Romans 8:28 and Trust

I’m learning about Romans 8:28 and trust. Here’s how the conversation went:

Lord, the scales went up even though I only ate broiled seafood (notice- broiled, not fried like I love it) , 2 cups of gumbo with no rice (notice- no rice), 2 rice cakes (notice- with nothing spread on them), one small satsuma, and one small apple. That’s all I ate all day long and yet the scales went up.

Now Lord, I ask You, how can that cause a one pound weight gain?Romans 8:28 and trust

Child, yesterday you drank no water and had very little activity. I’m teaching you.

Well Lord, . . . what am I learning?

Child, you’re learning about Romans 8:28 and trust. Both yesterday and today you ate past full. You chose to eat past full. When you don’t follow instructions, you get what you get.

Consequences always come from all decisions. Whether they are good consequences or bad, there are always consequences to every decision. Weigh your thoughts and consider your consequences.

Today focus on following the eating plan I gave you: 1) Wait until hunger before eating. 2) Seek My guidance concerning your food choices. 3) Trust and obey My instructions. 4) Stop eating before you reach full. 

Your desire is to lose weight, but My desire is to teach you about Roman 8:28 and trust. Trust and obey. Throughout this process I am teaching you how to trust and look to Me. 

Learn this now and when a crisis comes you will know how to come through victorious. Now today focus on the words and instructions I have already given to you. You will have victory today for I have already ordained it. 

Yes Sir. Thank you Sir. Forgive me for my complaining and choosing to go against Your instructions. Help me to focus on Your will, to trust and obey You in all things even with the food I eat and how much I eat.Trust

Romans 8:28 and Trust

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMP

What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 AMP

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us]. Romans 8:37 AMP




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