Victory Comes When It’s Expected

Your victory comes. But child, you’re still trying to obey your own self-conceived rules for weight loss victory. You can’t do this without Me. I gave you victory once before and I will again.

Lord, please forgive me yet another time. Yesterday was a family Thanksgiving feast. When will I ever get this “food issue”right?

Child, in your own strength you never will, but I have already won. And Your victory comes. In fact it’s already been achieved in My Name, written and assured by My Blood. 

Lord, I’m so messed up.

Child, I specialize in mess-ups. If you had stopped before eating yesterday and sought Me, then you would have maintained your victory. But you didn’t seek My guidance, therefore you had defeat instead.

Lord, what do I do? How do I eat?

Child, try thanking Me for helping you make good choices with your food, with your “to do” list, and with your interactions with others. Focus on praising Me for the victories I give unto you, even before they come.

Instead of looking at food as overwhelming temptations, see food as opportunities for upcoming victories. Anticipate and praise Me for the victory ahead. Victory  comes when it is expected. Instead of going to family gatherings with an attitude of anxiousness over abundant food expecting temptation and thereby defeat, choose to expect victory. Victory comes when it’s expected. You’ve heard, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” I say this day, choose to praise Me in advance for your victories, food or otherwise. 

Instead of worrying over money, or rather lack of, choose to praise Me for your upcoming victories. Instead of worrying about your body, either how it looks or how it functions, praise Me. Then look for and note your victories, the victories I send to you everyday. Instead of judging yourself for your failures and beating yourself up mentally, start focusing on praising Me and expecting victories. Everyday there will be battles of one kind or another, but if you focus on praising Me in advance for your victories, you will discover that your day will become full of victories.

You asked Me to renew your mind. This is how I will renew your mind. Through My Presence and through your praise we will change your mind. You choose this day whom you will serve. You can’t win through following rules of “don’t touch” or “don’t eat” that. But you will win total victory achieved only through Me.

My child, how easily you become distracted. Keep your eyes focused on Me and I will bring about your victory. You’ve heard “Rejoice Always”. As you focus on rejoicing, victory becomes attracted to you.  Your victory will come. 

Yes Sir. Thank you Sir.



“Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” which all concern things which perish with the using—according to the commandments and doctrines of men?  Colossians 2:  21-22 NKJV

Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value]. Colossians 3:2 AMP

Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him. Colossians 3:10 NLT

Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. To this peace indeed you were called as members in the body [of believers]. And be thankful [to God always]. Colossians 3:15 AMP

Whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus [and in dependence on HIm], giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17 AMP


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