IMG_1790     Lord, last night I ate everything, everything I could find! You know this, You saw it all!  I hate my failures! It seems like they are always there staring at me! “Not good enough, don’t measure up, no self-control! Failure, failure!” I hear all the taunts of self-accusation! Lord, I am just a “major failure” defeated by a wimpy sin! Where do I go from here? Is there any hope for me?  Will I ever get victory?  Oh Lord, why do You reach out to me in love and hope at all? I just know I am a disappointment to You!

(First of all, My child, I love you! Know this, nothing can destroy My love for you, not even your sin! Secondly, your sin of overeating is not a wimpy sin. You feel like failure because you struggle with what you consider  a “wimpy” sin. My child, there are no “wimpy” sins, there is just “sin”.  Sin is sin and one sin is not greater than the other. I do not category “sin”, for I see all of it as “sin”. And I died for all “sin”, not just those you consider  the depths of sin. I died just for you, My child, to set you free from your sin.)

Lord, I feel as though I am drowning in despair and defeat!

(My child, I have come to set you free and I will lift you out of this miry sinkhole! I will deliver you from this bondage! I will set you free!)

Well Lord, what do I do now?

(Love Me, My child, just love Me! Come to Me with your food choices! I will remove the desire for these “empty calorie” pleasure foods from your heart,  for I want to fill you with Myself, My Holy Spirit! I long to fill you My child! I plan to fill you so full of My Spirit that it spills out of you and affects all around you! They will know who you have been with when they smell the “sweet” aroma of My Presence. That “sweet” aroma of My Presence will cause them to want a taste of My Presence for themselves also.

Yes My child, I do plan to use to use you and the story of your victory. The victory that I give unto you will bring Me victory as well. As those around you seek My Presence because of your victory over this food addiction, victory will come to Me. For you see, everyone that comes to Me in repentance brings Me victory over sin and victory over the defeat that holds My children in bondage.

My child, the beginning of your “backsliding” began with your complacency. Yes, you did go through that intense period as you watched a loved one go through the process of passing from one life to another and it was so very hard for you. I know it broke your heart, I saw your tears, I heard your cries! But I held her, and you too, through that intense time period of your lives. I carried her to My glory, but I left you here for My purpose. I have a plan, and I will use you for My glory! You will have victory over this bondage!

My child, after that “crisis” was over, you became full of complacency. There was the danger. You got caught in the “trap” of complacency. Complacency and apathy open the door for sin to enter in. My child, I don’t want My soldiers full of  complacency, lying around, eating bon-bons, sitting themselves before their chosen form of entertainment. Instead, I want My soldiers alert and ready to defeat the enemy in battle!

Yes My child, there is a battle going on at this very minute! There is always a battle! But I see victory and “Victory” is one of My names! I will also name you, “Victory”, for you carry My blood in your heart, therefore you carry My name as well! “Victory”! Therefore, from this day on I will call you “Victory”! Now look up My child, look up, for you are “Victory”!

— I  waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth – praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord.     Psalm 40:1-3 NKJV

— For  whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?   I John 5:4-5 NKJV

— They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.                      Revelations 22:4 NKJV