Seek My Presence

Seek My Presence
Seek My Presence

My Child, seek My Presence, rest in My love. Know I’m not a performance-based God. No, instead it’s My desire for you to seek and enjoy My Presence. So cease from your striving for perfection and enjoy My company, My Presence. 

You can never achieve even your own performance standards. So let go and just enjoy My Presence. For My Presence is sweetness for your soul. My Presence will fill you with peace and joy unspeakable. 

My love for you is not based off what you do. Instead My love for you is based off what I’ve done. You can’t earn My love by your so-called good performance. My love is freely given to you for no reason except I want to give it. I want to give you My love- not a “to do” list. I just want to love My people  and help them to know my love deep within their hearts.Seek My Presence

This is My focus- to exchange love with My people. I love them and I long for them to love Me. They’re not to strive to earn My love. After all it can’t be earned for the price is too high and no one can pay it, no matter how rich they are. But I freely give My love to each and everyone, no matter their walk in life. I am concerned over each individual. And I reach out in My love to all, to each and every single one.

People have been so beat up with all their man-created religious rules. They beat up on each other, full of judgements and accusations. Then they compare themselves to each other to measure their own performance standards. And all I want to do is love them. 

But Lord, what about all those rules You gave to Moses and all those rules in Leviticus?

Child, each one of those rules were to make their lives better and easier. Living by those rules will bring you a better life versus the concept of “do whatever you want to”. If you look at those who follow the philosophy of “do whatever makes you happy”, they are miserable.

Your victory is assured
Because of Me, your victory is assured.

Selfishness causes much heartache. The rules I gave help bring order and peace. When people do whatever makes them happy by living for their own selfish desires, it causes much pain and heartache. I knew selfishness caused misery, so I gave My rules as a gift of wisdom. 

People think if they only please themselves then they would be free to enjoy their lives in their own pleasure. But it doesn’t work that way. 

It’s only living a life in My Presence that brings true peace, joy, love, and deliverance. It’s only My love that sets people free to truly enjoy their lives.

These rules are to guide them until they come to know My love. When My Presence and My love rule over their hearts, then they won’t need to be concerned with rules, for I will lead them and guide them to an abundant free life, full of joy and peace. My love is the answer for all their questions.

I do not expect perfection from My children, for I know they are weak and frail humans. But I do long for their love.

Seek His Presence

But seek first the kingdom God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Seek the Lord while He may be found , call upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6

But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works. Psalm 73:28

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of god, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9

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