self- comfort. But I long to join the big boys and girls (spiritually strong) outside the nursery of life.
Some days I’d stand at the window of the world and watch them. I do want to be like them, strong and confident. But as long as I hold on to my blanket of self-comfort and my pacifier of self-pleasure, I’ll never be able to leave my nursery. I’ll always be one of Abba Daddy’s baby brats. Will I ever grow up spiritually?
Day after day I watched and listened as they shared their experiences while in Abba Daddy’s Presence. I longed to join them. Then one day I noticed something I hadn’t seen before.
While I was laying with the blanket over my head, my hand rubbed the satin border. And as I sucked on my pacifier, I watched out the window of life. That’s when I saw.
Suddenly I stood up, pressed my nose up against the window and dropped my blanket as I placed my hands against the window. Then my pacifier fell as I opened my mouth in surprised wonder.
My Abba Daddy’s out there with them. They get to be with Abba Daddy. I sat down, leaned against the window, and cried. Why can’t I be out there with Abba Daddy? I picked up my pacifier of self-pleasure and looked at it. Why would anyone want this nasty thing?
Then I looked at my blanket of self-comfort. When it was new, it was pretty with bright colors and it used to make me feel good. But now it’s old and faded with the stains all over it. I no longer enjoy self-comfort. I’m filled with disgust. These things keep me from being with Abba Daddy.
Tears ran down my face and my lips quivered. He turned and saw me watching Him through the window. As He walked toward the door to my soul, I got excited with anticipation. So I opened the door and waited for Abba Daddy.
Finally in walked my Abba Daddy. He picked me up and swung me around as I laughed. Then He kissed me, “How’s my little baby doing today? ”
As I hugged Him, my blanket and pacifier fell to the floor. Then I used my sweetest voice, the one I use when I want my way, “Abba Daddy, I want to be outside with You and the big children. I want to run, play, and be with You all the time.”
“Baby, I want you with Me too. But you’ll have to leave this blanket of self-comfort and this pacifier of self-pleasure in the nursery. Are you ready to let them go?”
Then I remembered how soft and comforting the blanket was and how much fun it was to suck on the pacifier. “But Daddy, I’m scared to let them go.
My blanket gives me comfort and security. And my pacifier has always given me pleasure, even if it’s dirty. So what will I have for pleasure if I let go?
I really want to be outside with you and the other children. I’m sick of this boring nursery. I want to be spiritually strong. And I long to be free, but what will I do?”
Daddy smiled at me with love in His eyes instead of disapproval, “Baby, you have Me. I want to show you a life so full of excitement and joy that you can’t even begin to comprehend. Hold on to Me when you’re afraid, I’m strong when you’re weak. So, are you willing to let go of these things? Do you trust Me?”
He’s so strong. And it felt so good to be in His arms now. “Abba Daddy, I chose you. Take me by the hand. I’m ready to grow up in Your presence now.” Then He reached for my hand. I could tell He was so proud of me. He loves me so much. And I love Him too.
We smiled at each other as He opened the door to my new world. As I stepped through the open door of His will and my destiny, I knew in my heart that no matter what happened, my Abba Daddy would always be there with me to lead me each step of the way. I was now free. Abba Daddy will always be my source of comfort and pleasure. Before now, I just never knew I had to let go in order to receive ….“
Assuredly, I say unto you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven”….. Matthew 18:3-4 NKJV
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 NKJV
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen 1John 5: 21 NKJV
Lord, I want Your love. Help me to return to You as My first love, my greatest love. Help me to obey You in all my ways especially in dealing with other people and my food issues.
We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19
What do You want me to write? Do You even want me to write? Lord, I don’t know what it is that You want for me or with me for that matter.
And I’m so concerned about all my grandchildren, and their parents too, living in the society of today. Lord, I don’t know what I can do.
Child, pray My will be done in their lives.
Lord, help me to only speak words of affirmation, encouragement, and of Your love for them. Keep my mouth shut, clamped shut when, or if, it is full of criticism or discouragement.
Also Lord, help me to love You in a way that it pleases You. I want a real relationship with You, not just the mechanics of routine prayers and Bible reading. In fact, I want a deep relationship with You. Overall, I want Your Presence with me at all times, throughout all my life.
Lord, I want Your love.
We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19
Help me to turn away completely from this unnecessary food that so easily tempts and entraps me to compulsively overeat.
Lord, I do want to lose weight, and I also want to help Hubby lose his extra weight too. But I don’t want him to be skinnier than me. How embarrassing that would be.
So help me to yield Myself to Thee completely and resist temptation to put my face in the feeding trough.
Child if you seek and follow My will concerning your food, you will lose weight. I will lead you and you will have success.
Also Lord, when I write my prayers, thoughts, or even the words You spoke to my heart, I always consider if this would be good to write in this blog. Lord, I want our talks to be about our relationship, not the blog. But if I am to write for the blog, then lead me and help me to organize my time schedule to write and publish.
Child, it will be so.
Lord, I want to know You like those people who say they have a “word” from You. I want to love You like they love You. Also, I want others to see You in me and be attracted to You because of it. Help me to please You in all my ways.
We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19
Lord, I want Your love.I want a deep relationship with You as I have never had before. I want a new awakening, deep with my spirit.
Make me hungry for You. Yes, I want to be hungry for You. And I want a deeper walk with You too.
Lord, what do You want from me?
Your love, My child, I want your love.
Lord, these people who say they have a “word” from You spend hours in reading Your Word and in prayer too. I don’t have hours due to my job and my home responsibilities.
Child, it is not your hours I want. It is your heart I want. I want your love.
Change your self-talk to “I am a child of the King. I’m strong and delivered. His blood is in my soul. Therefore I am strong and victorious. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Thank you Lord for this weight loss, even though last night right before bedtime I binged on No Sugar Fudgesicles and satsumas.
Change your self-talk to “I am strong. These have no power over me.”
Change your self-talk to, “I’m stronger than these.”
First thing this morning, I woke up with self-talk, “I’m so stupid. Why did I do that? I know better. Why am I so stupid?”
Then when I stood on the scales, there was a weight loss. What? . . . How can it be? But there it was, even after standing on twice, still a lower number.
Again more self-talk, “It would have been more weight loss if I hadn’t ate all that before bed. Why did I do it again? Why? I’m so stupid.”
Then the Lord spoke to my heart: “No, you’re not stupid. Change your self-talk. From now on, say to yourself- ‘I am strong. I am delivered and set free.’ This is what you say from now on for you are Mine.
None of Mine are defeated for I AM victorious in all things. So confess who you really are.
Change your self-talk to “I am a child of the King. I am strong and delivered. His blood is in my soul. Therefore I am strong and victorious. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Yes Sir.
Change Your Self-talk
Chew On This
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
. . . And this is the victory that has overcome the world- our faith. I John 5:4
“Child, your weight struggle is a giant before you at this time. So use the rock of My Presence and you’ll defeat this giant in your life.”
Yes Lord, I’ve struggled with my weight and these regained pounds, up and down with the same 10 pounds for basically two years now.
All this time I’ve experienced guilt, shame, or rejoicing due to the numbers on a scale. This year I want release and deliverance. Lord, I’m sick of this struggle. And I’m sick of what I consider to be my failures. Would You help me? I’m ready to move on to the victory You have for me.
And yet with all the problems, issues, and major life struggles throughout this world, I feel guilty talking to You about my weight struggle. So many people throughout Earth are struggling just for a piece of bread. Here I am struggling not to eat the bread.
Child, it’s your heart I want, a yielded heart, seeking My will, full of love for Me. That’s what I desire most. So yield yourself totally to Me. Then I’ll fill you with more of My Holy Spirit to overflow. When you’re full of My Presence, you’ll lose desire for other things such as unnecessary food.
When conditions of this world are overwhelming, you want to to overeat due to stress. Come to Me now.
Sing to Me. As you sing to Me, then My calming peaceful Spirit will fill you with My peace.
Also remember, look away from your earthly news and keep your eyes on Me.
So Lord, how do I keep My eyes on You. How do I look at You? I can’t see You.
Child, look around. What do you see?
I see a beautiful peace lily plant growing.
I made it grow.
There are pictures of my grandchildren.
I gave you their love.
There are souvenirs from our trip to Israel.
I arranged that trip for you.
There are framed cross-stitched scriptures on the wall and prompted up on the floor.
Those are My words presented in a beautiful form to please you and encourage you.
There’s a bowl of rocks I picked up from the valley of Elah where David killed Goliath.
Child, I have many David’s throughout this land who are killing their giants of defeat.
Your weight struggle is a giant before you at this time. So use the rock of My Presence and you’ll defeat this giant.
Just as the Israelites shook in their knees fearful of Goliath, you’re full of fear too. But know this, just as David was full of faith knowing I’d help him, I’ll help you defeat your giant too.
Now go forth in your victory singing praise songs for My glory. Because I have already given you the victory.
Seek Your face, how Lord? What does it mean to ‘seek Your face’? I want to seek Your face, but I’m not sure how. Does this mean actually see Your face? Or does it mean seek Your companionship or to bond in friendship? What does it mean?
It means ‘commune’ with Me.
[Commune: to focus on God- converse, talk often with profound intensity, intimate communication or rapport as sharing your heart and mind with God in prayer- an interchange of ideas or sentiments.]
Lord, I want to commune with You. I want You as my very best friend. And I want to please You in all things.
At times I try to follow Your leading, but due to distractions and the voices of others who tell me what to do, I miss out on Your best for me.
Help me to listen and focus on Your voice. Not because I’m trying to be holy and religion, or better than others, but because I want what’s best for me. Your will is best for me. So, in a way could seeking Your will, which is best for me, be selfish?
No Child, I want to give the ‘best’ to all My children. And it pleases Me when they humble their own pride to seek My will for them. After all, this is the ‘best’ for them.
My will is always the ‘best’.
Also, I enjoy rewarding My children with the ‘best’ just as you enjoy giving to yours. My desire is to bless My children with My love.
If only they would seek My face and bond with Me in intimate companionship-friendship. They would never be separated, living their lives in constant communion -interaction, allowing My Presence to interact with them in constant interchange of covenant.
Lord, I want covenant with You.
Child, I want you, and all of your family, friends, and associates too. My desire is to commune and covenant with all people.
And it’s the distractions and the voices of others that cause My people to miss what is My best for them.
If My people would focus on a relationship with Me and humble themselves, which means seek My advice, seek My will and follow it, then I would heal their land.
The Lord says, “I will heal your land if you seek My face.”
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2Chronicles 7:14
But Lord, how do I seek Your face?
Talk with Me, even while eating and drinking you can be in My Presence. Invite Me to be involved in all you do, say, and even to what you think. Invite Me to be with you all throughout your day, within all you do. Throughout your day, interact with Me. I am real, not an imaginary friend, but real, more real than you’ll ever know.
“As you yield yourself to Me, I will increase your joy and peace,” says the Lord.
Overall, it’s My desire to be involved in every detail of your life, even within your thoughts. So invite Me in to be with you. Seek My will and My advice about everything in your life, even about what you eat and drink. Then follow how I lead you. Then follow My advice.
Seek My face. Seek a relationship with Me and My involvement in every detail of your life. As you seek My involvement in all your activities and even your thoughts, then I can intervene for you. As you open your life, then I can bless you with My peace and My joy and My victory too.
Not only do I give peace and joy, but I will grant you victory to overcome the difficulties of life. No matter the circumstances or difficulties, I will always bring those who belong to Me through it all to finish in victory. I always bring those who belong to Me to victory. After all, I AM VICTORY.
For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
Lord, thank you for the joy of yesterday. (Written December 15, 2020.) It was only because You told me it was still a day of victory that I had any joy at all. Every time I thought of the electors voting it made me sad.
But then I remembered You said it was still a day of victory. And You even gave me an answer for that negative critical person.
But Lord, what now?
Child, keep believing, no matter what your eyes see. Remember, “Don’t look at what you see. Instead, look at Me.”
Know this Child, I AM your source of victory. And I AM the winner. So rejoice for I WIN. Told you I was the Winner.
But Lord, I don’t understand. How can You be the winner because it looks like the other side won?
Child, I won! I AM the winner. So rejoice for this in the day the Lord hath made. Therefore rejoice. Today is still a day of victory. Never forget that. Everyday is a day of victory for you because I live in your heart. And I fill you with My love, My forgiveness, and My Holy Spirit. Therefore everyday is a day of victory.
Why do you worry about politics? know ye not yet that I AM in control of all things? Trust Me. Look to Me for I AM your King.
The joy of the Lord is your strength. Therefore rejoice, be full of joy.
Lord, I want You
Child, I want you.
If only those who reject Me could know the joy I bring. Then they would gladly turn their hearts to Me.
Even when evil people think they win, they still have no true joy or peace.Their pleasure is short lived.
But when those who are Mine perceive they have lost, they can still be full of My joy and My peace for I AM the Winner over all.
I grant all of Mine true victory. No matter what they are experiencing here on earth- I AM their source of victory.
By the way, listen and believe the voices of the prophets for I speak to their hearts just as I speak to all those who are Mine.
Now rejoice the birthday of My Son for that was the beginning of total victory over all- your victory and the victory of all My children.
Rejoice. Peace and goodwill to all men. For I have come to save the world. I have come to save you, even from yourself and your selfishness. For I did not come to condemn the world. Instead, I came to save the world.
Believe. Keep on believing. Then watch and see what I will do.
Uh. . . Lord, I really messed up yesterday.
Yes Child, I saw it all. But know I am the God of second, million, trillion chances. Remember?
Yes Sir.
Now get over it. Remember, “You’re never a failure, only a lesson.”
I have plans for you, plans for a future and a hope. Therefore rejoice for this is the day the Lord hath made. So rejoice. Rejoice.
Child, don’t long for greatness. For I long to be “great” in you. Long for My greatness to be in you.
Yes Sir.
Child, I love you.
Lord, I love you too.
Child, it is a new year for you coming. Rejoice, for it is a “New Thing” I am bringing forth.
Lord, is it revival?
Yes My child. But it is and will be bigger than even you can imagine. Therefore rejoice.
Don’t watch your fake news for they are not My voice. Instead, be happy for I AM the winner over all you see and over all you hear. Overall, I declare I AM the Winner.
Yes Sir. Thank you for talking to me.
Child, I talk to all those who will listen. Now hear what I say. Rejoice, for today is not a day of mourning. No, instead, it is a day of victory. Be happy for I AM the winner. Therefore, you are a winner too.
Words of Victory
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 NKJV
For this is how much God loved the world- He gave His one and only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life. John 3:16 TPT
For judgement is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgement. James 2:13 NKJV
But the Lord is is His holy Temple; the Lord still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. Psalm 11:4 NLT
He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. Finally He will cause justice to be victorious. Matthew 12:20 NLT
Merry Christmas to you, my friends.Remember- You are a winner because God said so. YOU ARE A WINNER!
Eating with God, why did I stop eating as God instructed me? Back then I lost over 90 pounds (2014) as I ate in submission to how God led. At the beginning of that weight loss I ate only 3 meals a day for 40 days. Then the Lord led me to cut my food portions in half. It seemed so easy back then. At that time I was 62 years old.
Then . . . Don’t we always have a ‘then’. So. . . after three years of maintaining weight loss, I went back to my old habits and old ways. . . Then. . . This resulted in significant weight gain.
So I started talking to my weight loss counselor, God, again. And my goal is to eat in submission to His instructions, only three meals a day with half portions and nothing else.
During my previous experience of losing 90 pounds I had felt God’s Presence so strong. But now eating only three meals a day seems like a major struggle.
I do want God’s Presence with me all the time. The problem is I find so much pleasure and comfort in food. I’m guilty of turning to food versus God just to deal with stresses of life.
So much bad news on television, riots, protests, CV-19, politicians arguing, and my church closed twice due to a CV-19 breakout. (Although now its’ open.) In addition to all this mess, I’m staying home most of the time with minimal social life, except for my part time job.
Instead of seeking God’s Presence through all of this, I’m guilty of eating treats and zoning out on social media. So in addition to my initial weight gain, I’m now dealing with another 10 pounds gained during the shut-down.
Lord, I need Your help. Could I start over again with a new commitment to eat before You in obedience? Could I have another chance?
Child, I cautioned, rather impressed upon you not to eat that extra serving of no-carb pizza. But you got it anyway.
Yes Sir. (Hanging my head down.)
It’s the surrender of your heart I desire. You want to lose weight, but I’m more interested in your heart. Now are you willing to start over again if that is what I lead you to do?
Yes Sir.
Then do so, for I intend to do a work in your heart that you’re unable to comprehend for now.
Yes Sir. Thank you Lord for Your mercy.
May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation- the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ. Philippians 1: 11 NLT
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV
At work, just before lunchbreak. Still eating with God.
Never thought I’d look like this at Christmas, wearing a mask in public. But praise God, He’s helped me lose 14 pounds so far. More to go. And it feels like freedom, eating with God, in submission to His will. Also my clothes are getting loose too. Praise God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit.
Merry Christmas! God’s Presence brings us peace, freedom, and goodwill to all men!
Here’s Your Sign ————————(photo copied from PicMonkey)
—- Child, here’s your sign: —-
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” Jeremiah 32:27
Child, I’m your peace. Surely, I’ll break this wall that separates you from your victory. In fact, I’m going to re-create you into a new creature, full of My glory and grace.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Among these we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, following the desires of body and mind, and so we were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. Ephesians 2:3
But Lord, this describes me, fulfilling the desires of my flesh for more and more food pleasure. So thank you for Your mercy. After so many failures, You still love me. Amazing. And You haven’t given up on me yet.
Child, you can’t do this on your own, in your own power. It’ll be a gift from Me. I’ve already prepared your victory. Now walk in it. Believe it.
— Child, here’s your sign. —
Thank God! Once you were slaves of sin, but now you wholeheartedly obey this teaching we have given you. Romans 6:17 NLT
Overall Child, My intent is to set you free. I provided you freedom. Yet you’re like the elephant held entrapped by a small stick tied by a rope.
——————————————————–(Photo copied from PicMonkey)
It is and has always been my intent to break that rope and small stick so you can go forth in freedom and your victory.
But it’s your faith that’s weak. Believe I’ve come to set you free. After all, today is your day of salvation. Now walk in your freedom from food bondage.
Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.
Now Child, break free. I’ve already given you all the power you need to break free. So now believe and let go.
Again Lord, I ask for a a strong word, a “power” word from You. I know you’ve spoke to my heart many times before. But now, I’ve given up and surrendered to my weakness.
Therefore, could I have a new fresh word from You? Could it be one I could hold on to and would cause my faith to be fully convinced so I can believe?
—- Child, here’s your sign: —-
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” Jeremiah 32:27
Last night I made the decision to eat all of it. But Lord, I know I would have lost weight if only I had listened to You. So why didn’t I listen to You?
Yes Child, obedience always has its rewards. Every action has a reaction. Likewise, every decision has a consequence. As a matter of fact, surrendering your food desires to Me will bring you the result you want- weight loss.
When you decide to let go of the food in your hand before putting it into your mouth, at that exact moment victory comes. At that exact moment, you choose victory or shame. So which will it be? It is all your decision.
“I have decided to follow Jesus”
Lord, I have decided I want You and the victory You have for Me. But what if I mess it up before the end of the day?
Child, no fear. Why are you afraid? Why do you doubt? Don’t you yet realize that I AM the one true, all powerful, all knowing God? And I am on your side. With My power you can win because I already have your victory planned.
So now it is up to you. You already have all you need to win. You are a winner. For you only have to decide. So choose your victory.
Yes Sir. Thank you Sir. I choose You and the victory You have for me. Today is a day of victory.
The scales went down for me. They will for you too.
“I have decided to follow Jesus.”
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57
For every child of god defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. 1 John 5:4