Victory Over Binges


Seeking victory over binges.
Expect victory over binges.

Lord, I need victory over binges. I need Your help. I’m caught in a trap, a trap of my own making. Now it seems I can’t get out. Oh why do I go insane at night, especially when I’m tired?

Child, that’s when Satan knows it’s the best time to harass you, when you are tired. Tonight, when you get tired, just go to bed and rest. 

Habits need changing. And Child of Mine, this stronghold on you is so strong that you need My power to resist the temptation. Child, I can help you. 

But Lord, how? We’ve talked about this many times before. And I’m still trapped, unable to set myself free.

But Child, I can set you free. 

But Lord, how? You’ve suggested many things to me before. Then I get so encouraged and start out in victory. Then later, I fall right back into this trap of defeat.

Child, I will lift you out of this despair, this trap, this self-inflicted bondage. I will lift you out and set you free.

But Lord, how?

Child, just call My name.

Lord, when the thought comes to overeat, I don’t think. My mind is blank. All I focus on is what to eat. What do I want to eat?

Child, only I can fill this void you have. It is I who you need to fill you up. 

Lord, how?

Call on My name, Jesus. 

God will give you victory over binges.

Lord, could You give me a scripture from Your Word besides those I already know? I have head knowledge, but I just can’t seem to get myself out of this self-inflicted trap. I’ve dug this hole and jumped in for the pleasures within. Now I’m trapped and I can’t get myself out.

Child, I can get you out. 

But Lord, how?

Call on My Name. Ask for your deliverance in My name, the name of Jesus.  

— I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope. She will give herself to Me there, as she did long ago when she was young, when I freed her from her captivity in Egypt. Hosea 2:15 NLT  

Child, you are now trapped in the Valley of Trouble and defeat. But I am your hope and you will sing of “Victory in Jesus”. And you will gain your victory just as you did many years ago.

Feed on My Word for there is where you will find your strength. You search My word each morning, but then zone out on your social media at night to relax. That’s why your mind goes blank. You have zoned out to relax. 

Now I command you – no more zoning out on social media at night for you must be alert and focused. You want success and victory. Therefore feed on My Word each night and it will renew your mind. 

Why did you think I told Joshua to mediate on it day and night? Weakness results from physical exhaustion.  And I want to build you up in your faith and your power to resist temptation. I want to make you strong.

So, to renew your mind and make you strong, feed on My Word day and night. Take it as medicine for your soul and your mind.

—- Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. Joshua 1:8 NLT

Through My Word, I will increase your self-control, self- discipline, and renew your mind. Then you’ll be feeding your mind wisdom and strength, faith and power. As you feed on My Word to build your spiritual muscles, it will make you strong indeed. You will emerge undefeated and victorious. 

Now here’s your challenge: Feed on My word for 40 days and nights. See how that works for you. 

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