Be Strong, My Child

Be strong, My Child

Be strong, My Child.

Lord, does my overeating take away the power of my prayers?

No, My child. It takes away the power of your faith in your prayers. 

That’s why Satan works so hard to keep you defeated and ashamed. Because it damages your faith, which in turn, takes away the power of your prayers. 

I see. Lord, I never knew.

Child, without faith you have no power. Instead you’re defeated and ashamed. That’s why Satan works so hard at tempting My children. His goal is to destroy the power of their faith.

So be strong, My child. 

(Accuser: Yes, people all over the world are struggling for life and you’re defeated by pleasure food. What a weak, wimpy Christian you are. You’ll never be strong. Because you can’t resist your pleasure foods.)

My Child, don’t listen to the Accuser. For I am your strength and I am your power. And you can do all things through My power. Because I am your strength and I will strengthen you.

This whole week you’ve allowed Satan to defeat you. But today is the day you will celebrate My victory, the victory I have already planned for you. Be strong

Therefore as you yield yourself to Me and walk in My strength, you’ll find new strength. Today, you will have a rebirth of My strength and My power within you. 

So declare today a day of victory. I say it again, “Declare today a day of victory.”

For victory is Mine, saith the Lord. Yes, I’ll say it again, “Victory is Mine.”

Therefore be strong My child and walk in the victory I have already planned for you.

Yes Lord, I declare today is a new day of victory.

Today focus on My Presence. Focus on worship. So sing over your victory, for I sing over you. 

As you seek My will and My guidance for each day, I will lead you. After all, I have your victory in My hand. And  I will infuse you with My strength and My power to resist temptation.

In fact, I infuse you with My power as you yield yourself to Me.

So be strong, My child. For I am celebrating your victory now. 

 Feed On This

He gives power to the weak, and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:29 NLT

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones. Proverbs 3:6-8 NKJV

Let the weak say, “I am strong.” Joel 3:10 NKJV

Be strong in the Lord
There are no perfect people, but God has already planned for your victory.

Spend Time With Me, Child.

Spend time with Me
Spend time with Me.

Spend time with Me, My child.

Here I am, Lord. So what would You like to talk about?

You, My child. I love you.

Oh Lord, I don’t know why. After all, I feel stupid, messed up, and confused. It seems I’m constantly running back and forth in circles.

As a matter of fact, I stay extremely busy. But I’m accomplishing nothing, that is nothing significant.

Lord, I’m so confused. Most of the time, I feel like a failure.

Child, don’t you know I love you as you are. But I’m not going to let you stay this way.

As a matter of fact, I’m going to change you into My victory trophy.

Lord, I don’t feel like a victory trophy. At this time, I feel like I am a failure example.

Child, in My family there are no failures, only lessons not learned yet. And you are learning. In fact, the main thing you’re learning is that I love you unconditionally.

And I will always love you.

Nothing can change that, not even you. So there, My Child, rest in that. Rest in My love.

But Lord, I want to be used by You.

Child, you are and you will be.

Lord, help me keep my focus on You.

Child, don’t worry about goals set by others. Instead, make it your goal to do My will each day to the best of your ability. And I’ll take care of the rest. Trust Me. Spend time with Me.

Yes Sir. Help me keep my focus on Your will, pleasing You in all things, in all ways.

Child, I have you in My hands. I have all My children in My hands holding each one close to My heart.

 I enjoy blessing all My people. But it’s Satan’s desire to steal, kill, and destroy. In comparison, it’s My desire to bless, increase, grant a hope and a future, to prosper all of Mine, heal, set free, and deliver.

It’s My plan to bless with increase, restoration, and to grant eternal life to all who seek My love.

Child, it’s your job to trust and obey. So allow Me to guide your every step and your every word. And spend time with Me.

Yes, Lord, thank you for Your mercy and Your love. I don’t deserve it. I never can.

Child, I love you because I want to, not because you deserve it. I love all of Mine because I want to. After all, I willingly gave up My life because I wanted to.

Spend time with Me, My child.

I love all, but I’ll never force My love on anyone. They have to ask Me. They have to invite Me into their hearts.

Oh, if they only knew the depths of My love, the infinity of My love, and the indescribable joys of My love. Then, not only would they ask Me to be in their hearts, they would run to Me in joyful anticipation of My love for them.

But Satan lies and deceives them. He clogs up their ears with his mind blinding spirit. He fills their hearts with false promises of all that glitters, but is not true gold.

My Presence not only opens ears to hear My voice, but it also heals broken hearts and renew minds with limitless possibilities. All things are possible in My Presence. 

Feed On This

. . . Let the weak say, “I am strong.” Joel 3:10 

In the day I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul. Psalms 138:3 

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8 : 38,39 

I See You As Beautiful, Child

I see you as beautiful, My child.
God see you as beautiful.

I see you as beautiful, Child, for you are My creation and everything I create is beautiful. Remember, after I created earth and all that was in it, I looked at what I created and said, “It is good”.

But Lord, I don’t like what I see when I look in the mirror, both the physical mirror and the spiritual mirror.

Know this, My Child, I see “all” of who you are. And I love you without condition. For I am not a performance-based God. You do not earn My love, for I freely give it to all who will receive it. 

It was sin that brought ugliness and dirty to My creation. And it’s the sin in your life that causes you not to like what you see as you look at yourself.

But it will be My Presence within you that’ll make you beautiful, both to others and yourself. And it’s My Presence within you is what makes you especially beautiful to Me.

When I see you full of My Presence, I see you as gloriously beautiful.

Oh Lord, I do want to be beautiful to You.

Then My Child, allow Me to fill you with My Presence and all that is ugly will disappear. Even your wrinkles will be evidence of laughter and wisdom.

Lord, I want You. And I want Your will in all I do, say, and especially what I think. Renew my mind. At times that’s the ugliest part of me. Sometimes my thoughts of evilness shock even me.

In fact, it’s in my mind where I fight and struggle the most. Renew my mind Lord. Change me and make me onto the person You want me to be.

I see you as beautiful, Child.
I see you as beautiful, Child, for you are Mine.

Here I am, I give myself to thee. Do with me as You wish.

Child, I love you and I see you as beautiful, not ugly. Always remember I love you. No matter what, I love you. I gave My life blood for you because I love you.

Oh Lord, help me to love You as I should. Help me to please You in all my ways.

Child, remember I am not a performance-based God. In fact, I am a God of love. And it’s My love for you that will clean you up and make you pure, with a clean heart and a clean mind. 

Sometimes that process of cleansing is uncomfortable and not easy. But you’ll come through it all victorious. After all, that’s My plan for you- Victory.

In fact, that is My plan for each and every one of Mine. Victory is Mine, saith the Lord.

Seek My guidance and seek My voice. Seek My love and wisdom above all else and you’ll never go wrong as you yield and surrender yourself to My will in all things. 

Lord, help me.

My Child, I am helping you.

Feed On This

   I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalms 32:8 

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4: 19

        For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1: 7

Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the light of Your Presence, O Lord. Psalm 89:15

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17 

No perfect people
There are no perfect people. but the Lord gives victory to all who seek Him.

Seeking Day

Seeking Day
Today is “Seeking Day”.

Today is your “seeking day”. Seek My will and seek My Presence. I know you’ll be talking to others, but focus on talking to Me today, all throughout your day. 

Lord, this is such a struggle. It’s an ongoing battle, a major struggle in my life. In fact, it seems I can’t ever win.

Child, victories only come through struggles and battles. There’s never a victory without a battle. 

But Lord, it seems like there’s a war inside of me and I can’t ever win.

My Child, you can win, for you are a winner. After all, you are Mine and all of Mine win. Because I always win. Therefore you win. 

But Lord, right now I feel like a loser, defeated before all to see, especially myself. I see myself as a loser.

So My child, quit looking at what you see. Now look to Me, so you can see what I see. For you, My Child, are strong and victorious.

But Lord, I start out my day strong. Then by night fall I’m weak and defeated.

Then change My child, change your pattern of life. 

How can I? When I wake up, the house is quiet and I can hear Your voice clearly. But in the evening I am tired, the TV is blaring, news is depressing and I fall asleep in my chair.  How can I change this pattern?

Child, make today your “Seeking Day”. You’ve been listening to many voices throughout your day. On this “seeking day”, shut off all other voices and settle yourself in. Seek My voice. Seek My Presence and you will have peace. When I am on your side, you are a winner. It is so for I have declared it so. 

seeking Day
Seek My Presence.

Words From Seeking Day

The Lord will always deliver me from all evil and will bring me into His heavenly Kingdom . . .  2 Timothy 4:18 TLB

. . . God, who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until His task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns. Philippians 1:6 TLB 

Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You have taken hold me of my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to honor and glory. Psalms 73:23-24 AMP

Seek My Answers, Child

Seek My answers, Child.

Lord, I know You’re the answer to all.

But Child, you do not seek My answers. 

Lord, I thought I did. I’m so confused.

Child, listen to Me. 

So Lord, what do I do?

To begin with Child, seek My Presence first. Then listen as I speak to your heart. Seek My answers to all your questions. Also spend time reading My Word, for you will find many answers there as well.Seek His answers Continue reading Seek My Answers, Child

Promise Land of Victory

Your promise land of victory is just ahead. So Child, look to Me and keep going forth.

Promise Land of Victory

Know this Child, I’m helping you. I am with you on your side. And I’ll keep you wherever you go. I’ll always bring you back to your personal promise land of victory.

And I’ll not leave you until I have completed all in your life, until I have fulfilled all My promises to you and all My words. In fact, know this, I will never leave you. 

Even when you wandered off My chosen path for you, I never left your side. But I always gently guided you back to the path I designed just for you. 

Yes, I forgive your failures. But know this, you’re not a failure for you are Mine. In fact, none of Mine are failures for I have determined victory for all of Mine, My victory for each one.

Thank you Lord for Your mercy and Your forgiveness. Thank you for Your promises and Your love, especially Your love.

And thank you Lord, for never giving up on me.

Child, I’ll never give up on you. I never give up on any of Mine. I’ll never give up for I AM the WINNER over all, even you, My child. 

Promise land of victory.
Each new day is your Promise Land of victory.

Thank you Lord for talking with me this morning.

Words of Victory

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land, for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you. Genesis 28:15  

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.           1 Corinthians 15:57


It’s your new day of victory!

Say I am Strong

Say I am strongChild, let the weak say, “I am strong.”

Lord, I am weak.

Child, let the weak say, “I am strong.”

Lord, I can’t.

Child, you’re right. You can’t. But let the weak say, “I am strong.”

Lord, if I said, “I am strong”, then I’d be lying.

Child, did you invite Me into your heart?

Yes Sir. Say I am strong.

Then let the weak say, “I am strong”. For I Am strong and I Am in your heart. So let the weak say, “I am strong”.

Lord, I don’t know what to do. It seems I’ve failed at all my attempts for victory.

Child, you lost 90 pounds on My eating plan for you. Then you lost 40 pounds on your plan. I don’t call that failure. I call that success.

What was gained back I call struggle. My child, you are in a struggle and a fight.

But let the weak say, “I am strong”. Because of My power within you- you have all the strength you need to defeat this giant of food addiction in your life.

How do you think it looked to little David before the great giant? Let the weak say, “I am strong.”

Lord, I feel as though I am drowning in a sea of junk food.

Child, changing habits is hard. But I am with you.

Lord, I feel like such a wimp. So many are suffering so much. It looks so bad for so many, and here I am whining to You about my food issues.

Child, I see you. And I see them too. I see all. And I am helping each one with their struggles. Know that I care about each one no matter what level of struggle they are dealing with.  

To the greater need, I provide greater strength and peace. I surround them with My love and My Presence. But I do the same with you as well. 

Lord, I feel so stupid and insignificant.

Child, you are important to Me. I have a specific plan for you and your life. In fact I intend to help you fulfill and achieve victory. Yes, I have victory planned for you.

In fact, I have victory planned for each one of Mine. Some have greater victories. Some have smaller victories. But I have victories planned for each one. 

Lord, I don’t understand.

Child, it is not necessary that you understand. But it is necessary that you trust Me. Now, let the weak say, “I am strong”.

Alright Lord, I am strong.

Your Victory Planned

Say I Am Strong

. . . Let the weak say I am strong. Joel 3:10 NKJV

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV

He will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from all blame on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 1 Corinthians 1:8 NLT

What a wonderful God we have- He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy and the One who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. . . . 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 TLB



The suffering innocents
The Lord hears the cries of the suffering innocents.
The suffering innocents, Lord, what about them?
I hear and listen to their cries. Know this, My child, upon their last  earthly breath, they are immediately gathered into the safety of My loving tender bosom. Know this, My child, once I have them, I reward them in paradise so immensely that they can only rejoice in eternal happiness as they release their pain into the sea of forgetfulness.


Surrender Is The Key

Surrender is the key to victory and prosperity.

Surrender is the key to victory.
Surrender is the key to victory.

Child, surrender is the key to victory and prosperity.  As you surrender yourself, your heart, your dreams, and your desires I will bless you.

Lord, I don’t know what to write.

Child, I’ll give you the words to speak, but first you must surrender all.  You must feed yourself . Before you can help others, you must first feed yourself My Word and My Presence first. 

Yes Sir.

Just as on a plane, the parent should put on their oxygen mask first. Then put the mask on the child next. So feed yourself and take in the breathe of My Holy Spirit.

Surrender is the key.
Because of Me, your victory is assured.

Take in the breathe of My Holy Spirit, My Presence first, and before all else. Then you can help others.

Feed on My Word and My Presence. Then you will receive power to defeat your enemies, especially your greatest enemy, Satan.

After all, his desire is to keep you defeated and discouraged. So feed on My Word and My Presence, My Holy Spirit, therein you will find power. 

Now Child, clean up your own backyard, your eating habits, your heart, and your attitudes. Quit worrying about the future. Take one day at a time, one day.

Make it your goal to seek My will and then follow My will. For what good is it if you ask for advice and then never follow it? 

So your focus should be surrender first. Then look to Me for your instructions. Next, follow how I lead you. Surrender is the key to your victory and a successful life of victory.

  1. Surrender.
  2. Look to Me and listen for instructions.
  3. Follow, trust, and obey how I lead you.

Your job is not a quota. Your job is surrender. That’s your focus, surrender, the first key to unlock your victory. 

Yes Sir.

Child, keep your eyes on Me and your heart surrendered to me. Let go of all that is in your hand. Then open your hand to receive what I have for you. It’s beyond your expectation. Keep your eyes on Me.

Child, as you surrender to My will (especially your food), I will make you stronger. As you let go, I will increase your strength. Now let go. 

Yes Sir. Surrender is the key.

Let go of it all and come before Me, completely surrendered and empty of all that clutters your heart, and your mind. Allow Me to fill you with Myself. 

Quit wishing for more time and accomplish what I tell you to do, in the time I give you. I will give you all the time you need to accomplish all, all the tasks I assign you. 

Seek My will each day. Then watch and see what I will do with your time. I can multiply it. 

Your key to success is surrender. So therefore, surrender your self and all you are, all your dreams, desires, and wishes. Surrender your all to Me. Then watch and see what I do. 

So quit trying to figure everything out. Just focus on surrender, As you take each step in surrender, I will lead you to your own personal victory. 

Child, quit trying on your own. Give it all to Me.

Yes sir. Lord, take it. Take me. I give myself to thee. Do with me as your wish.

Child, do not fear for I am with you

Surrender is the Key

Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. Psalms 105:4 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8  


No Perfect People


No perfect people
There are no perfect people, but God has already planned for your victory.

Child, I have no perfect people. All those I love have flaws and imperfections. That’s why I came, to offer them healing for their souls, for their broken bodies, and for their disillusioned and disappointed minds. I came to offer them forgiveness for all their failures, even you.

Child, I love you. 

Lord, I love you too. Thank you for loving me. I’m so imperfect, so full of flaws and selfishness. Sometimes I’m even full of abundant food.

It seems I’m always praying about what concerns me the most, not what concerns You the most. I don’t do a “work” for You. Mostly I do a work for myself, to meet my needs and desires instead of Your needs and desires. Lord, forgive me.

As I look at people, I always think, “Who can I talk to about my program?” But Lord, what they need most is Your Program. I have yet to talk to someone about Your program, Your saving power.

Child, I have no perfect people. All of those I love have flaws and imperfections. But I came to offer them healing for their bodies, either permanently by bringing them home to be with Me, or through a process. Sometimes I touch them with My healing touch and it brings a miraculous healing for them. Only God, My heavenly Father, knows and I follow His will completely. Therefore, it pleases both Me and My Father when you seek My will in all things. 

But Lord, what about this program I’m on? I pray seeking your will, but I feel shame and guilt using a program to lose weight instead of just eating in obedience to You.

Child, as long as you seek My will about what to eat, as long as you seek My strength to resist temptation to overindulge, you are eating in submission to Me. So depend on Me for all things and I will lead you. Remember Psalms 32:8.

Many of my servants advertise their books. You are advertising a program that benefits you , but it also brings deliverance to others. Yes, they pay for it, but sometimes healing comes through a process. Remember? And through this health coaching you’re reaching out to others in love. 

So there’s more to this than just selling a weight loss plan. This is a process in which freedom can come to many. In fact, it has already come to many. After all, this is not selling soap, or storage containers, it’s teaching a way of life. It’s breaking the bondages of defeat. So many of My children have struggled for so many years with food addiction and excess weight. 

Overall, this program can help them break free and learn how to make healthy choices. This time you are selling (offering) freedom, a way, tools to help others gain and find freedom. Look at how it has helped your husband. He has freedom now. So rejoice and do away with this guilt you have. 

Thank you Lord for talking with me.

Child, My pleasure.



He must increase, I must decrease. John 3:30

      I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Psalms 32:8 NKJV

But thanks be to god, who gives us victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ.  1Corinthians 15:57 NKJV

No perfect people
There are no perfect people. but the Lord gives victory to all who seek Him.