Seeking Day

Seeking Day
Today is “Seeking Day”.

Today is your “seeking day”. Seek My will and seek My Presence. I know you’ll be talking to others, but focus on talking to Me today, all throughout your day. 

Lord, this is such a struggle. It’s an ongoing battle, a major struggle in my life. In fact, it seems I can’t ever win.

Child, victories only come through struggles and battles. There’s never a victory without a battle. 

But Lord, it seems like there’s a war inside of me and I can’t ever win.

My Child, you can win, for you are a winner. After all, you are Mine and all of Mine win. Because I always win. Therefore you win. 

But Lord, right now I feel like a loser, defeated before all to see, especially myself. I see myself as a loser.

So My child, quit looking at what you see. Now look to Me, so you can see what I see. For you, My Child, are strong and victorious.

But Lord, I start out my day strong. Then by night fall I’m weak and defeated.

Then change My child, change your pattern of life. 

How can I? When I wake up, the house is quiet and I can hear Your voice clearly. But in the evening I am tired, the TV is blaring, news is depressing and I fall asleep in my chair.  How can I change this pattern?

Child, make today your “Seeking Day”. You’ve been listening to many voices throughout your day. On this “seeking day”, shut off all other voices and settle yourself in. Seek My voice. Seek My Presence and you will have peace. When I am on your side, you are a winner. It is so for I have declared it so. 

seeking Day
Seek My Presence.

Words From Seeking Day

The Lord will always deliver me from all evil and will bring me into His heavenly Kingdom . . .  2 Timothy 4:18 TLB

. . . God, who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until His task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns. Philippians 1:6 TLB 

Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You have taken hold me of my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to honor and glory. Psalms 73:23-24 AMP

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