Self-Condemnation, What the Lord Hates in Me. – After Reading the “Holy 30 Devotional”-Day 6

Child, you aren’t perfect. You know that. I know that. But the one thing you do that breaks My heart and grieves My Holy Spirit is your self-condemnation. 

(After I read Day 6 from the Holy 30 Devotional,** published by my church, the Lord spoke these words to my heart. As you read them, allow the Lord to speak to your heart likewise and realize how great His love is for you. In fact, He loves you with all His heart, yes you, the reader. To begin with, know that you don’t have to earn His love, for He freely gives it to all and none of us deserve it. Therefore allow the Lord to love on you as you read these words. Afterwards feel free to let me know how He spoke to you.)

Lord, what is it about me that You hate?

Child, you aren’t perfect. You know that and I know that. But the one thing you do that breaks My heart and grieves My Holy Spirit is your constant self-condemnation. 

Yes, you have areas of flaws to work on, all humans do in one form or another. No one has achieved perfection through their works of self-improvement. Only My Blood can cleanse one to perfection. 

Yet the one major flaw you have, My child, that breaks My heart in your continuous self-condemnation. You judge yourself as inferior because you are unable to maintain perfection in your behavior or attitudes of the heart. 

You strive to love others but yet all you can see in yourself are flaws and failures. Know ye not that I love you just as you are even with your faults and failures?

How can you truly love others as I wish, “Love others as you love yourself” if you don’t love yourself? If all you look at is your own failures, how can you see beauty in others? When your eyes only focus on failures, you are unable to see My love. Know I love you. I died for you, yes for you. 

So do you think if I was willing to die for you, just you, do you think you are worthy  of My love? 

No Lord, we both know I’m not worthy.

My child, I love you, so I want you to love you. Look at yourself through My eyes. I gave all I had just for you. I suffered intensely. You are unable to comprehend the level of My suffering because of My love for you. Yes, you.

Now if I freely was willing to suffer and give My life for you, do you think I saw potential for worthiness in My eyes? Yes, I saw you inside and out. I knew in advance all your failures. Yet I freely gave Myself as a sacrifice for you. Yes, for you I did this. 

When I look at you I see perfection, but not because of anything you did. No, My love cannot be earned. It can only be accepted as I freely give it to you. Your perfection can only be because of My Blood. It is the covering of My Blood that cleanses you and makes you worthy, not your works or your striving for perfection. 

Now, My child, let go of your measuring stick. You know,that standard stick, the one you measure both yourself and others with. You know, the one you constantly beat yourself over the head with. Give it to Me, for I am the Standard. My love is the standard. 

Give Me the measuring stick. Your success is measured by My love, not your works of striving for perfection. Only I am perfect. There is no way you can achieve perfection. It is only My Blood covering that makes you perfect. 

What I want for you is to bask in My love. Enjoy My Presence. Sing. Smile. Open your eyes to see the good both in yourself and others. I am success. I am victory. It is only through Me that you can have these in your life. 

Now come here. Come to ME. Allow Me to love you just as you are, flaws, failures, and all. Rejoice in My love for you, not that you’re great, but that I AM great. Know that you are loved by the Almighty King for it is My love that makes you good enough and not you of yourself. No, it is not you, but it is My Spirit within you. 

Henceforth allow Me to have My way with you and fill you with My love. I am the perfect love and there is no other, only I. Now bask in My love for you. Know I have plans for you, plans for a hope and a future. Relax from your self striving for perfection for you will never achieve it. Allow Me to have control. Trust Me. Give yourself to Me. Then watch and see what I will do. 


For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10
 We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


**The short devotional, “Holy 30” (See picture of Day 6.)) is based on I Peter 1:16. It was published by First Baptist of Tillman’s Corner.  I didn’t write any of this devotional, but I do have permission to share it with you.

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