Still A Day of Victory
Lord, thank you for the joy of yesterday. (Written December 15, 2020.) It was only because You told me it was still a day of victory that I had any joy at all. Every time I thought of the electors voting it made me sad.
But then I remembered You said it was still a day of victory. And You even gave me an answer for that negative critical person.
But Lord, what now?
Child, keep believing, no matter what your eyes see. Remember, “Don’t look at what you see. Instead, look at Me.”
Know this Child, I AM your source of victory. And I AM the winner. So rejoice for I WIN. Told you I was the Winner.
But Lord, I don’t understand. How can You be the winner because it looks like the other side won?
Child, I won! I AM the winner. So rejoice for this in the day the Lord hath made. Therefore rejoice. Today is still a day of victory. Never forget that. Everyday is a day of victory for you because I live in your heart. And I fill you with My love, My forgiveness, and My Holy Spirit. Therefore everyday is a day of victory.
Why do you worry about politics? know ye not yet that I AM in control of all things? Trust Me. Look to Me for I AM your King.
The joy of the Lord is your strength. Therefore rejoice, be full of joy.
Lord, I want You
Child, I want you.
If only those who reject Me could know the joy I bring. Then they would gladly turn their hearts to Me.
Even when evil people think they win, they still have no true joy or peace. Their pleasure is short lived.
But when those who are Mine perceive they have lost, they can still be full of My joy and My peace for I AM the Winner over all.
I grant all of Mine true victory. No matter what they are experiencing here on earth- I AM their source of victory.
By the way, listen and believe the voices of the prophets for I speak to their hearts just as I speak to all those who are Mine.
Now rejoice the birthday of My Son for that was the beginning of total victory over all- your victory and the victory of all My children.
Rejoice. Peace and goodwill to all men. For I have come to save the world. I have come to save you, even from yourself and your selfishness. For I did not come to condemn the world. Instead, I came to save the world.
Believe. Keep on believing. Then watch and see what I will do.
Uh. . . Lord, I really messed up yesterday.
Yes Child, I saw it all. But know I am the God of second, million, trillion chances. Remember?
Yes Sir.
Now get over it. Remember, “You’re never a failure, only a lesson.”
I have plans for you, plans for a future and a hope. Therefore rejoice for this is the day the Lord hath made. So rejoice. Rejoice.
Child, don’t long for greatness. For I long to be “great” in you. Long for My greatness to be in you.
Yes Sir.
Child, I love you.
Lord, I love you too.
Child, it is a new year for you coming. Rejoice, for it is a “New Thing” I am bringing forth.
Lord, is it revival?
Yes My child. But it is and will be bigger than even you can imagine. Therefore rejoice.
Don’t watch your fake news for they are not My voice. Instead, be happy for I AM the winner over all you see and over all you hear. Overall, I declare I AM the Winner.
Yes Sir. Thank you for talking to me.
Child, I talk to all those who will listen. Now hear what I say. Rejoice, for today is not a day of mourning. No, instead, it is a day of victory. Be happy for I AM the winner. Therefore, you are a winner too.
Words of Victory
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 NKJV
For this is how much God loved the world- He gave His one and only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life. John 3:16 TPT
For judgement is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgement. James 2:13 NKJV
But the Lord is is His holy Temple; the Lord still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. Psalm 11:4 NLT
He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. Finally He will cause justice to be victorious. Matthew 12:20 NLT
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