All Is Well, Trust Me

Trust Me.

Child, all is well. Trust Me for I have it all in My hands.

But Lord, what about those being persecuted in other countries? Do You see those children who are abused or killed throughout the world? Starvation, murder, so many suffering from disease, or wars, what about all that?

Trust Me, Child
Trust Me, Child

Child, all of that will end soon, and very soon. I know about it all, and yes I cry. My tears are the only tears in heaven. “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35) I do weep, I do cry. My Spirit is grieved at much of what I see.

Trust Me

But then I see – -revival, people’s hearts seeking My love. I see kindness and people giving to one another. People are showing forth My love to each other and that makes Me smile. I see the love in a mother’s or father’s eye as they look at their newborn child and I smile. I see the aged and weary couple holding hands. As they smile at on another, I smile on them.

Yes, there’s much suffering in this world, but there’s just as much love in the world, even more so. It’s because I spread My love from one to another. 

When you look and behold My creation in nature, you’ll see how I create beauty out of rocks. Yes, I can take all the rocks and hard places of life, both yours and those of others, and turn them into great reflections of My beauty.Trust Me

Thank you Lord for hope. If I didn’t have You, I’d have no hope.

Child, I am your hope, I am your love, and I am your future. Remember, keep your eyes on Me, not what you see. 

Lord, help me to have the right attitude within my heart.

Child, seek Me, seek My Presence. Then you will have true peace. You can say, “It is well with my soul.” Seeking the peace of MY Presence should be your priority. As you yield your heart, your mind, and your soul to Me, I’ll fill you with a calm, peaceful spirit versus your frustrations now. 

Rejoice in the little things, for it’s the little things you’re allowing to frustrate you. Let go and trust Me. Trust Me

Yes, rejoice even when your aches and the pains of age are catching up with you. Rejoice in your frustrations for they cause you to cry out to Me. Even though it seems to you things are bad, I will turn all things around and create good out of it. 

That is My specialty, taking the bad and turning it into good. Satan is the one who want to kill, steal, and destroy. I come to bring life, bless, and build up My children into new life. 

My specialty is turning  bad into good. Therefore Satan never wins for I take the bad he caused and I turn it around to make good out of it. So trust Me to work all things out.

Trust Me, My Child

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMP

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5,6 

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